
Name Marina
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none
Smarts 9
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 9* godlike interventions
Drive 2
Looks 3
Cool 7
Bonk 8* this isn't because of bulk or height, just purely that he can take far more damage than most
Powers Pretty godly ones - Because Tzan is effectively a 'blessed' being, quite a few of the pantheon related to her background are keeping a close eye on this odd creation and his brother Pumice. Thankfully they're gods from Twoarth and they know the value of mixing and matching. If they'd been from any other world, they might not be so kind. They do actively look out for him, that massive boost to Luck is an effect of this. He also can sometimes use this power to float or scale improbable heights without climbing, but even Marina doesn't seem to remember actually doing those things. (Tzan can actively float, herself.)
Genrehop - Marina can appear in nearly any dimension he likes, though it does wear him out quite a bit and he must rest both before and after, to collect his wits and recover his energy. He can bring large groups or small dragons with him, but it's considerably easier to do alone or just with Evenstar.
Telepathy - as with all of the Color Guard, he's got a tight bond with his 'siblings' even if they share only marginal DNA. He can speak at distances up to 100 miles, but he must know the person's mind pretty well to be able to spot them at that distance. Otherwise he has a minor and closer range Empathy ability and can claim he 'likes animals' and they like him right back most times.
Animate Objects - from tiny gears and clockwork, literal stick figures made of popsicle sticks and rubber bands, to entire factory floor worth of machinery and even vehicles, Marina can cause all of these things to move and even 'speak' on their own. Though he doesn't have any specific knowledge of a factory's working, he could tell the devices - powered or unpowered - to start work, and they will do so until he stops them. Marina can use this power to observe through these objects, sensing through them as though his vision and hearing is in their 'head' (he can put that 'head' anywhere on an inanimate object) but only so far as normal human hearing and sight would allow, so he can't see around corners or hear across long distances with them. Also a stipulation is that the object being animated must be made of multiple component parts, so he can't animate a simple cotton t-shirt, but he could work with a beaded necklace or a knitted poncho that has leather trim. A toilet, because it has parts, but not a teacup. Even if an object has rigidity or is normally inflexible, it can for a brief time simply not break if it's moving in a way that doesn't seem natural for it.
Clusters Eye For Detail (artistic and constructive) +2
Skills Cleverly Use Background Scenery +3
Understand Languages +2
Sway The Odds +1
Knacks Clean Fun Pranks +2
1 Interdimensional Surfing / Dude
2 Stage Magic / Velenis
3 Human Culture Studies / A Caroline Clone
4 Speculative Engineering / Valarian
5 Decoding Magical Texts / Liaxeri
6 Living Mythology / El'bis
7 Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone
8 Curry! / Batty
Pets Note, that while the dragon Evenstar is from another planet and dimension entirely, Tzan's beloved dragoness Zamaliss Selamputo thinks he's absolutely dreamy, and of 'just the perfect colors' - in fact they're her colors... It's possible that they might get together at some point, but that remains to be seen, and they would make very pretty babies.
Donor parent Tzan
Siblings Pumice




Name: Evenstar
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (bulky) 11' s / 52' l / 80' ws
Colors: under chin, neck, backs of limbs, belly, under tail medium toned lightish blue; face, neck, limbs, tail armor and wing arms grade from red-maroonish to strong blue centering on purple along entire back, feet blue and wing fingers maroon; over that along nose and head, back of neck, wing arm base, back and tail dorsal area is all spattered with inky black; wingsails grade from reddish violet to dark blue centering on a wide purple under fingers, dotted and dusted with various white and pink shaded star spots, they do move; side (*) spots all vibrant sky blue; horns, spikes, claws all bright white, tongue indigo, eyes maroon red
Features: Pure Nightwing
Powers: Winged Flight, preferring to soar in the early evening sky, and delighting to do aerial stunts while the sun's light is still gracing the horizon, Evenstar is quite showy. He can do many tricks, but is not very quick in the air otherwise. He can heft very large objects with care, however, and hardly musses his rider's hair on landing or takeoff, as he's incredibly graceful and careful with his wings.
Communication, his Nightwing bloodline gives him the ability to easily telepathically communicate with anyone, but he prefers his bond human, and the group at the Rookery who can do so in kind. Otherwise he speaks in a very quiet and velvety smooth voice, English, Draconic, Vort, and several other Human languages. His range on telepathy is around 20 miles. (*) His powers are distinctly different and strong.
Cloud Breath, where most other Nightwings breathe fire, Evenstar's is effectively 'cloud cover'. His breath can apparently attract moisture and mix with warm air, creating his own mini-cloud, which he can use to distract or hide from enemies, and definitely uses this in 'stage magic' with Marina. The cloud can be as wide or thick and as dense as he wishes it to be, though the thicker or bigger it is, the longer he must take to create it. It will last around 20 minutes, so he can produce 'fog' effects for those stage productions... And also just puff on it to make it go away at will though that does tend to blow papers and other things with it.
Parentage: Pure Nightwings, and though he looks like some of the other 'purple Nightwing' group, he is unrelated to any of them.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, base by Luna-the-Nightwing, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Though he's very good in the air and performs brilliant tricks while flying, on the ground Evenstar is a bit shy and doesn't want to be in the spotlight at all. He enjoys being the 'stage hand' to his rider's performances, and encourages other dragons to be all 'acting and stuff'.