
Name Pumice
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 2
Luck 3
Drive 1 (ride dragon 3)
Looks 5
Cool 6
Bonk 4
Powers Godly, Mainly Touchy-Feely; Because he is in a line of 'blessed ones', Pumice has a golden touch with people. He can sense and understand feelings better than almost anyone in the Color Guard, and more than that he genuinely wants to help people when they're hurt or feeling down, and not exploit them while they're recovering.
Enamor, can make someone feel a delicious adoration or outright love for another, even themselves. This is a brief sensation, but often enough to change someone's mind about an argument or remind them about the important things in their life. He cannot force people to love each other long term, but he can pick and choose who is compatible and would never under any circumstance put people who aren't willing to be companions together. On the flip side of this, he can also 'break hearts' - showing an abuser the things they do to their victim, for instance, and allow victims the chance to come up for air in a relationship, to get away from their abuser.
Soothe, As a grief consultant Pumice does a terrific job of finding the base of a problem and exposing it for what it is. Whether that's a childhood trauma or a recent threat, or even an imagined issue that popped up out of the blue, he can help a patient distance themselves from this problem and relax, take a deep breath, and start working to fix it. In a post-apocalyptic world, this is essential, as many of the Refugees at the Rookery have lived for years with the looming dangers of their world.
Laugh At Life, in that grim world he must return to some day, a lot of people haven't found much to laugh about. But he reasons if you can't laugh at danger, disaster, or even yourself, life isn't worth living, and that's just not okay. There's always something - did you know your freckles make a star chart? A Combine, an Advisor, and a Dragon walk into a bar... To lighten the mood and make people willing to admit there's still the future to look forward to, he gives a glimmer of hope.
Clusters Incredible Charm +3
Skills Psychology +2
Product Placement +2
Personnel Management +2
Knacks Always Just Right Where You Need Him +2
1 Psych Out / Axemurderer
2 Health for N00bs / Virus
3 Betting and Odds / Haital
4 Mental Healing / Retali8r
5 Semi-Professional Massage / Zoeller
6 Epic Poetry / Rayne
7 Religion and Belief / McPanda
8 Tea Ceremony / McPanda
Pets none, but has followers
Donor parent Tzan
Siblings Marina


Pumice lives up to his name. As in, he is an abrasive but lovely person who smooths out rough edges. A callused heel is smoothed down to softness with a pumice stone, and Pumice goes over mental and psychologial issues to reduce them to nothing over time.


Name: Granite
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (broad, bulky) 14' s / 60' l / 96' ws
Colors: Chin, neck, belly, backs of limbs, under tail light warm grey; face, neck, limbs medium grey; fringe scales, dorsal spines and tail nubs, horns, claws, wing finger armor medium warm grey; face top, neck, back, wing arms, back of tail dark cool grey speckled with flecks and spots of light grey; wingsails dark brown with lighter splatter and speckle; eyes copper
Features: Full Mudwing
Powers: Winged Flight, though improbably burly, Granite is a strong if slow flier. He can move extremely heavy weights, and is stable in the air with a very slow lurch (a rocking motion, hardly jolting in any way), so he can carry patients needing to be lulled or entire train cars if needed. He isn't in any way agile in the air, however, so he will choose to fly rather high up before trying to deliver any cargo in stead of attempting to move around trees, buildings, or mountains.
Communication, Granite speaks in a rumbling, deep, but calming voice. No one has ever heard him 'shout', he tempers his mood with silence rather than outbursts. He can speak quite technical English and even Latin, Vortigese with ease, and of course a variety of Draconic languages. He has a close Vortal connection with his bond friend, and they share opinions quite frequently.
Healing Hearth, while Mudwings do have fire breath, Granite's is in the form of a warm 'heat bubble', which can soothe both moods and light injuries. He likes to keep the areas under his wings warm (which also aids in his ungainly flight), so that he can effectively protect and also heal those under his care. Humans, Vorts, aliens of all kinds, and small dragons can all be healed in this manner, though any deep injuries or lasting trauma should be taken care of by others. Even just a few minutes in the presence of this massive gentle giant can calm frazzled nerves, and though they don't care to be on the front lines, quite often Granite and Pumice will be on hand before a big battle to keep the warriors nerves in line.
Mud Dragon Healing, as with most Mudwings, he is able to take a patch of mud, preferably a nice smooth clay, and imbue it with his magical power of healing. This doesn't work on bipeds or non-dragons, only draconic creatures (flits, through massive dragons). With it he can pack a wound of any severity, from a simple wing tear to a crushed limb, and return it to its normal healthy state. Generally the entire limb or area must be packed with about an inch of this mud, so he has his own wallow to bring patients into, rather than trying to carefully heft around hundreds of gallons of the stuff and risk dropping it. Simple wounds take only about an hour to fully heal, while deeper injuries or larger wounds will take several days and numerous treatments. He cannot treat psychological issues with this, but often enough will take the time to chat and listen while the patient is healing physically.
Parentage: Unknown, unrelated to any Rookery dragons
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: As Pumice is able to smooth down emotional issues, Granite is the Shoulder To Cry On, a stable rock in a swirling mess of a world. He takes this duty seriously, but he is far from humorless, after all his rider is a bit wonky sometimes...