Name: Carina Driver

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: 15 at arrival in RY9

Origin: Aperturth, Texas facility

Family: Mother Therese Driver, clone/sister Inge Driver

Other: She's ideally suited to life in a weird world, because she herself is weird...

Height: 5'5" (won't get much taller)

Weight: 115, skinny but muscular, fairly flat chested, though if she ate more she'd be curvy

Hair: naturally haystack blond, but often found with dyes and tints, and often also found hacked off, badly cut, she does it all herself don't tell her to go to a stylist no one touches the fringe. Straight, somewhat stiffer than expected

Eyes: pale blue, heavily madeup or is that just sleep deprivation? Nah, it's makeup.

Appearance: fair to creamy skin, plenty of scrapes and probably some cutting scars, dresses in whatever castoff stuff she can find, though she does clean it first if it came from dumpster diving... Has a strong Texas Twang, because she did grow up completely in Texas

Genetic Abilities: Like her mother, she is apt to produce electrical zaps and has the ability to control electronics, though her power is both weaker and less under control; she mainly uses it to change the channel on any television, radio, or internet cast. She fucking misses the internet, okay? She's noticed that screens or monitors act wonky in her presence, and is actively seeking out ways to make this profitable

Icarus Processing: none, she was affected by the same Resonance Cascade as her mother, though it's possible that they both might benefit from it on Rookery Earth, she doesn't show any negative markers.

Image Credits: Gmod / Dead Rising

Skills or Profession: she's a filch, rebel, troublemaker, and explorer. She knows that their homeworld was going to hell in a handbasket long before the Resonance Cascade, so she was already a practiced pickpocket, shoplifter, and looter. She is fascinated by the fact that this shit has purpose here on the Rookery! She also has extensive musical knowledge, and can fiddle with electronics but was never really taught so much as it's inherent.
Personality: a filch, rebel, troublmaker... She doesn't take well to authority, but with the seriousness of the Combine invasion it's slowly dawning on her that she will need to cooperate rather than strike out on her own. She does however still love her family, weird though they are, and is at a stage in her life that she wants to do everything different but still fit in. Just like any Pantheon was at her age. They love her, actually.

Events or History: Whether mom ever actually had a relationship with whoever her father was, no one knows. Just kind of one day she realized she was pregnant and decided why not, let's have a kid. This did expose Carina in the womb to a great number of weird things, including whatever was being done purposefully to Aperture employees... And then when she was like, 10? Suddenly she has a 'sister', Inga, and that's cool, she always wanted a sister and she didn't even have to go through the effort of helping to feed or change diapers because Inga was 10 too. ... yeah, that's... that's not how it normally works, Carina.

A large scale Portal Storm swept through the facility where they lived and worked, bringing this little family along with a few others to the Rookery. It was to Carina that Local Lane first showed himself, not like that you pervs, he was on a video screen and she recognized that it wasn't plugged in - she could pull that trick too! How cool is that? Though she knows that her dragon would probably be best in the front lines, he's still quite young (shown adult sized, which will be in about 5 years) and she'd rather keep him safe and prowl around, or maybe ... maybe even head over to New Vegas! Oh the trouble they could get into there!


Name: Party Hardy
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: (adult shown) Large 13'6" s / 72' l / 145' ws!
Colors: neck, belly, under wings, under tail grades from sky blue to black, and to rich teal at tail; face, neck armor, limbs, wing arms, back and top of tail medium graphite grey; face armor and dorsal strip, backs of legs, wing armor rich black; wingsails and all fins base grades in a shiny black through silver; *all insets and markings alternate cyan, magenta, and lime-spring green; claws and webbing spikes red-violet; eyes green-blue
Features: Seawing Nightwing hybrid, with a very strong possibility of either or both sides of the family tree having Rainwings in it, because look at that shit, that's Rainwing territory right? Pretty strongly Seawing, though big wings and coloration overall is clearly Night
Powers: Winged Flight, Party is durable and powerful in the air, though not remarkably acrobatic, he's apt to power through an area regardless of its blockades or interference by pesky things like walls or windows. He can however lift a fully filled freight car, and then throw it, so... There's that. He doesn't fly very fast, his top speed is only about average for any given skyborn dragon. But he won't tire for days. Underwater, however, he kind of reverses these aspects: he's faster and far more agile when he can use his whole body to maneuver, but he sacrifices durability, he has little endurance under water though he does have gills.
Communication, being hatched on the Rookery itself as well as being a Nightwing (and part royal Sea) Party has a very strong batch of Vortal communication skills. Mostly with Carina, he can spot her unerringly wherever she is on the planet, but also he can reach up to 5 miles away telepathically to any Vortal mind, dragon, Vort, Pantheon or whatever. He speaks English for the most part, and has no expertise in Aquatic even though his *colors could pull it off. He speaks about half as much Draconic as any other dragon might want. And yes, he speaks with the same Texas Twang as his rider.
*Color Shifting and Bioluminescence, though not as accurate with his mood-shifting as he could be, Party has all that color for a reason. The insets on his overall scales including his face, legs, and tail, all in addition to those markings on his wingsails and webbing can shift, brightly alternating in those bold colors (only, no additions to the spectrum). They do respond to his emotions in ways similar to Pernese eyes - when they're all magenta he is furious, if they're blue he's content or hungry, and green means he's feeling fine and fun. These colors all brightly glow, if he wants them to.
Water Adaptation, he's still a Seawing, but he has grown up in a place where water is hard to find in deep enough puddles to swim around in freely. They've been... dissuaded from using the Bayou's waterways to practice in, for whatever reason, but he still has been able to swim around while young at least, in the Rookery's main water sources. He should be able to hold his breath or breathe below the surface, with those gills, as well as tolerate cold water, pressure, and darkness. He does love the dark, because he can light it up.
Hallucinogeic Breath, All of this weird mixing of genes has produced not a venom bite, nor a fire breath... but his spittle when in the air causes anything that it lands on (absorbed by skin or inhaled) to begin to vividly hallucinate. He cannot control the concentration of this yet, and might never. This is a popular ability for some up in the Grounds, but not so much at the Rookery.
Parentage: Though not advertised... mother Cometstrike (there's your rainwing hybrid) and father Deeptrench... Laid and hatched on Rookery Earth up in the Rookery itself, under a full single moon
Origin: Adopted from MooncrestNecrozma with lines by Peregrinecella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: It seems that he could be an Animus but... no one really knows what could come of him being able to enchant or enhance himself beyond what he's got.