Freshmen go Halloweening! Dasmalenra Halloween Egg Event "I think we have too many predators," Valentine said, blushing below the antlers that it'd stuck atop its head. It wasn't much of a costume but the addition of a live 'tiny reindeer' by his side (courtesy of the Vet Tech class apparently) would be a hit at the houses where young kids were remaining inside. Daw laughed, and shifted into a very large, very strong looking python. Everyone wondered whether Alexia had misunderstood the theme - but then she smacked Daw on the head with her scepter, "he's not dinner! But you might be, you foul little beast! Off with your head!" Sharon laughed gruffly at that, her nighttime voice was growing more masuline every week - because every week she transformed into a boy at sundown. That was one twist that the group had to adjust to: when she was very little her family had traveled to an obscure part of China and she'd fallen into this puddle... Freddy gave off a loud howl - and was shortly joined in a yip-yippy way by Celeste. They'd surrounded poor Valentine, but with its red-nosed little companion by its side they pushed the predators away. Sharon pulled up Daw and draped him over her - his now - broad shoulders and let him wander around over the studded leather jacket she'd gotten. A bad boy, one of those guys that all the rich 'nice' girls would have fallen for in school if they didn't already know it was a girl who shapeshifted every night... While the party was in full swing (Valentine's parents were strutting about with appropriately gaudy carnivale type costumes on, having a ball) the kids skipped out and found themselves on a street with lots of younger kids. "Oh we're so gonna stand out here," Celeste muttered. She clutched her pillowcase bag and glanced at the others, but surprisingly they'd already gone ahead to the first house. She caught up with them shortly and they started getting giddy. It didn't take long for them to clear that block and move on to another. This one was a bit more spooky, and there were somewhat more genuine screams coming from the one house with the long gravel drive. At the edge of the drive, they spotted - well, it was Valentine who spotted him first: a darkly done-up gryphon male, upright - probably local from Twoarth. It was like Valentine's hormones, whether they be male or female or both in nature? Went bonkers. Sharon had to hold Valentine back - "you're prey, remember? And you've got a little prey-item with you?" she hissed. Daw hissed too, but from her shoulders. Sighing, Valentine reigned in the urges in its blood, and pretended to be surprised when the gryphon-person sprang out from the darks of the driveway at them. They all sprinted up to the door, as another small group of younger teens bolted back past them and sprang over the gate. "We demand treats!" Shrieked Alexia in a false 'queenly' voice that she'd done earlier on the other street. The others had to resist busting up. They chimed in with their own 'trick or treat!' calls. The door opened, creaky, to a dark room. "Come in," said a female voice, from somewhere inside. Alexia didn't hesitate, she really got into character. Valentine had to be prodded by Freddy, while Celeste and Sharon - with Daw now gracing both their shoulders - went in behind their 'queen' Alexia. Once inside, their eyes started to adjust to the darkness. Candles in another room caught their attention, and in this way they were guided through a rather spooky house. The voice continued to goad them, 'want treats? what about a trick?' she said. "Treat!" Alexia yelled again, with a big grin on her royal face. "Then that's what you get! Or so you'll think!" The woman - girl? who could tell? Vampiric fangs glinted in the candle light, and her eyes all but glowed. "Take one each." She glared at Sharon, "ONE!" "I'm taking one, for me," she (he) said, "and my friend." "Your 'friend' doesn't need an egg!" The vampire-person said. But just then Daw's tail which had his goodie bag draped over it, came around. He shaped his head into a more humanish form, and hissed. "I do too need an egg!" He said. "Why are you giving out eggs? Are they rotten?" Taken aback, a little, the vampire shook her head and waved them out. The group assembled at the other side of the street and began their way house by house, back to the duPree estate.... |
Daw duPree - snake (tamer? no, snake!) |