Bonnionna, Queen Rider

Name Bonnionna, you can call her Bonni!

Female, she/her, panromantic prefers males

Homeworld A high-tech variety of Pern where they didn't lose AIVAS technology and knowledge
Species Space faring dragon riding human
Totem Platypus, the 'what, is there something on my face?' Totem. Living an entirely random existence you get your jollies from other's misfortune. Whee!
+1 S/GM, +1 Bod, +1 RWP, +1 Luck, +1 Drive, +1 Cool, +1 Bonk, +8 extra KK's
Nut Oh no thanks, I'm allergic
Class Senior, 40kks
Smarts 2 > 3
Bod/Feet 5 > 6
RWP 5 > 6
Luck 6 > 7
Drive 2 > 3 (Drive vehicle 2, Ride Dragon 5, Team Navigate... ehhhh let's say 2...)
Looks 3
Cool 3 > 4
Bonk 2 > 3

From A Long Line Of... Dragon Riders - if it wasn't obvious by the fact that she impressed a Gold dragon, you'd know it from her telling you all about it. Her family has always had dragon riders, every generation since the very start of riding dragons, don't you know! And most of the women rode Golds (though she can't prove that) and almost all the men rode Bronzes (they absolutely do not). But she definitely falls right in line with the expectations placed upon her, living up to the family crest - a great sprawling tree embroidered in gold and copper and just a little brown and blue and green, even a couple silver leaves in there too. Of course they have big trees on her Pern. Why, doesn't yours? Oh the stuff they called 'Thread'? They did away with the menace of that long ago, that big satellite network with sensors and lasers and whatnot? Oh no no no, dragons aren't ridden into battle with that stuff! That's what guns are for!

Actually Well-Bred - her line is actually suited to the tasks of riding, caring for, maintaining and housing, and training with and on the dragons of their world. And unlike some Perns where their dragons are menial animals, and also unlike others where they're far smarter than you expect and have a hive mind... Those from hers can be equated to the Zekiran Steeds - smart enough to learn and teach along side their rider, make their own decisions, but also still enjoy being pampered by their bond, and having a bond. They choose their riders, and this special queen chose her! Bonni does have several psionic powers, in addition to having a dragon bond.

-- Telepathic and Empathic, strongly so with dragons, and weaker with humans or other non-draconic types, she's able to sense the overall emotions of those around her, and acts accordingly. This can lead to being swept away with those emotions if they're strong, however. She can telepathically contact other telepathic minds at around 500 meters, and non-telepathic ones at 50 meters, and those dragons with telepathy at up to 2 miles! She's a classic 'hears all dragons' type, of course!

-- Draconic Summoning, as a last-ditch fear or pain response, Bonni automatically calls out with her mind, and any available nearby dragons of any disposition or description, will come to her aid. If they are within about 200 meters, up to 6 dragons or more than a dozen flitters or smaller-sized types may arrive and immediately act to defend or retrieve her, take her to safety, or protect her until human help can arrive. This definitely affects draconic Kin or Morphs, shifters, and dragons-who-are-also-people of any kind. They don't even need to be friendly, they will still come to her and help her just because!

Dragon's abilities as below, affording her the Winged Flight, Teleportation, Telepathy, and Command abilities. She can use the Command ability while near her dragon, usually while riding, but up to 50 meters away as the dragon acts as a signal boost and focal point. With it, she, like most proper Queen riders, is able to more formally summon those dragons consciously, arrange them into their proper ranks and teams, and importantly guide them if they're needing to be brought anywhere as a single unit.

Clusters 18

Delegate Responsibilities Rather Than Be Seen As A Loser +6 While she herself isn't that great with directions or, well, any great effort of any sort, she is able to delegate those who are good at it, and somehow they really feel good about doing it for her. She's a Queen rider! Gotta impress the Queen rider! Bonni does this responsibly, with a single very glaring incident in her past she won't talk about having taught her that lesson thoroughly...

Skills 24

Riding And Gear In General +5 From identifying the age and experience of a dragon just by looking at how it walks, to assessing wear patterns on riding gear, Bonni is markedly talented with how best to adjust a saddle or harness, what sort of materials wear out before others, multiple-person harnesses, and netting for rescue or supply packing. The health and well being of the rider is fine whatever go find a healer, but the dragon and how it interacts with that rider are of paramount importance. If a dragon's wing arm is being pinched, how do you expect them to fly correctly? So in addition to enjoying fashions for people, she definitely has an eye for it applied to dragons. After all, the dragons of her Pern aren't meant (mostly) for fighting, they're for transportation and working the land, and rescues and all those good things! Why not make sure that every harness is fit correctly, it doesn't matter if that dragon is carrying dignitaries across a city, or helping turn stones in newly ploughed fields, if they can't do that easily, it's not going to get done right!

Puts Needs Of Dragons First +4 Because she is strongly empathic, any time a dragon is in distress she knows it, and wants to make sure they are okay before looking for their rider. Now, this doesn't necessarily extend to 'and becoming a dragon healer', because she's still just a touch on the squeamish side with regards to bone breaking and ugly injuries. But superficial issues and interactions with both gear and people are definitely her domain. A happy Wing is a well performing Wing

Paperwork Is Ghastly But It Gets Done +3 She'll grumble about it, she'll mutter to herself while doing homework and talk at every folder and file in that filing cabinet before it goes into its proper place. But it is in its proper place, not some randomly imagined theoretical location under a stack or tucked into a book somewhere. This does tie into that early interaction she doesn't like referring to, and makes sure that she knows where everyone is and what they're doing, just like these maths problems or that literature homework gets researched, written up, checked, rechecked, and turned in. While she's hardly the smartest kid to cross paths with those subjects, she will set herself to it and gripe about it the whole time, still getting a good grade. She also knows the value of it, because she's a Queen Rider. They're meant to lead weyrs, and though she delegates she knows she can't get lazy, or risks another ... well, incident...

Knacks 6

Fancy Fashionista +4 Color coordination, postures and posing, fabrics and finery! The parts of her family that aren't dragon riders (married in in other words according to her anyway) have long been a textile and tailoring group, and in another Pern she would definitely have been from the Weaver's guild. She's not good enough at any of the specific aspects of fabric production to perform those duties, but she is clearly good to use as a tailoring or runway example, and she knows what she likes to wear based on its weight, textures, and how it interacts with other pieces she's assembled. Quite conscious of her own appearance in her youth, this was essential...

Is Actually Trans, But Technology Is Wonderful +2 As a young child Bonnionna knew that she wasn't in the 'right' form, and after explaining it to her parents, they decided it would be for the best to make sure that their darling, Searched as she had been as an infant, was in just the most perfect body she could be. Not much adjustment aside from internal gene therapy, and would you look at that she even went through puberty as a girl because, you know. She's a girl. She will read very slightly odd with genetic testing, and those who can properly decode this will know what's been done, but how many people aside from the Genetics Lab instructors here at CHS even have access to the equipment to do that? She will likely be able to have children more easily if they're spliced or engineered, and doesn't really want to 'have-have' them you know what I mean, kinda ew?

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Using Telepathy Politely / Apogee / Decent
2 Steam Technology And Alternate Power Sourcing / Vasalo / Excellent
3 Fashion Identities / Hidalgo / Superb
4 Ancient Furside Cultures / Trickster / Decent
5 Measuring Up / Haital / Excellent
6 Epic Poetry / Rayne / Excellent
7 Dragon Care / Kenobi / Excellent
8 Modeling / Lallidarr / Superb
Pets When absolutely anyone, dragon or human, could potentially be seen and used as a pet, one doesn't really need flitters or puppies cluttering things up (though she does enjoy flits! they respond to her so well!)
Parents? Gold and Bronze riders, of course! Though not 'weyrleaders' on their world, they are in charge of logistics and deliveries at the family textile factory
Siblings? She is the second of two children, her older brother chose to remain with the mill and fabric work though he is a (blue) rider himself
Image From Meiker Zecchou Lavender Valley
Other Info They love watching 'regular people' sports, mostly for the uniforms and gear!
They live in a private dragon den afforded by their parents

"He's actually a hunk, I met him in my Epic Poetry class!" "No mom he's ... well he's a bit different..." "Tall dark and handsome yeah! I mean, taller when he's -um- when he's a dragon?" "Yes he - yes, he shapeshifts! and he's--" "Well of course he's also a dragon, he's a dragon rider!" "He can be both!" "He's a, well he's a brown, when he's a dragon." "H...his dragon's also brown but it's a really pale brown it looks almost bronze in the sun!"

Yes, she's actually somewhat infatuated with Th'enu...


Name: Ziarriolth (zee YAR ee olth) "Zia"
Gender: Female, queen
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large, 16' s / 70' l / 100' ws
Colors: Soot-Point striped Gold; body is mainly a buttery golden yellow, with paler cream belly and wingsails, body marked with darker gold stripes on neck, shoulders, wing wrists, upper body, and tail, and pointed with sooty charcoal brown on face and paws
Features: nonstandard Pernese without headknobs, ridges, or split tail; otherwise normal save for her size
Powers: Winged Flight, Zia is careful and slow to rise into the skies, given she will knock everything over if she rushes. She needs space to gain altitude and definitely needs space to land, but when she's in the air she's an entirely different creature. When you're the size of a passenger jet, you also have to be well aware of the rest of your airspace... Zia is always checking around herself, and has never been in a tussle with a small aircraft, thankfully. She is big enough to carry an entire school-bus worth of students, chaperones, gear, and maybe even the bus itself, if she has the right gear for it, and yes, she does have the right gear for it thanks to her rider
Teleportation, local, nexus, genrehop; a talented flier still needs a backup plan, and Zia is good with short 'safety jumps' away from aircraft and other fliers. She has an innate sense of 'the open space nearby', and will move to it as needed, without pause, and extremely smoothly not breaking her wing beats. She does warn any passengers with a tiny mental ping, but sometimes just does it and they don't even notice! She can move between specific Nexus sites once she knows of their existence, and similarly she can move around different dimensions - they've visited several different Perns by now, and having a great time doing so!
Telepathy, Zia's constant queries to her rider are essential when they're in the air. Given that the airspace is shared not just with other dragons, but with planes, helicopters, alien spacecraft, and flying people... knowing who is where, is very, very important. Her mind is sleek and somewhat subdued, almost like the voice of a plane pilot reassuring their passengers and explaining what they're seeing through their windows. Measured and calm, but very, very strong, she can broadcast thoughts up to 50 miles and receive feedback pings from those up to 100 miles away. She uses this as a form of vortal radar, sensing what dragons or people have had to move out of the way or whether they're coming into range very quickly -that's a passenger jet, time to dip...
Command Dragons, along with the pinging, sometimes it's necessary to move those dragons, or get them to come along. Arranging their flight patterns and making sure they each know their roles is at least as important to Zia as it is to Bonni, just perhaps for different reasons. She'll relay Bonni's instructions perfectly and if any adjustments are needed, will go ahead with that thank you very much. Keep that tail out of your wingmate's face please, make sure you're allowing enough room to dive and climb without smashing into each other, thanks. She doesn't bark orders, she simply expects them to be carried out properly
Carries Firebreath, will depend on the partner she lays with, as to what flavor of it, whether natural, assisted, or some other form of breath weapon; she cannot breathe flames herself, but she does understand the theory of combat with it, and as such she can assist combat training exactly as well as any other noncombat duties
Parentage: Obsidian Gold Etiuruth and Silvered White Flurry Tehndarinth; with Lorewrath Adds (stripes)
Mate/Offspring: though Th'enu's brown is enticing, both riders and dragons are still young and thus off limits, but will absolutely become a full laying queen with maturity
Origin: unknown Pern, among the first to hatch
Art By: adopted from 8siren on bronzehalo lines from deviantart
Other Info: While not abnormally large for Pernese dragons, she is definitely on the big side compared to most others from the apparent clutch the 'old world' students impressed, and will want a full sized male to fly her when the time comes. Whether that's Th'enu's or another, who knows?