Bastien Pomeroy


Name Bastien Pomeroy

Male, He/Him, straight

Homeworld Twoarth, Wonder California transfer student
Species Human, Magical lineage
5'10" tall
Totem Poodle, the Bad Haircut totem, likes to bitch, doesn't like to get involved. I just want to get my car out of this bad area; s +1; rwp +2; luck -1; lks +2; c +3; bonk -1 +4kk
Nut Moderately Nutty, sometimes a nice hazelnut, but other times a ludicrously hot challenge peanut
Class Junior, 30kks
Smarts 6
Bod/Feet 3
Luck 3
Drive 3
Looks 4
Cool 3
Bonk 2

Transformation Sequence and Time Powers - Bastien's normal appearance is reasonably close to his heroic guise. He's the kind of kid who wears button-up shirts as a rule, though his hair is usually short in appearance before he changes. His sequence involves the 'watch' he wears, a red enamel and white crystal device, as he winds it with purpose. When it is set to an alarm some seconds later, a deeply echoing church-bell style ringing prefaces it, then as each second ticks down the watch grows larger and adds the hand-staff and counterweight portions. The sound of the bell seems to coincide with blurriness and impaired vision of anyone around, if they're attempting to watch him - if they're paying attention to their own studies they won't see a thing and won't notice this effect. They will still hear it, but it will only be a muted watch alarm to those who don't take note. By the time the 12th chime has ended, he has the luxurious thigh-length hair, and the red jacket and shoes over the brilliantly white outfit as shown, regardless of what he was wearing before. They have assembled as his hair grows out, as a blurry 'dressing' motion (almost like the Sims but without the twirl, the twirl is from the clothing itself). The 'watch' was at one point in time, a large grandfather clock, which is why there is a paired counterbalance of round crystals at one end. It has evolved over time to be more modern, but still retains details, and if he's dressing up for specific events it can even appear as a chained pocketwatch instead.

The powers that this device grants him are all directly related to time and relativity. He must have the staff or watch on his person for him to do any of them, he knows no other magic even though his family from Wonder is nearly all magical in some way. Other people who attempt to take or use this staff will suddenly find themselves with a heavy, garish looking paperweight - it won't even keep time correctly for anyone but him.

-- Just A Second, this keeps a single second out of every hour 'aside' and can be used to pause and make a decision, do any quickly-moved action such as sliding a book under the table or hiding in a cupboard, if it's nearby and can physically be reached. He can step aside from incoming attacks, seeing them very clearly on their way, but not necessarily change their direction or velocity unless he's got help, depending on their type (you still don't want to be touching lasers but you could grab a mirror and reflect it!). This power can last 'as long as he hasn't used it, in hours', and will be fully reset at midnight, so he tends to want to use it shortly before midnight for a full 24 seconds worth of time to eat up. This can be divided as he sees fit, and he easily keeps track of how many he has during the course of a day. He obviously wakes up with at least 5 ticks if he's gone to bed at a reasonable hour before midnight

-- Hold That Thought, by turning the exterior dial on the watch a little bit, he can commemorate a moment, be it a touching and heartfelt speech or a list of the answers to tomorrow's test, he can recall it instantly later on in full. He can keep up to 12 such moments for a full 24 hours after each of them was stored. The 'moment' may last mere seconds or up to 1 full minute, it's the content that counts. He uses this to store information and record it later at his leisure

-- Back In A Flash, either with the staff fully opened up, or the watch's left-side crystal (which becomes the lowermost counterweight) can be depressed allowing Bastien to speed up to 12 times faster than a normal person. A blurry but present figure doing homework or folding laundry, or even zipping away to the corner store and back, Bastien isn't actually running around or even hurried in those moments, they're just compressed into the local time as he is doing them. Don't ask how. It's magic. He doesn't age faster because of this, don't worry. He can use this ability for a total of 30 'local' minutes per 24 hour period, resetting at midnight regardless of how much has or hasn't been used. So in effect he can compress 6 hours worth of any activity(s) into one half-hour chunk of time in the 'real world'. He will often use this at the end of a day shortly before midnight, to transcribe any stored moments, finish homework, and the like. Oddly, if it is 'doing laundry' the machinery works as quickly and efficiently along with him, showing no wear and tear even at such a frantic pace

-- Time Flies, even if he's not having fun, with the watch in its full shape and his transformation sequence complete, he is able to literally fly using the staff as a sort of directional device. He is apt to strike superheroic poses while doing this, though he's not as fond of the stuff getting caught in his hair if it's in a place with dust or detritus in the air... He cannot fly without the staff up, nor can he lift anyone or anything else with it

-- Time Out!, this is the only truly offensive power that the watch or staff manages so far, but it's a portent of things to come, more than likely. He can aim the staff (currently only that form, but with mastery will definitely be able to use it out of transformation) at a person, animal, or location nearby (within 50 meters) and completely pause them in mid-air or motion. Even a freight train, caught at the engine, would fully pause along with everything inside it safely, though it does seem to take a toll on his concentration. This is the only power that he must purposefully concentrate on, and if his attention lapses the frozen item or person will revert to their normal speed and behavior. Unless those things have been altered by others, there's not a lot he can do with a full train, but he can and has - once - stopped a bus from crashing into a corner store, guiding it himself by cranking the steering wheel and slamming on the brakes. There were a few injuries, but frankly he was 13 at the time and couldn't force the pedals down hard enough to avoid it entirely. He knows that the strength of this power will make or break his future in heroics, so he is working on control and duration of his attention span

Clusters 15

Strictly An 'A' Student +3 No one considers it cheating, if he's doing the work himself. Yes, he has cheated in the past, but then realized that he didn't learn anything from it. Taking the time out, or even just sitting down for a real-world session with friends, to pore over the history lesson or suss out all the equation variables, those things are very important to him. He's as precise with his studies as he is with his arrival and departure times, and it shows in his studies. While not graded on an A-Through-F scale here, he prides himself on knowing what there is to know, and putting it to use

Stickler For Details +2 Bastien's checklists and directions are flawless for a reason. His family being full of mages means that one screwup or mispronunciation of a spell might mean a steaming crater instead of a steaming pot of stew. He wants everything to run right the first time, and he is definitely a measure-twice-cut-once type of guy. If he's done the calculations, they will be correct

Skills 16

He's Done The Math +3 His mind is quite precise and he likes logic puzzles, word problems, and higher math. Even if he's not an engineer-type he is very keen on understanding the 'how' of things, and enjoys physics and chemistry as much as calculus and even statistics (though stats he doesn't like how variable they are!)

Law And Logic +3 Dominated by structure and predicability, he 'casually' studies law and can hold his own in the Logic courses even at a college level. If he wasn't expected to become a Sentai hero, or heck even if he does, he could easily become a lawyer or judge

Style +2 He busies his hands while he's watching tutorials, with brushing his hair or keeping his suit clean. He will also do this for other people, he's not going to become a stylist, but he is the one that almost always spruces up others outfits and removes the unsightly twigs or dust from their hair and shoulders after an event

Knacks 3

You Know, A New Phone Can Do That Too -3 It cannot do this. Not for him anyway! Timekeeping technology that is reliant upon computers or that does 'other things' like a regular iPhone or Android phone simply do not function while they're in his hands. He's tried playing apps or even checking the weather on friends functional phones, only to have them stare at a blank screen looking at it over his shoulder. They usually try this only once, worried that their phone will be broken but nope it's fine. It's just him, no problem (He can use other technology that is computer based, just if it's original purpose or a large part of its purpose is to keep time, it fails to do even that much)

Prompt And Proper +3 Bastien is always on time, even without his magical staff. He knows just how much time and speed it will take to get up, shower, dress, eat breakfast, and make it to class before the bell, and does so with precision. If you're on a team and a project needs to be handed in on time, he's the guy to make sure that happens

A Bit Impatient +3 Bastien's powers and purpose do sometimes mean he expects this of other people, and they often disappoint. He is a little arrogant, he is a little snooty - those are because of his parents and family expecting so much of him, he's learned it straight from them, and passes judgement on those who slack off or show up late or 'just' on time

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Naming and the Power of True Names / Akarist / Excellent
2 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis / Excellent
3 Basics of Law / Chanay / Superb
4 Ice Dancing / T.Qitara / Excellent
5 Magical and Sentai Team Tactics / Yvane / Superb
6 Relatively Speaking / Smith / Superb
7 Time Travel: Machinery and Mapping Tech / Q.Pepper / Superb
8 Coddling Codexes / Kale-Bahh / Superb
Pets oddly enough, 'no time for that'...
Parents? Living in Wonder, CA, just up into the hills
Siblings? Has two younger sisters, one is almost old enough to attend CHS but he will be graduated before then
Image From Doll Divine Sailor Senshi 3
Other Info He is part of the APEX RANGERS, chosen by the Carramba staff for specific skill focus, and he is sponsored specifically by Brie-Callie Yvane, whose powers over time are similar to his own

This arrogant magic knight has wide alabaster eyes and long, straight, silky, orange hair worn in a handsome style. He has a thin build. He has time powers that are focused through a staff. His costume is white and red , and it strongly resembles an elegant suit. BASTIEN POMEROY



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