
Name Spectrum
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Honey Roasted
Totem none
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 5
Luck 2
Drive 2 (ride dragon 5)
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 5
Powers Adaptation (Genetic flexibility); because Spectrum is a 'mutt', derived from a Lumin elf that has no fewer than five other species mixed into his DNA, Spectrum is able to effectively breed with any humanoid at all. Even ones with more or fewer limbs, extra appendages, cold or warm blooded, it doesn't matter in the slightest to his own DNA. Now, this wouldn't typically be something he'd use frequently, but it also allows him to 'pick up' features for defense locally: a 'fantasy dwarf' with keen dark vision and a sense of rock and stone would give him those features, while an 'angelic' partner would afford him a glowing aura and perhaps abilities to sense motive and good/evil. He mainly uses this to adapt to locations in the ruins: stealth, durability, clinging to walls or even shadow walking, all of these things are available if he has the right companion. Notably, however, he cannot use the Color Guard directly as they all share existing DNA from one or another Lane. (Thus he also cannot use any of the Pantheon who shares that line, such as Paxton or Darly for this purpose.) The effects wear off after about 24 hours, and he must concentrate to take on specific features.
Group Empathy/Control; the amount of sheer Psionic force of will that Spectrum shows is impressive, and he can sense the moods of upwards of 100 individuals in a 40 meter sphere. This can help locate trouble makers, isolating a specific person or swaying a rowdy crowd to a less agitated state. He can control 30 of those 100, easily, and 50 if the mood isn't very strong either way. This control lasts only about 20 minutes, and it does wear him out so he can't do it more than once a day or so.
Command Individuals; If isolated and contained by the above process, Spectrum can then simply tell that troublemaker what to do. They will do it. It's not even in question - even extremely strong Vortal minds cannot resist this one on one, though if they're backed up by several others they can refuse to cooperate. He is absolutely on par with Lane himself, in that regard, and only a group of Vortigaunts could prevent him from doing things... This works at a range up to 100 meters, but doesn't have to be visible, as he can still sense Vortally well enough to know who's where.
Clusters There's A Word For That Emotion +2
Spotlight or Shadows Either Is Fine +1
Skills Learn From History +2
Make Arrangements For Kids +1
Knacks Dad's a king, of course I can do that +3
1 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist
2 Demi-Human Cultures / B. Stonefist
3 Dungeon Crawl Team / Ashigaru
4 Diplomatic Envoy / Vaelan (dad!)
5 Research Tactics for Genetic Engineering / Shy
6 Speech / Prescott
7 Dragonry Recordkeeping and Data Collection / Sean
8 Logical Thinking / Farber
Pets Glowstick doesn't count! :p
Donor parent Vaelan of Dragondeep
Siblings Many including Iris




Name: Covering the Spectrum "Cover"
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small 9' s / 35' l / 55' and 35' ws
Colors: Neck, belly, under tail, backs of legs and lower wing arm frosty white; fronts of legs and upper wing arm, main neck, face, horns and antennae, limbs, and dorsal armor to tail tip rich black with white spotting; sides of face, middle armor on neck, body, limbs, and full tail bright spectrum highly reflective and metallic shiny (not grainy) with tiny black central dots; wingsails dark spectrum with graphite edges, and internal pattern of delicate white-pink slightly clouded; claws and dorsal spikes black; eyes violet; *Note power
Features: Silkwing standard
Powers: Winged Flight, adept and clever in the air, Cover is able to fly in stiff wind and still air alike, preferring fog and low visibility to use his other powers effectively. Since he's a reasonably large dragon for his type, he can lift a pretty decent amount of weight provided it is small or in a harness, though he really doesn't care for doing drudge work.
Communication, Cover has a light, airy, high voice that seems a bit like the buzzing of a hive of bees. Alternately when he really gets excited, his voice can harmonize multiple octaves at once, and it's... both amazing and terrifying. He has a good grasp of English, but is more comfortable with Draconic, and can communcate with a good number of different breeds. He can understand what's necessary, just not speak clear English.
Stealth Via Coloration; believe it or not, the vibrant colors on his scales and wings are able to allow him to 'hide'. Because the scales are reflective and metallic, when flying through fog or dust, mist, or other such conditions with a grit added to any given visual sensor, his scales can reflect all manner of particles, and he becomes effectively transparent. Blending in with the stuff in the way, leaving a dark mottled outline. This works spectacularly well in urban ruins. He does stand out on a brilliant day or in a well-lit area, though even then he's a touch hard to look at directly because again the reflectivity of the scales will cause a shine and glare.
Silk Production; as all Silkwings usually can, Cover is good with shooting thin strands of silk out of his paw wrists. His is actually a dark grey shade, and tends toward a sticky surface that quickly becomes brittle in open air. In more moist settings it takes longer to dry out. He can use this to make traps but only very brief in duration if the setting is dry. It only takes about 20 minutes for the substance to crumble, so it might slow down an enemy or prey but not keep it in place for very long. Usually it's long enough to get away, or to bite and kill prey. It does work to stick on creatures or items, there's no variance nor permanence. It can definitely kill something if it gets into their nose and mouth preventing breathing. He doesn't rely on this ability much beyond setting small traps for deer and rabbit prey, and yes he eats meat unlike most of his tribe. He does love fruit, don't get him wrong, but... there's something nice about ... yeah.
Parentage: Unknown pure Silkwings
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Strong willed and confident, Cover didn't care for Glowstick horning in on his little human ...ish friend. But they've since gotten into a routine and help one another, because they both realize that infighting has no place in the Rookery.

Dragon Name: Glowstick
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Tiny <5' shoulder / 18' l / 12' ws
Colors: Body entirely very dark graphite grey with a shiny black sheen; markings are split into glowing neon green and red, in patterns on left and right respectively; ooze in the same colors from wing tips and forepaws, tail rings in both colors, and horns one of each; eyes are complicated with both red and green; all markings glow distinctly and are easily visible in dim conditions.
Features: quadruped aquatic-feline type, with several others similar in the Rookery, with narrow solid wings and body more geared to swimming, very long tail, and nearly featureless head, two goat-like horns; Glowstick's personal feature seems to be 'able to drip colorful ooze'
Powers: Swimming and Speedy Land Movement, because those wings aren't much use to fly with, she can use them to balance while racing along (at quite the clip, up to 30 mph on land!) and as very good rudders and even propulsion in water (up to about 20 mph).
Communication, Glowstick can speak, but she has hardly said a word her whole life. She prefers to leave the talking to others. She clearly can understand what's being said around her regardless of the language.
Water Adaptation, Toxic Resistance, Goo Extrusion; maybe that stuff she oozes is radioactive, perhaps toxic, but either way, she can immerse herself in nearly any liquid and have nothing bad happen. She can breathe both air and 'water', as long as there's sufficient oxygen somewhere, and can hold her breath for hours if there isn't. She can walk through sticky radioactive goop or sludge, and just get a little gross around the edges. She might even soak this stuff up, and use it to extrude? No one knows what that stuff actually is, but it glows strongly long after leaving her body. She can leave clumps of it in 'bloody spatters', her favorite, or form it into more coherent drips and lines, playing with it like finger paint. And yes she certainly does leave obscene messages on bathroom walls. The glowing fades after about 20 hours, though the color will remain vibrant that whole time. The 'pigment' if that's what it is, also remains considerably longer than this, up to a week in a 'fresh paint' state. It can be dabbed up and examined, but eventually it all just fades away to a clearish gel, and finally dries up into dust.
Parentage: Unknown, but others of her breed are clearly in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from VelenieAdopts on Deviantart
Other Info: The silent snarky type, Glowstick is a bit of a rude girl, the kind of kid that would dose their friends before going on a field trip, and though she doesn't actively try to do damage to anyone, sometimes mistakes happen and she has to apologize.