In order to adequately defend and infiltrate, as well as to do some damage to the Combine wherever it sits, Jade, Azure and Maize are sent out to remote locations. With Jade, any given Combine without a brain in it (all machines) believes that she's "one of them". That leads to some interesting disoveries, and her chameleon power helps her to escape if need be. However, once she knows where something is, she passes that information off to Maize and Azure. Maize will invariably locate the spot to be 'cleansed'. Once she's got the location set and the locals cleared out safely... Azure fucks it over. Hard. They all pretty much make their 'mommies' proud.
Name: Rionaty
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Smallish Bipedal, 6'8" hip / 25' l / 24' and 26' ws
Colors: Ore Drak, bright slightly speckled gold body and limbs; wingsails bright silver slightly mottled and reflective; mane and tail metallic silver; horns and claws dark graphite; all those red markings may or may not be blood, but they sure do stick around. (will inherit to next generation, as well)
Features: Icarian Drak; four legs, bipedal with longer hind legs than fore, 3 fingers and thumb, 3 claws with dewclaw hind; four wings, hind are slightly larger than fore but not by much, all have three visible fingers with a prominent wrist thumb, all bearing sharp claws; hide is thick leather with short heavy fur, mane covers back of head and full neck, strip down chest, tail tuft; head has external wedge-shaped ears, and two short spiraled backswept horns; Icarian naming, offspring will inherit naming structure (males **ty, females ty**).
Powers: Winged Flight, all Draks sport four fast moving wings, Rionaty is exceptionally sturdy in the air, and prefers cruising close to the ground and scaling structures with inches to spare. He is a daredevil but also quite talented at his tricks.
Portal / Teleport, he can use a Drak Portal, bringing with him anything close enough to touch with his wings - so he usually does this in mid-air, and not on the ground where he may bring unexpected guests. He can move extremely far using a local portal, up to 20km, but he is also talented at moving back and forth through dimensional portals. This will exhaust him, however, and he does need to rest after each.
Mental Bond, Verbal Communication - like his parents and all Draks, Rio can choose to vocally speak, he understands English and some amount of other spare languages around. However he very rarely 'chooses' to speak, and if he does, it's either to his bond directly and in private, or to an enemy that just needs to be yelled at before meeting a messy death. His mental communication with Azure is tightly controlled and never listened in on, she seems to be the only one who can properly hear him at all. He can however hear and may choose to communicate with other Vortal or mentally powered creatures.
Venom Bite, unlike many of their kin, Rio and his siblings have a slightly mutated acid-spit delivery system, in that their fangs and teeth are able to inject venom directly into prey. This venom acts quickly and serves to disable anything with a biological nervous system in moments, from a dog-sized creature like a Hound-Eye, to taking a couple bites and several minutes to disable a Combine transport ship or Strider. And yes, they do know how dangerous that is, getting close enough to either of those things to tell whether it works on Combine...
Parentage: Draks Ore Female Benngena and Rough Trade (marked ore) Male Iriarty; Siblings (all) Banityna, Iglatyna, Gunnaty, Rionaty
Origin: Icarus Dun Keiba messy nest
Other Info: If Azure needed more ability to pull blood out of things, Rio is certainly living up to the expectation. He is exactly as bloodthirsty as his bond, and will go to great lengths to protect her - or maybe to bring her closer to the action to see how he's doing. |