Dragon |
Name: Ayaurem (eye YAW rem)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large 22' s / 90' l / 60' ws x2
Colors: Black with Rainbow-Tinted Gold spotting, black stripes, yellow eyes, cool light grey horns
Features: Unicorn-Hydra mutt; furry long noodlebody with added floof at tails; four legs with paws(?); four boxy, feline-like heads with external ears and a single unicorn-like horn on forehead, vertical pupils; two pairs of insect-like wings; three tails splitting directly after legs
Powers: Winged Flight, though poor because of size concerns, Ayaurem can still slip through the air with a bit of difficulty, unless it's quite windy where he can simply glide a bit
Teleportation, imagine being a mass of heads, tails, and fur and just showing up somewhere? Well, you don't have to imagine, there he is. Doesn't matter where, he's excellent at being right at a point in space-time.
Shapeshifting (any form) Usually he teleports where there is enough room, but even if there isn't enough for his full sized shape, he will sometimes shrink himself to a more modest size with the same features (though he's been learning how to fly at a small size by keeping his wings rather large!) He does like keeping multiple heads so that he can keep more eyes and ears on 'everything' around him and his bond. He can shift into a biped, usually looking a bit like a worm on a string... Huh, there's a worm on a string dragon here somewhere in Carramba who would have thought.
Telepathy and Verbal Speech, Ayaurem doesn't speak often and when he does use his voice it's rather spooky since all his mouths speak at the same time. Usually with the same words, but at slightly different moments so it's always with his own echo. Telepathically however his mind is slightly more focused but no less intimidating, since it is again four brains aiming at things. While he can think at different people or minds, he does tend to filter down to one or two at a time to avoid accidentally alerting others to his presence. Ayaurem can certainly attract that attention if he does mentally blurt things out, which occasionally he does while dreaming in order to get a party rolling...
Illusion Magic and Invisibility, since he can shapeshift he doesn't really need to 'disguise' his real form, as it can be whatever is needed. However he does have the ability to just 'not show up' in visible lighting situations (or to eyes which see a fairly narrow spectrum). This works best in dark or dim lighting conditions but he can be out and about in broad daylight (ew) and still maintain this effect. He can cast illusions of images, which aid Phoebe's suggestions, effectively projecting dream images everywhere that people can see even if they're not asleep
Free Willed - he does not have any form of his sire's curse, though he's sometimes wondered about it, obviously he can't ask and get a straight answer out of his half-siblings or other relatives that may have this weird knowledge. He doesn't think he'd like having too much knowledge, residing at a school that would just make him seem like a know-it-all
While others in his clutch may have Fire Magic he does not use this ability, it might appear in any offspring however
Parentage: Opal Tandem, Wild Ivory Verem
Origin: Rainbow Glitz Gather / Nomi 4.14.2023
Other Info: Ayaurem hangs out with Phoebe both in and out of her private realm, and enjoys watching all the activities of Carramba - as well as when she heads back East to Paragon City, but does remain hidden while she's dancing at Pocket D. He is of most use to everyone at Carramba because of his multiple directional senses - he can perch on one of the (sturdy) dragon roosts on the higher buildings, and detect the various classes, kids ditching, science room disasters, and the like. But he definitely shines when the sun goes down and most of the students and surrounding city are sleeping, just like his bond he prefers their dreaming minds since they're less guarded and also more easily nudged or manipulated |