Jasper Valarian

Name Jasper Valarian
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 2
Drive 8
Looks 2
Cool 3
Bonk 2
Powers Hammerspace
Technology Obeys Him
Metalworking Made Easy
Signal Jammer
Clusters Absolutely Metal +3
Skills Tinkering +3
Ignore Terrible Noise +1
Knacks Likes Terrible Noise +2
1 Hyperdimensional Calculus / M. Vale
2 Battlefields of Earth / Pointman
3 Metalshop / Krueger
4 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis
5 Speculative Engineering / Valarian (mom!)
6 Epic Poetry / Rayne
7 Improvisational Weaponry And You / Freeman
8 Advanced Air Guitar / Zeets


Dragon Leaf-Rain Filament
Donor parent Thirrea Valarian
Siblings Vermilion





Name: Filament
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 8'5" s / 48' l / 90' ws
*Colors: For the most part Filament will look brown, coppery, and golden-orange *colors vary, see Powers
Features: Leafwing Rainwing Hybrid, Leaf dominant, only some neck spines/webbing and frill, and coloration, to Rainwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Though big wings usually make for tremendous flight ability, Filament prefers to be on the ground for the most part. However, even if he's not that speedy in the air, he's very precise, and can hover without disturbing a single leaf in an autumn forest. This proves quite helpful since he is relied upon for readings and overhead views, as well as holding things steadily for his friend. He can also evade remarkably well, putting sudden bursts of speed into an otherwise slow-paced flight.
Clinging, While many Leafwings aren't geared for it, Rainwing claws often enough have claws that can grip and tear, grabbing purchase on even slick surfaces. Filament can do this with ease, but also can 'stick' things to himself for later use. Almost as though he's magnetic without actually having a magnetic field to disrupt any delicate readings or materials. He's too big to climb most building interiors, but he can scale their exteriors with only minor damage. Put him in a natural setting, with a large cavern or big trees, and he's very much at home upside down or lurking in the corner on the ceiling.
Communication, Filament's mind is bright and clear, at least to his human friend. He can speak verbally as well as communicate through static bursts and even has learned Morse code, his preference is to keep his mind open for commentary while Jasper is close by, and use the unique shrieking static hiss that he can produce to disrupt ears that might not be friendly.
Energy Absorption, Unique to him, Filament is able to tune himself to a frequency of energy, usually some form of radiation or explosive in nature. With it he needs no food, this acts like a Leafwing's normal photosynthesis only he can absorb percussive energies as well as solar or radiation.
Color Changing, though usually in the shades seen below, Filament's actual coloration can be changed on all parts except claws; he tends toward copper, rust, gold, and other such red-yellow toned coloration. Moreover there are tiny speckles of brightly reflective bits all over his body and limbs (though not wingsails) which sparkle and can be used as a distraction. All of this is consciously controlled, but become very bright when absorbing energy or needing to frighten / startle an enemy.
Parentage: Unknown, it is possible that he has distant relatives among the more brown Leafwings, but none directly
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Quite a lot of people believe that Filament is just a bit of a pest, because he tends to lurk and say nothing to people but intently stare at them. Truth is, he might be staring but not at them: he can see radio waves, and is usually looking for spy signals or Combine threats.