
Name Delta
Gender Female, but at night she shifts into a masculine form, this can be changed with concentration or with a quick Reality Shift, but usually she just lets it confuse people and enjoys that quite a lot
Homeworld Kthari, considered a Real Weirdie only because she is also a reality shifter and doesn't always appear in this form, but to look at her she's still Not Very Near human - her true form allows her to access a very scary form of *multi-limbed martial arts (a natural +3), but she is always on the larger end of any given shifted species
Class Sophomore +25kk +5 Extra KK's
Nut allergic! no thank you!
Totem Their totem is the Sloth, the 'jesus, keep your shirt on' totem. Middleman operator supreme, smugglers, fencers, used car salesmen.
+3 S/GM, -2 Bod, -1 RWP, +1 Luck, -2 Drive, -1 Looks, -1 Cool
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 7 (5 strength, 8 dexterity)
Luck 5
Drive 2 (6 navigate/air)
Looks 4
Cool 5
Bonk 8

Super Strength - adds 5 to Bod/Feets, permanent. Apparently Delta was born quite weak but altered themselves to be stronger and faster, once she began to use her other abilities; this is a fairly common trait, among students with either or both of the below!

Reality Shifting - character can transform into an appropriate being in addition to moving to another universe or dimension (they do not have to shapeshift, they can just travel too); Delta's use of this brought her to Pern first, Carramba only after realizing that there were people at this dragon's clutch that absolutely did not 'belong' there; she was found by Lane and he has been helping her figure out the best ways to scoot through the dimensions; She can move without shifting to anywhere she's been already, with only about 10 minutes of tiredness after, and can do that about 4 times a day; she can move with shifting into another form, and exhaustion from that is based on 'how far away' from her normal birth-form the new appearance is, anywhere from about 20 minutes of rest, to a full day, and she can only fully shift-forms at most once every 3 days; also note she can only adapt to living, flesh and blood creatures, and not 'energy' or 'inorganic' forms; Note also that she can take up to her dragon's mass with her, now that she's had some practice, but the dragon - or anything else brought with - remains in its original form even if she changes shape

Defensive Adaptation - is able to adapt their body to harsh conditions (fire, drowning, etc) and survive it; Delta has survived quite a bit, in her accidental journeys, and is looking forward to learning how to control it thanks to instructors at Carramba; she can survive elemental damage from water, fire, electricity, and bashing (falling/crushing) with only a little scratch or singe here and there, however she can be easily taken by surprise from multiple sources of elements and takes damage from the third or subsequent types, in a kind of rolling-response - so fire, then crushing, then electrical, will mean she gets zapped; however she will not die from exposure to these things, even if they're all happening at once, at most she will be rendered unconscious in a hibernation state until the damage stops. It's also possible that her gendershifting at night is part of this defense...

*M4d 5ki11z - you're so leet it hurts to look at you, all technology is your domain; With four hands, even if they're clawed-and-pawed, sometimes things just are easier to type and manipulate; it's not just computers but machinery too, though most of the worlds she's been on have only had modest technology, Delta is very much interested in the her current surroundings for all the wild mechanical stuff she might get into; this power adds +3 to Mechanical knack

Connections - everywhere they go they know someone who can do something for them in addition; Delta makes an impression (sometimes Pun Intended) wherever she goes, and even if she doesn't look 'like herself' with all the limbs and colors, those folks that like her really do enjoy coming to her aid

Clusters 18

Reality Navigation +3 Though she's still new at this, Delta seems to be a pretty natural talent at spotting different dimensions and getting there easily. Her reality shifting will only get better with time and practice

Fit The Bill +3 Moving from spot to spot across the Nexus is one thing, but looking the role is another entirely and she's pretty decent at this already; survival skills are deep-seated with her, and she can quickly assess the area to make sure that she's not getting too badly stared at. The last thing she really wants in some places is to attract the wrong attention! Somehow, her clothing changes to suit as well as her physical form, so she's never had to worry about wearing her 'caveman outfit' as shown, to a formal dinner on a distant world... it's always just the right thing (as long as she doesn't completely screw up by holding the wrong fork or something...)

Skills 12

* Non Human Martial Arts at +3 Her breed's version of this martial art does work slightly different than other Kthari from differing dimensions, but effectively she can use every part of her many limbed form to gouge, grab, kick, sweep, smack, flatten, or distract enemies

Naturally Intimidating Size +3 While Delta is actually a very nice girl (or guy at night) there's no mistaking that she is a 7 foot tall 8-limbed, tailed forest-dweller, and that can be very very scary indeed, particularly if you're a menu item bite-sized creature... She will use this fact against those who get up in her friends faces, and though she would hardly assault anyone outright, she's still quite capable of actually defending herself or others if the display tactic doesn't have the desired effect

Languages Come Easily +3 Though she's not really a linguist as such, she can pretty quickly put to memory, the words and phrases that people around her are using, and as part of her Shifting or Defensive mechanism she is apt to remember these things consistently wherever she goes; if it has a verbal component, she can learn the basics and relates those basics to other versions and Reality Levels with similar sounds; also though she's not taking classes for it, Delta can help tutor language studies and works after school with some kids for this reason

Knacks 5

* Mechanical Genius +5 Given her mad skills it's no wonder that people call on her to help fix whatever happens to be wrong with their current computer or phone, even a microwave or garage door opener; she's the sort who can enter a room, glare real hard at the machinery in question, and it will star working just because it's scared...

Flighted Navigation +3 She flies, her dragon flies, they can fly together with such ease! She tends not to actually ride Tadjath, but certainly can and will if needed, but mainly she scouts out spots and can give directions for overhead landmarks and weather conditions that others can follow very easily

Period Class / Instructor / Grade
1 Genre-Driven Fiction / McPanda / Decent
2 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lane / Excellent
3 Dragon Care / Ihrinnah / Decent
4 Gender Studies / Hidalgo / Excellent
5 Mechanical Engineering / G0rd-OS / Excellent
6 Relatively Speaking / Smith / Decent
7 Exotic Team Sport: Office Furniture Racing! yee haw! (( This... is actually a thing. )) / Brasedi / Excellent
See also: after dragon bonding, 'Dragon Racing/Team'
8 Multiplanar History / Prescott / Excellent
Pets no pets, they're for eating; but she has a dragon! That counts?
Parents? Living on her homeworld of Mahar 4
Siblings? Unknown, probably has several siblings, she doesn't know beacuse she left when she was 8 and has not really been back there
Lives humbly on campus in the on-site alien dorms.
Hobbies They're a team member of the local off-campus Office Furniture Racing team. <--- HAAAAAHAHAHAHAH

-- Shard's student Delta is actually a Kthari, with way more limbs than are visible when anyone might be watching them, though they do seem to be a girl one moment and after sundown a guy? They have a class with Keenan so he definitely made note of their potential possibly even before the request to come to Dragonhope. They're a sophomore, and will be returning to Carramba. -- 11.11.21 I'm altering this so that she was actually present at Dragonhope before attending school at Carramba, retrieved by Lane and put into classes after bonding


She kept getting looks from people at Carramba, and it wasn't just because she was bonded to a dragon. Well, that's why they usually started looking, but then they would keep staring. Particularly other Kthari, who she realized were likely not from the same 'version' of their homeworld as she was. She actually got pretty good at explaining this, though it often went over their heads unless they had something like that power themselves.

"But you've got those big wings, where are the hooks? How can you grab your enemies," one Kthari male whose own wings were leathery and somewhat short commented, "if you don't have hooks?"

"Your skin is so dark compared to your wing type that's very unusual," another female stated, but she seemed more curious and intrigued than put off. She became one of Delta's best friends over the next few weeks!

"That's a muzzle, wow your tail is really long and fluffy!" A third Kthari had said in passing her in the halls.

All those things were definitelyt true: her wings were very large and feathered, her furless skin, what little was visible anyway, was a rich brown shade that blended into a velvet on her upper arms, back, and tail. Her face did have a muzzle, and really she did have little conical ears like a feline's that her fluffy hair covered up. And all those things were apparently features found in very distinct tribes among those other Kthari. Some were very tall with leathery wings, others with the feathers usually came with pale furless skin, some had more avian or more feline features and acted accordingly. She was like a cross between them all, and she had to explain: that was how all Kthari on her version of their homeworld looked.

Further, she needed to make sure before talking about it - their species on that moon were not engineered. They were naturally occurring on her dimension. But in these many other cases, they had been created by some prior civilization out of the humanoids, avians, and felines that existed elsewhere, and brought to Mahar 2, 3, and 4 - moons that the big gas giant supported. Possibly they had been on Mahar 1, but... at least in her dimension, the tribe's lore and mythology always painted that moon as dead and the resting place of angry spirits.

Some day, she might go there, just to see what was really going on there.

Some day, as long as she knew it was safe for Tadjath, that is! Her sleek blue dragon matched her feather colors nicely, they made a great visual team. They made an incredibly good flight pair, too! Tadjath's wings grew strong and sure as they took classes in the cold icy winds of Dragonhope Weyr, his birthplace. A couple other candidates remained on to give their own dragons more training, maybe they needed to return to worlds which had combat and aerial needs. But her own?

Well, her 'own' world wasn't where she was headed.

Delta had been on her own for eight years now, moving from world to world at first haphazardly, then as she realized how it was done, with conscious effort. She can 'see' glimpses of these distant realities if she concentrates, though they're always fleeting until she goes somewhere. Then, her memory clings to that particular wavelength, and she can reliably return to worlds she's visited.

What had brought her to Pern though? Well, maybe the high winds, maybe the rugged terrain. Maybe the dragons? She remembered seeing a glimmer of large wings, of many colors, and a great nasty red blot behind them. Turned out, that was known as the Red Star, not a star at all - and it brought awful crud that leeched across space somehow, dragging biological nightmares in the form of 'Thread'. Thankfully she didn't have to go up and fight that, she along with several others of this year's hatchings would be leaving Dragonhope once their dragon could teleport properly.

It was something else that she and Tadjath had in common, to a degree. He could move them on-site, she could move them both somewhere interesting! Tadjath seems to like it at Carramba, and so does Delta.

Her visions of other worlds and dimensions are very strong here, for some reason. Of course that reason is that it's a Nexus spot, where many of those realities actually collide directly. And that is something she's learning about from that spooky suited man that showed up to collect other people after their own hatchings at Dragonhope. They moved between worlds so smoothly that she was really surprised. But then - so was he! To have a suddenly-appearing Kthari like this, Lane claimed it was not the first time but certainly quite rare. One of his own students just a couple years before, had been such a dimension hopper, a female named Eastamin, who had graduated last year. Lane expressed that he was glad Delta had arrived at a time in her life that she could still enjoy schooling, because, he said, she could learn so much and retain it all very well.

He helped her with the paperwork involved in getting her own place and classes at Carramba, but he left her to her own devices to figure out who to befriend, where to hang out, or what to avoid in the city at large. Since she also was still taking care of a 'teenage' dragon, there were facilities available for Tadjath, and he fit in at least visually with twin blues from another set of parents at Dragonhope. They looked great all flying in formation! ... Well until they crashed into one another, but that would happen to the best of them...

It was possible that Tadjath and Delta might actually work directly with the Carramba Dragon Studies program, once she graduated. One of their elder instructors, a human named Hollis, claimed that she would be suited to bringing newly Searched candidates to their right destinations, and that was something she really looked forward to doing!


Name: Tadjath
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small 8'6" s / 35' l / 90' ws
Colors: blue, a gently mottled medium to light color on body; wingsails lighter sky blue; crest darker blue
Features: standard Pernese, spaded tail
Powers: Winged Flight - Tadjath's wings are massive, powerful, and sure even when there is strong wind or bad weather conditions to work against. He isn't the biggest dragon but he can still easily carry up to three human-sized creatures or carry them in a harness below his neck if needed, though they won't be comfortable... He isn't the fastest dragon, but he definitely gets where he wants to go, regardless of anything trying to stop him
Teleportation - able to move between for short distances, he can move up to 20 miles at a time without tiring, though he can also do quick 500 meter hops just as easily, for about 10 jumps before needing a little break from it. He can therefore teleport line of sight over an area, and then fly the rest of the way. He teleports with confidence brought by his rider, and can easily guide other dragons to places if needed
Telepathy - able to communicate directly with his rider's mind, as well as any draconic creature within 50 miles, closer up he can track minds of dragons as well as their bonds if they have any, though he tends not to actually communicate with other humanoids/people than just his bonded; he can do that, just doesn't care to, he leaves that to Delta
Minor Telekinesis - unusually in these Dragonhope dragons, Tadjath can assist or boost other telekinetic dragons (or people, he's not picky) so his carry capacity is aided by being able to cling to harness-holders, barrels or goods, and the like much more easily than just with his claws. If something is in his paws, it doesn't leave until he lets it go, and holds on to it with a tingling, gentle but firm grasp
Parentage: Gold Dhiiath (Ming/BlueMt) + Brown Silth (V'stan/Das)

Origin: Dragonhope Weyr giveaway 2021 v3y3
Other Info: Though not technically a search dragon, Tadjath likes being relied upon by Synesth, Hollis' dragon, to spot and carry kids that he has searched. Tadjath is a remarkably good 'contributor', he understands how to take orders from either his rider or a dragon that is in command, but also doesn't hesitate to offer his own knowledge and abilities where needed, and is rarely turned down for that offer!