Name: Inge Driver

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: ?? ~5 at arrival, aged artificially, appears young adult

Origin: Aperturth, Austin, Texas facility

Family: 'Mother' Therese, 'Sister' Carina

Other: It's unclear at best whether Inge is a clone of Therese or Carina, or possibly - and most likely - a mixture of both of them plus added samples

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 140, quite muscular, looks a bit frumpier than she really is, because under that security gear she's a wall of abs

Hair: honey blond, fluffy and a bit flyaway, straight, kept trimmed but can be styled nicely

Eyes: steel blue, even and almond shaped, under pale brows

Appearance: creamy fair skin, with very typical Swedish looking features, in fact the same exact features as her 'mom' and 'sister'; since she's designed to work security she was given custom fitted Aperture gear, never mind the Weyland-Yutani branding. move along.

Genetic Abilities: As is evident from her mother and sister, Inge is able to sense and to an extent control electricity in any form. She uses this to power up devices, existing as a sort of battery for anything that requires an electric current to function. She doesn't project energy or all that flashy stuff, she utilizes it in a more subtle manner, as she's able to restart computers, or even just computer screens and monitors, to detect what was last on them. At most her electrical power can shock a human-sized living thing into cardiac arrest - but equally she can restart it right after, without damage. She has a very clear understanding of how biological electric pulses work, as well as manufactured ones. Also she can listen in to certain wavelengths of radio chatter, and with a little effort can 'tune in' to specific broadcast bands, and read embedded code - though she does need to know what programming language is used, and can't just siphon data outright.

Icarus Processing: If 'Aperture Branded' had Icarus, then yes. Not really, though, as she's assembled and cloned, but went through the Resonance Cascade just like mom and sister. It certainly boosted parts of her abilities, and she's had to relearn how not to kill things by reading their electrical output.

Image Credits: Gmod / AvP

Skills or Profession: Created as a security officer, and since she was grown and not born, Inge comes pre-loaded with skill sets such as weapons and tactics, navigation, and situation planning. She could easily have been designed for working directly with her mother, she does know how to use and program computers of all types, though when the information isn't needed she doesn't just 'quick read' code, she has to concentrate on running it through what she does understand versus what's been written fresh. Inge is adept with authority and rank, and can manage a small squad of security people or robots with ease, and feels best when in charge of about 3 others - and told what to do from a higher source. Her own post-vat pickup skills do include experimenting with biology and bioelectric sources, as she's still just as smart as Therese and just as clever as Carina. Though... she is an Aperture clone: highly likely to zap first and apologize after restarting that heartbeat...
Personality: Though not 'abrupt', Inge can seem a bit standoffish until she knows her place in a social setting. If she's there to maintain order, she will do exactly that, and nothing more, until 'quittin time', when she'll loosen up... a little. She's quite direct and to the point, and can be blunt, but tries not to offend people if she's not just delivering the news. Beyond that, she's curious and a bit of a loner, as she values her 'alone time' but puts it to what she considers better use than her 'sister' does in her own.

Events or History: It didn't come as much of a surprise to Therese that now she has two daughters. She did read that contract when she signed it, after all, and the place was known to be crawling with clones. The Resonance Cascade blew a lot of great experiments to shit, unfortunately, and also meant that a lot of people in the Austin facility were blown away as well. Inge protected those she knew needed it most, and made it out with a small handful of people, family and friends, in order to assess the damage above. Extensive, and repeated numerous times as the Portal Storms got worse, she and the others from Aperturth were moved inadvertently to the Rookery.

Almost instantly after that, a dragon showed up, and there you go. She gets along very well with a number of the Rookery security staff, and has enjoyed the chance to flex her own scientific knowledge here and there in addition to assisting with refugee protection. She and Brume tend to remain down near the Dry Cove, keeping both Antlion and Combine incursions to a minimum on the ground.


Name: Brume (that's not broom, stop saying it that way - wait, say it that way but it means... um.)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large (ws) 9'6" s (not bipedal) / 50' l / 100' ws
Colors: body split into head/neck in pale grey with grey and red markings; forebody, wingarms and dorsal sails, body, and hind legs dark grey, forelimbs greenish grey, and tail medium blue; wingsails underneath only steamy white-silver; claws and spikes light grey, eyes light grey
Features: velvety furred dangernoodle, four slender canine-like legs with visible claws and paw-pads with 3 claws each; two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers having long pad extensions and (mostly unseen) claws, prominent wrist talon, no thumb; head is boxy and canine-snouted, with large lobes on head and jaw, long mobile ears, long flexible neck; body is slender with a large ribcage and very narrow hip, having a small number of bone spikes on lower back only; tail is at least as long as body plus head, thin, highly muscular and ending in a whiplike section; will likely have live-birth preferences for mating, but probably can sire eggs just as well
Powers: Winged Flight, Brume is very, very agile and extremely strong in the air. For a dragon with large wings like those, he can take off, hover, sprint, and soar with equal power and style, but he does require a bit more space to do so than some others. He can carry several tons of weight as long as it's contained and to be lifted with a harness, as he lacks thumbs on paws and has short claws, so he can't grip things easily. Does his best endurance flights in the warm evening air around the Mesa, but can also maneuver in low-light, and poor visibility conditions such as clouds, fog, and heavy gunfire or smoke.
Communication and Command, Brume is smart enough to know he's not the smartest dragon in the Rookery. Like his rider, he takes orders well, and makes sure that they're carried out properly. He doesn't speak any Human or Vort language, but he does understand quite a few words in both, and seems like he does know when someone's Vortally trying to communicate, though he lacks Vortal input himself. He's much smarter than, say, a dog - but acts quite a bit like a well trained guard dog or police unit, in terms of orders given and received. He knows there are other dragon languages, he just doesn't care to learn them unless one of those dragons is up in his face. Apt to snap at dragons that just barge in, or disregard their orders, but equally he's fair on those that do follow them, and likes all of the Whiptails and most of the Old World and Pernese dragons a bit more than any of the Pyrrhan or Equestria based ones.
Steam Cleaner, Brume lives up to his name, in that he produces and can to an extent manipulate fog, mist, steam, and things that are mainly gaseous. He is warm to the touch, but not hot, and seems to shimmer with a fine sheen of condensation on his wings and face. Aerisol and any fine droplets and particles are easily sensed, in an area about 50 meters across centered on his chest. He can sense through them to a degree, able to detect movement through them that's not 'particles drifting on the wind or downwards', and he's quite keen on experimenting with recognizing different individuals as they walk through an area, based on their wake. At 25 meters he can manipulate floating particles, cause them to swirl around and condense on things - though once they're liquid or too large he can no longer sense or manipulate them. He can produce a steamy breath, provided there's enough liquid in the air or nearby to convert into it. This steam is quite hot, though not steam-tunnel hot it will certainly ruin eyes and cause light blisters on any exposed skin. With Inge's suggestion, he's learning how to lay an area with about a foot or two of mist, which clings to the legs or makes it easier to detect entry, and then make it swirl more thickly in the way.
Canine Features, those ears are quite mobile, he does have a snout fit for sniffing out detailed scents, and his eyes are very keen for quite some distance. His muzzle is suited to biting prey, and if he can't fly in an area, he can still run at a very strong clip with those paws. With a body like that, he'd benefit from a good wide-open run, and occasionally challenges speedy runners to races.
Parentage: Unknown, unrelated to any on the Rookery, there is only one other known to be his breed here
Origin: Adopted from FurryGamer2003, lines jaclynonacloudlines on Deviantart
Other Info: of all the dragons around, he's eager to take lessons from Paxton about troop movement and formations, as Inge also is rather keen on that too...