Sandy Gomez

Name Sandy Gomez
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not unless you get her angry then she's a superfood
Totem none
Donor parent Santana Gomez
Siblings None known?
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 8
Drive 2
Looks 2
Cool 2
Bonk 5
Powers Precognition - though her 'mother' Santana doesn't have any overt abilities, with a little fiddling, Sandy is able to briefly see into the future just in time to avoid any disaster or danger. This can occur at any time, and is uncontrolled, which of course she gets a little angry about.
Survival in Unlikely Situations / Luck - When she cannot avoid that danger, however, Sandy is able to withstand a stupid amount of dangerous activity before she even starts to take damage. She will take that damage like any normal person, but getting her to the point where she's hit or immersed, electrocuted, gassed, or whatever else takes a lot of effort on the part of the universe. Whether it's because she's found a tiny little ledge on the side of a cliff she'd almost certainly have died falling from, or the electricity cuts out just barely on the other side of that tiny little berm, or there just happened to be a dead guy with super nice warm clothes and a bag of MREs he hadn't eaten before getting headcrabbed... Any of those situations can and has happened by the way. She does seem to get into trouble...
Clusters Urban Exploration and Navigation +3
Skills Fend For Herself +2
Dole Out Materials Sparingly And Still Be Healthy +2
Knacks Anger Issues +2
1 Economic Structure and Reassignment Via Physical Means / Magpie
2 Battlefields of Earth / Pointman
3 Betting and Odds / Haital
4 Interspecies Politics / Kuyul
5 Warfare and Tactics / Pointman
6 Practical Anatomy / V Sanger
7 Improvisational Weaponry And You / Freeman
8 Journalism / Leland
Pets There may be snakes. Or headcrabs.





Name: Wilt
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 8'4" s / 48' l / 74' ws
Colors: face, neck, body, lmbs tail medium tan; belly armor and backs of legs hazel green-tan; dorsal armor and spines from nose, neck, back, and tail medium charcoal-brown; cell scales medium green; wingsails and fins creamy tan; claws white, eyes deep blue
Features: Pure Leafwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Wilt is not a very strong or durable flier, but can get from point A to point B adequately fast and without getting hit or hitting anything in the process. In fact he seems to have taken some flight lessons from butterflies and leafs on wind currents in that regard. He can lift up to three passengers but they absolutely will get seasick.
Communication, Wilt is able to speak very clearly in Draconic, English, Spanish, and a touch of Vort. Though he has a decent Vortal connection to Sandy, that's about all the telepathy he has.
Plant Killer, of all the Leafwings to have an absolute black thumb, Wilt is the best at it, at least to hear him say it. He can take a strong and hardy tree and reduce it to mulch within about a month of daily effort, or rot out existing wood and lumber within hours. Now, that doesn't seem like it might be a very handy or necessary power but he does pretty impressive things with it, such as weakening beams to produce a weight trap, toppling trees or telephone poles onto enemies, and the like. Also of note, this power is one that he must actually concentrate on using: it doesn't just destroy plants that others have shaped or grown on purpose! He can do this at less than 50 meters only, and works best when up close. He can also concentrate on taking wood down to a useful fodder, if you can't build with it, at least the humans can then make firewood or charcoal out of it, or use it to fertilize other gardens.
Parentage: Unknown, apparently unrelated to any Rookery dragons
Origin: Adopted from Tropicat212 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Though his human friend has plenty of anger issues, Wilt is actually quite easygoing, and can always calm her when she's mad. Also, his flight sounds like the crunching of dry leaves.