Kusixes, S'ixes, Journeyman Healer

Name Kusixes, would have been 'kix' but Sixes is so much cooler innit? Does have a Sanger grandpa and a Blackbottom gramma on different sides

Male, he/him, quite pan

Homeworld Old World Pern, one with integrated technology from having preserved their AIVAS, and adding genetic enhancements
Species Human, Starfaring Dragon Rider
Totem Platypus, the 'what, is there something on my face?' Totem. Living an entirely random existence you get your jollies from other's misfortune. Whee!
+1 S/GM, +1 Bod, +1 RWP, +1 Luck, +1 Drive, +1 Cool, +1 Bonk, +8 extra KK's
Nut Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Bean
Class Sophomore, 25 KnacKudos
Smarts 8 > 9
Bod/Feet 7 > 8 (dexterity 8, agility/strength 6)
RWP 2 > 3
Luck 3 > 4
Drive 2 > 3 (ride only)
Looks 7
Cool 6 > 7
Bonk 6 > 7

Connections and Favors, Sanger-Style With Blackbottom Flair - When you're born with two-tone hair and a brain capable of learning language in the womb, and you share that womb with an annoying pest of a sister, you get a wide variety of relatives, friends, groupies, and fans built in at birth. S'ixes knows who to tap for what favors, how often, and who to nudge when he doesn't get his way. But likewise - he is a Blackbottom, and they are loyal to the ends of the world, and beyond. If someone needs his aid, not even if they're part of this weird family, he will help as best he can in every way. He'll vet other groups or people before introducing them to others, scout out places, and equally expect that those he trusts to ask, will do the job right just like him

Terrifying, Terrific, Twins - While he and his sister operate largely in different circles for their daily routines, when they are summoned to work together, they will do so in an astonishingly smooth manner. Where he's apt to be the healer, she's the one causing folks needing his skills. He can spot a weak point on a person or even an animal or dragon, and she will unerringly hit it or disable it with a simple swing of that elegant sword arm of hers. They both adopt a sort of fugue mind, separate but with full access to one another's memories, muscle use, senses, and even dragon connections. Anyone with telepathy that watches them will be distressed to see that they can't be parted once they're in this state until they get whatever job they're doing finished, and it's been tried...

Sanger-Style Skills and Reflexes - Mainly with his sense of touch and vision being about 4 times as sensitive as normal, S'ixes has learned how to react with fine motor detail and is remarkably precise with his hands. His overall body reactions are still faster and more accurate than normal, but his fingers can stitch hair-fine sutures that only he can see, on nerve tissue that needs to be fixed. He can discern those same stitches just by running his fingers over them super-gently. His mind is as complex as it is, because his brain is far more densely packed (not 'dense', hushup) with neurons, he learns more quickly than almost any human can

Dragon Rider - As his sister is also able, he listens to his own dragon bond but also has occasional access to hers too! He mainly concentrates on the efforts to help others in the field, rather than being a combat-worthy rider, but can keep up with a wing with his eye on any dangerous stunts he'll have to help fix up later...

Clusters 12

Medical Brilliance +4 Many Sangers are adept with medical technology and this one's no exception. Though he does tend to concentrate more on the surgical and repair angle, he is very well versed in internal diagonsis and triage, emergency work, and to a lesser degree pharmacology. It's obvious that he will make an incredibly good field medic. His steady hand and incredibly good accuracy mean that he can draw blood from the most difficult veins (including those found below furry skin or scales) without a bruise, and can pinpoint the exact spot in a brain scan where the cancer cells need to be excised... and remove them, if he's got the right tools and permission to use them

Skills 16

Hand Eye Mastery +5 Not merely fine surgery, for these fingers! He can draw a perfect circle without trying, graph information on a hand-written ruler-perfect chart, snatch a gnat out of the air but not kill it, and he can even read Monika Kuyul's skin imprinted history?! He's one of the few people she's ever met outside of her own specific world's highly trained Historians, that can read it at all? Hell most people can't even see it. If you ask him to hold his fingers out exactly 5.15 mm apart, he'll do it, and you can measure it with a laser to confirm. He applies this to his own everyday activities, but never expects others (perhaps excepting mathematical constructs?) will be able to do the same, and doesn't hold others to that standard. He can school safety engineers who miss minute cracks or out of alignment screws just by running his fingers carefully enough over a wall. Doesn't even have to see the screw heads, he knows they're there. And he knows that one of them will cause an electrical short because it's dipping the wrong angle...

Defensive Deflection +3 Where his sister is clearly the offensive type (not... wait, no she's also offensive in other ways heh. ...heh.) S'ixes is best at protection and defensive operations. He's athletic and swift, but uses himself as a shield when needed, and can block incoming fists or even bullets - though he tries not to actually let his hands get hit by either. This serves well when he's in a field combat or emergency situation, as he will definitely recover health more quickly than most, and is unafraid to get hit ... yeah he does like pain a bit too much

Knacks 5

Definitely A Sucker For Blondes +2/-3 We'll ignore that many of the people he interacts with are Blackbottoms, like many male Sangers he is going to fall for ones that have specific appearances and mannerisms. He will (currently) choose a blonde over another in many social situations, so he'll have to figure out how to mitigate that in emergencies. He is also, typically, drawn to people who might not be good for him. But he's tough, resiliant, and young enough that his elders will swat away any actual threats before they become a problem for him

Noteworthy Nerd +4 Any Blackbottom worth their Salt (gotta pronounce the capital) needs to look and act their best. Even if they're around only other Blackbottoms, it really is always a pissin contest with these folks. So he's been trained up since basically infancy to be better looking and act like he owns the place. Even if he doesn't feel it, perhaps especially when he doesn't, he comes across as the authority in most situations, and then is able to assess things with his expert eye. Thing is his expertise isn't just medical work or dragons, it's many labcoat-covered subjects from genetic engineering to electronics clean-rooms, to playing 5D Chess. He is kinder and gentler than his sister, but sometimes he will tap every bit of her nerve and spunk to mansplain to the mansplainers that your Bunkers and Badasses game is made for everyone not just future neckbeards you fuckwits

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Decent
2 Advanced Technical Languages (Medical/Coding) / Charybdis / Superb
3 Hand-Eye Skill Training / Xayn / Superb
4 Grooming For Success / Dian Rhein / Decent
5 Measuring Up / Haital / Superb
6 Pre-Pre-Med / Walsh / Superb
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler / Superb
8 Careers: Urban Heroics (Field Medic) / Silverfish / Excellent
Pets None, though he's definitely wanting a flitter to help deliver or transport gear when needed in the field
Parents? A Sanger, a Blackbottom, and a bunch of other people walk into a bar. Only the Sanger and the Blackbottom hooked up. >_> Well probably lots of others but hey. The relevant parts are 'because this dimension's Pern has both.'
Siblings? Twin Sister Kikossa
Image From Azalea's Dolls Sci Fi Male
Other Info

They live near the campus in an apartment with other Sanger-related students

Which Sanger Is It? They do have some unique features but it's mainly that there are still so many Sangers out there who even knows which is which any more?

From The Nexus.


Name: Zermegalth (ZER meh galth) "Meg"
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 7'10" s / 25' l / 40' ws
Colors: Bluail
Features: Nontraditional Pernese, with sleek head and tail, and only marginal spinal ridging, but otherwise four legs with thumbed forepaws, leather wings with 4 internal fingers and a wrist thumb with claw underneath
Powers: Winged Flight, brave and strong, even if she's small she's very tough and durable in low-speed flights as well as the occasional sprint through dangerous terrain or activities. She would actually make an incredibly good Thread fighter but for her lack of flames... She carries a hefty amount around at a slow pace, but with her rider and his gear alone they can flit between moving dragons, cars, around trees and street corners, in record time. Her flight is steady at any speed, and when she's being relied upon to carry a patient anywhere, it could be buffeting winds or blackest night, she'll get them where they're supposed to be without any added harm
Teleportation, both on-world and nexus travel is accessable by this little dragoness, and though she prefers to be told where to go, she has an inherent ability to know where she's been, and if needed can guide other dragons to unusual locations. She and her rider actually buck the system for Sangers Getting Lost - they don't! She will only get winded by going to extremely different dimensions, but if there is an Earth or a Pern or even an Alskyr of any variety there, it's not even going to make her break a sweat
Telepathy and Verbal Emulation, as her sire is very clearly able to chitter and chirp forming dolphin-like chatter that his rider can 'translate', Meg can sing-song like a mynah bird, emulating syllables and phrases where needed. She knows a reasonable amount of short phrases that will help determine where she goes with her rider in an emergency, and can also understand several languages worth of those things though only 'speaks' English. Her telepathic range is overall quite good, able to sense and ping other telepaths and mainly dragons at up to 100 miles, and can broadly address telepathic minds at 50, but also speak with or to non-telepathic sentient minds at 2 miles
Carries Fire Breath, she is unable to breathe fire either with or without assistance, any offspring she has will inherit whatever their sire is capable of creating, not limited to fire
Pink Flamingo Vaoth and Blue Sixth with added Lorewrath (stripes)
Mate/Offspring: None yet, will want small and smart males
Origin: Unknown Pernese dimension, laid before being brought as an egg to Twoarth
Art By
: bought from and colors/design by 8Siren, on Bronzehalo lines, from Deviantart
Other Info: She is the ultimate medic's assistant, as she can recognize when someone is going to need help just by their gait on the ground, or in the air given dragons; she knows many medical terms but since she's actually just a little too big to be much use for humanoid sized patients, she can help with assisting larger dragons move around or be rescued from a Threadfall area safely