Winged Flight - fast, accurate, and agile in the air, Shargath knows just where to be, and concentrates efforts on short bursts of speed and sudden turns
Teleportation - less strong with this power than he'd like, he can still move more than a mile with knowledge of where he's going. Perhaps this power will expand over his adult life, but for now he doesn't rely on it save for getting to class on time if he's running late...
Verbal speech, Telepathy - an impressive public speaker, and with a good vocabulary. He has never hesitated to speak his mind, and tends to be direct and to the point to avoid any mistakes in instructions. His mental energy is strong and bright but not very long range, he can communicate with his team mates at up to 3 miles, but only other telepaths otherwise, and those at under 500 meters, this way however allows him to filter out any undue chatter and concentrate on the team tasks right in front of him
Genresight - though he can't actively move between realms, he can easily see the differences between them, and if they're needed somewhere he can very accurately imprint the location into another more capable dragon's mind
Luck - things will go right just at the exact moment he needs them to, whoops he knocked over a can of Pasketti-ohs but caught it with his tail spade! This isn't an active power, it just happens, and will prevent him and perhaps those around him from having any terrible disasters befall them |