Freshmen go Halloweening! Dasmalenra Halloween Egg Event Valentine, Daw, Sharon, Alexia, Freddy and Celeste, on a chilly October afternoon after school... "You totally think they won't let us go, right?" Daw smiled, his violet colored eyes shining with a grin. "Well think again, Valentine. We're going trick or treating!" "But last year," Valentine countered, batting... its... eyes and giving a shrug, "my parents told me I was too old to go! They wouldn't even let me try on any costumes!" "Well your parents are mean," Sharon said, patting ... it... on the shoulder. "I think that Daw's folks will be able to convince them, one way or another. They're really cool." "I hope so," Valentine groaned, its voice higher than a boy of its age, yet gruffer than most girls. No one wanted to guess whether he was a he or a she, it spent so much time preening and would get away with wearing dresses, skirts, tank tops and boxer shorts all within a week. Meanwhile no one doubted how manly - or, how manly he would be - Daw was. He was a stud, no doubt about that. Everywhere he went there were girls gathered. But he liked hanging out with his friends. They'd all met at the start of the school year, their first at Carramba High. They formed their own little clique, but rarely excluded anyone else - because they knew they could make more friends by actually talking to people. Most of them were outgoing, with Alexia and Celeste usually leading the group into new territory. Bold, some would say crazy, the pair often physically dragged their friends by the hands to class when they were near enough. Because the kids were not from Twoarth, the world where Carramba High was built, they had a way of bonding. Their parents lived in varying locations - all connected by a network of magic, tech and biomech, a 'freeway' of nexus points. Sharon's parents knew Alexia's from their diplomatic work, Daw's and Freddy's were actually in the same business of organizing heroic efforts and stole from each other's ideas constantly to improve their own homeworld's heroes. Valentine and Celeste's were in dragonry departments on their own worlds, and as Nexus points they were often in communication. It was Celeste's determination that they should trick or treat together that started all this moping about. Valentine didn't have a costume, of course, because its parents were quite adamant that he 'grow up'. No one really knew what it wanted to dress up as either. Everyone else had standby costumes ready, and aside from their occasional contact with younger siblings or those belonging to their local friends, they didn't even know what kind of costumes to try for. Freddy wanted a theme, but the others were a bit weirded out by his ideas. It turned out they weren't too far off from what everyone wanted to do anyway. A day later, after the duPree 'coolest parents on the planet' had heard about Valentine's plight, they immediately set to work on getting a party for the adults - costumes required - and that would free up Valentine to do whatever he'd be doing with their son Daw. Like their reputation suggested, the duPree's were widely recognized as cool people. Any way you slice it, he was going to inherit their attitude. (He'd already gotten their smashing good looks and unique powers.) Valentine was surprised that its parents actually accepted the invitation to the duPree party, and was thankful that they were ready to let it go out with its friends, after all they'd be coming back to the duPree estate afterwards. Now, its friends set to work to find their costume equipment. They would try to out do one another only in slight ways. Since they were not all rich and famous or even having equal access to equipment or inspiration, they decided on a seriously different course of action than expected. They decided to purely play on their strong points, and go a little with Freddy's 'prey and predator' theme. It only worked to a certain extent, but at least they'd get costumes and they'd be out grabbing up the good candies from around the unusual neighborhoods connected by the Nexus! |
Gender Morrisey Origin Nexus Nut NOT Class Freshman Totem Horny Toad Smarts/Greymatta 3 Bod/Feets 7 Rel.W/Parents 1 Luck/Nuts 7 Driving 9 Looks 4 Cool/Mouth 5 Bonk/Meat 3 Powers Bookworm Linguist Cute Power Transfer Clusters Memorize things +3 Be Adorable +2 Skills Research +3 Get In Good with Pals +2 Get Girl/BoyFriend +2 Knacks Understand Any Human Language Basics +3 Pronounce It Right The First Time +3 Confused Gender +2 Schedule 1st Period Hedge Mazes: Alibi and Art with Ihrinnah 2nd Period Proper Pronounciation Technique with Bunyi Teremteni 3rd Period Living Mythology with El'bis 4th Period Teaching Assistance LUNCHTIME!!! 5th Period Scroll Copying 6th Period Martial Arts and Stealth Tech for Deselection Practicioners with Nairne Timu 7th Period Mastering Flight with Treason 8th Period Veterinary Tech with S. Marad |
Name Daw duPree |
Gender Girl Boy-type (nighttime) Origin Nexus Nut NOT Class Freshman Totem Porcupine Smarts/Greymatta 10 Bod/Feets 5 Rel.W/Parents 4 Luck/Nuts 7 Driving 1 Looks 3 Cool/Mouth 7/8 Bonk/Meat 4 Powers Standdown Toughness Know It All Clusters Quick to Answer Anything +2 Bad Music Knowledge +2 Skills Drawing (mostly dragons) +2 Tough Fighting +2 Knacks Fight Like A God (standdown) +3 Accordion Music +2 Schedule 1st Period Spell Study Period 2nd Period Dragon Hatching Seminar with Baeris Kshau 3rd Period Instrumental Music (playing Accordion) with Zeets 4th Period Time Travel Machinery and Mapping Tech with Kamikaze LUNCHTIME!!! 5th Period Scroll Copying 6th Period Archaeology with A. Sanger 7th Period Library Duty 8th Period Living With Undeath with Shout! |
Gender Female Origin Nexus Nut NUT Class Freshman Totem Sea Cucumber Smarts/Greymatta 7 Bod/Feets 7 Rel.W/Parents 4 Luck/Nuts 6 Driving 3 Looks 4 Cool/Mouth 3 Bonk/Meat 3 Powers Natural Born Talent (see skills) Clusters Immersive Culture Practice +3 Find the Middle Ground +3 Skills Musical Appreciation +4 Religions +3 International Style +3 Knacks Tea Expert +3 Doodling +2 Multitasking Conversations +3 Schedule 1st Period Religion and Belief with Mehta 2nd Period Genre-Driven Fiction with McPanda 3rd Period Dragonry Prep with M*jora 4th Period Advanced Relaxation Techniques with Dude LUNCHTIME!!! 5th Period Mental Healing with SilverLight 6th Period Basic Architecture with Yresh 7th Period Make Your Own Planet with Ninhursag 8th Period Tea Ceremony and Club Meeting with McPanda |
Gender Male Origin Super Earth Nut NOT Class Freshman Totem Moth Smarts/Greymatta 2 Bod/Feets 6 Rel.W/Parents 6 Luck/Nuts 6 Driving 1 Looks 3 Cool/Mouth 3 Bonk/Meat 5 Powers Force Field Zap Bounce Clusters Daredevil Stuff +3 Skills Power Use +3 Aim +3 Knacks Power Things With Zap +3 Get Stuff from Folks +2 Act Like He Is Interested +3 Schedule 1st Period Religion and Belief with Mehta 2nd Period Genre-Driven Fiction with McPanda 3rd Period VIP Escort Duty 4th Period Psychology of Aliens with Gabriella LUNCHTIME!!! 5th Period Swim Team with O'tir 6th Period Speculative Engineering with Vax 7th Period Way Off Base-10 with Saiintenella 8th Period Tea Ceremony and Club Meeting with McPanda |
Gender Female Origin Nexus Nut NUT Class Freshman Totem Sloth Smarts/Greymatta 10 Bod/Feets 5 Rel.W/Parents 4 Luck/Nuts 5 Driving 1 Looks 2 Cool/Mouth 7 Bonk/Meat 4 Powers Cute Clusters Weird Animal Handling +3 Skills Study Amazing Stuff +2 Maps/Cartography +3 Chemistry +1 Knacks Run With Scissors +1 Ignore Impossible Odds +3 Schedule 1st Period Genre-Driven Fiction with McPanda 2nd Period Surviving and Thriving While Unbonded (dragon/gryphon) with Riluth 3rd Period Dungeon Crawl with Ashigaru 4th Period Advanced Summoning with Cameron LUNCHTIME!!! 5th Period Basic Architecture with Yresh 6th Period Alchemy with Cameron 7th Period Ancient Earth Language Old One with Cameron 8th Period Archaeology with A. Sanger |