Dragon |
Name: Pholdoth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 6'9" s / 30' l / 44' ws
Colors: White, body more alabaster-grit, wingsails and tail spade shiny satin white, dorsal ridge paler untextured white
Features: Old World Pernese but Larger Than A Typical White
Powers: Winged Flight, Pholdoth is not fast, but is durable in a flight, and has always had his rider in mind when they move around either on wild worlds or at home on Twoarth. Though he's hardly a stunt flier with the team, Pholdoth is more than happy to cheer the faster and more aerial showy dragons on!
Teleportation, locally Pholdoth is all but able to be in two places at one time, distinctly conceieves of the location they're at on both sides of Twoarth, if it's equitable enough. His local teleport range is literally 'the world'. He can Genrehop stunningly well, being the product of a pair of dragons from different dimensions and planets, but the same 'breed', and having been brought to this unusual nexus dimension world early on. He can also time port, but feels that it's a little extra and doesn't enjoy it because it makes his hide 'burn and peel' from the effort...
Telepathy, Pholdoth can read virtually any mind that has sapience, including AI and synthetic ones, those cloaked behind electronics, even magical entities that seem to think their minds are well-hidden, nope they're open to this search dragon. He will not judge people on their kinks or quirks, but will make sure that if they have a history as spotty as some in Alabaster, that they are informed of the risks inherent to having a bond that won't approve. He knows where all the good clutches will be dropped, though, don't worry you're safe
Strong Search Sense, as bold as his mind is, Pholdoth's empathic streak is markedly tuned toward finding those who are actually suitable to riding, and serves at least as much as a diplomat as his rider does when they're actively on Search. Since he's not that large, he can often put parents or elders at ease, with a soft mental hum of comfort to ease them into 'losing' their child to an amazing event like bonding a dragon
Telekinetics, perhaps because he was laid and born on Alskyran sand, he has a much stronger "T-Power" rank with this than most pure Pernese. He can help keep his rider and anyone else that they're carrying to and from home and clutch or school safe and sound on his back even in a bad wind, though he cannot really exert this ability well beyond his body and fingers. He can use his hands with the deftness that any thumbed creature can, though requires larger items to work with as he will break human-sized ones easily
Carries Firebreath, though it's unclear whether this power is assisted or unassisted, and will likely translate into 'whatever the mate has' instead of merely Pernese or Alskyran types
Parentage: Gold Qutteth and Black Faloritoth
Origin: Alabaster-Blackstone Giveaway / Alabaster Weyrhold, Paniya Island, Alskyr
Other Info: One of the earliest clutches, still to include both old and new world ranks, Pholdoth was hidden away because Blitz was definitely not human enough to stand 'proper' even though half the Protectorate had turned furry in the meantime. However he was from Twoarth and not the local Alskyr/Pernese Alabaster, and now Pholdoth proudly flies with his rider to and from school events as well as looking for appropriate rider material on the odd not-quite-round world of Twoarth