Welcome to the Paragon Special Studies Program - a school dedicated to furthering the education, enrichment, and integration of powered young people into Paragon City and the world.

Because not every hero is born with beautiful appearance and elegance or grace, money or political power in their family, some young people find it difficult to attend regular schools while their powers begin to blossom. For this reason, schools designed exclusively for those young people displaying powers or mutations, magical gifts or other forms of powers have been created around the country. Paragon's has a strong attendance and a great record for heroics by the staff as well as the students.

With the discovery of other alternate universes and the ability to travel to and from them, utilizing a variety of means from magical to willpower to pure technology, many new places to explore and people to meet can come to PSSP. Some of those people include dragonriding cat-kin, magic-weilding presidents, and even other school kids. It is the dragon riders which are of most interest to the Paragon Studies team, because they can help young students not only gain a foothold in their heroic activities, but they provide a permanent bond and friend to the kids who might otherwise find themselves outcasts in a world where their appearance is unusual or frightening.

Because some other cities have already begun accepting dragon riding law enforcement and heroes, Paragon is similarly gearing up for a legal switch to aid the young folks and their new dragon friends. Media blitzing to inform the public that nearly every dragon in the city is being ridden by a hero - and not a villain - is important to help control panic and allow new heroes the chance to become public.

The future of this program might depend on the success of this generation of students and their dragon bonds and sponsors. The future of Paragon City depends on it, that's certain!


2012 has brought a dramatic change to Paragon. The fate of its dimension was decided, apparently by mad gods bent on destruction of all that is good and sane. However, not everything about the universe that Paragon resided within was destroyed. Pockets of civilization from Primal Earth as well as numerous other 'parallel dimension' versions of it (Praetorian Earth, Devoured, Council, dozens of others) were rescued in the form of Nexus movement. Residing more or less in a state of flux between virtual and real, these Earths can be reached by any talented portal-maker, teleporter, mage or even dreamer.

Thus, even though the world of Paragon has been wiped from its original universe, it still lives on. Carramba and Wonder, The End and many other locations that cross Nexus and Multiversal barriers have welcomed all the refugees from Paragon with open arms. Their city still stands, their heroes still fly. Long Live Paragon!

Meet the Students and read their stories!
Background image created from screenshots in game . Logo by Grsites