
Name Iris
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Not
Totem none
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 4
Luck 2
Drive 2, ride dragon 5
Looks 3
Cool 5
Bonk 7
Powers Magic Use - with training from her father Vaelan as well as numerous other sources at Carramba, Iris is able to use spell magic, rituals, and utilize magical equipment such as wands, tiaras/diadems (which she has not yet 'earned' or put any in her own crown), and some amount of combat magic. She's best at scrying and divining spells, and those which help determine mood or intent.
Psionic Suite - Telepathy strong, is easily able to contact distant Vortal or Magical, Psionic minds of any type including dragons or gryphons from her father's homeworld Dragondeep. This telepathy is invasive, though she tries not to use it that way, only to convey information.
Aura sight, nearby living things and anything with a strong magical or Vortal presence such as altered items or materials, will give off a glow to her eyes and a 'ping' sensation in her mind.
Electronic Telepathy - extremely strong aided by her diadem, or by virtue of being plugged into any given nearby terminal, Iris cannot really 'read code' but can reach out through any electronic source or communicate to individuals who have implants or technology, allowing remarkably good clear transmissions of thoughts. She generally speaks outward, rather than sensing and taking information in this way.
Tuned to crystals/stones - because of her Lumin bloodline, and specifically her donor father's Jewel Witch influence, Iris is strongly attuned to the use of gemstones, rocks, crystals, and pure metals. She cannot affect them, but they aid her telepathy, magic, or other such uses to varying degrees. She is able to use Xenian crystals to aid her transportation spells, for instance, and Opals tend to function for emotion sensing or control spells.
Clusters Magic? Psionics? Why not both! +2
Throw In Some Cybernetics! +2
Skills Long Distance Telepathy +2
Remember All That Complex Stuff +2
Knacks Is actually half Lumin elf +3
Occasionally other Lumin try killing her to reach her father +1
1 Rocks, Gems, Dirt / Ramrod
2 Repairing Magical Objects / Vaelan (daddy!)
3 Diplomatic Envoy / Vaelan (dad again!)
4 Cartography / Rex 903
5 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist
6 Speech / Prescott
7 Interspecies Politics / Liaxeri
8 Teleportation Practice / Lane
Pets None
Donor Parent Vaelan of Dragondeep
Siblings Many off-world, Spectrum

When the Rookery requests her, she resides at Lane Mansion and often enough is found by one of the two large Xenian incursion sites, mostly because the crystals there help power her up strongly. Thus, she's considered a resident and functionary of Dragon Tower 5 in the eastern area, nearest the Xenian cluster there.

Name: Cometstrike
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 12' s / 42' l / 96' ws
Colors*: Underbelly from belly, tail violet-red, neck and chin jade green through turquoise green-blue; limbs and wing arms gradient red-violet through light turquoise blue, violet-blue; armor also grades between and among those shades; horns, spikes, claws pale cornflower blue; wingsails comet-struck patterns with white, blue, teal, indigo and violet, with tiny speckles of star patterns; neck frill darker black to bright pale blue with stars; tongue black, eyes red, spots on sides of neck and tail pale blue
Features: Nightwing with Rainwing horns and neck frill, coloration
Powers: Winged Flight, Cometstrike is a very strong flier, with powerful wings and a torso to match. She prefers nighttime flying, and can navigate easily in even complicated settings in near-complete darkness. She doesn't tire quickly, and can lift basically a train car worth of items or a literal train car, either or.
Communication, her strong Nightwing side allows her to communicate Vortally with any other able mind, she has a tight Vortal bond with her rider, and can speak Draconic, English with a heavy accent, and Vortigese with a rumbling tone that the Vorts love.
*Color Shifting, her Rainwing grandparent is responsible for the amazing and dazzling shades that she can alter her scales into. They tend to run in the same color schem of violet through a deeper green-blue, with punctuations of brilliant sky or pale blue, white, and less often a rich velvety black. Her wingsails are most easily altered, and often tend to mirror the passing scenery in blocky or blurry shapes, just to throw off her pattern to those who can see her. So if she's flying through a cityscape, there will be vertical blocks quickly flashing over them, if in nature, there may be lumpy 'tree' shapes swirling by.
Venom, unlike her stronger Nightwing genes, she has no breath weapon, instead having a Rainwing's venomous bite. It isn't really strong enough to take down a combative Combine soldier or large animal, but it does deliver a very painful and lingering wound that may eventually fester if not tended immediately. In this way, she can still hunt for larger prey, particularly with others to pick up where she leaves off, or to just let something wander away and then die later on so she can pick over its corpse. She has no qualms about eating roadkill, and in fact kind of likes slightly-gone-off meat...
Parentage: Unknown Nightwing mother and Night-Rainwing father, unrelated to any other in the Rookery*
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Of note, Carramba High's Dragon Department has enlisted her to do advertising on her wings...
* That's a lie. She explored a little too off track, and somehow when they were around Rapture... she was 'caught' by Deeptrench. Their eggs are a little weird, but she got away and has never returned to that place.