Trilibeth had been hatched at the Healing Den's third clutch of 'normal' Pernese dragons. Her memories of the incident are still painfully clear.
** From Hatching 3 **
A green and a blue crept out of their shells. The green was light, forest illuminated with bright lime. She hissed a bit at her blue brother, and then glanced at the candidates. Her eyes whirled excitedly when they landed upon one lad who was attempting to remain in the back, shadowed. He was barely supposed to be here anyway... Wandering through the weyr waiting for ... just waiting for something to happen. Looked like that was here and now!
She galloped up to Lerory and nuzzled him. You are the one for me! I want to see where you've been hiding! I am Trilibeth, L'roren. That is a nice name I just made up for you isn't it? Come along, feed me! I smell something good, and it is over there!
Bowled over by the impression, the normally suave thief blinked as the dragonet happily dragged him away.

She was furious about that memory continually plaguing her. It had been nearly twenty years, most of them spent in the Healing Den's expansive network of tunnels and old chambers with a few others who had been abandoned by their bonded riders. Pierth and Trick and Treath and she would lurk around and have food fights or plot ways to anger the more serious locals.
Gender: Female
Breed: Pernese
Colour: body green-apple light green with paler and grass-green dappling darker at limbs/tail; wingsails paler green with white-green dappling
Size: small Green sized, around 7'6" shoulder
Abilities: Winged Flight, though a touch on the weaker side since she's spent a lot more time wandering the halls of the Den than flying over weyr and hold
Teleportation, Genrehop, she can unerringly return to the Den, but has experimented with wandering the multiverse adeptly; she can move very quickly up to 2 miles while on worlds, and in the Den itself has been known to flicker from room to room as long as they're large enough for her to fit (and has somehow never teleported into an occupied location)
Telepathy, she is mentally quiet but when she does connect it is with the tartness that a green apple might have, and leaves an 'aftertaste' of a life lived without her impressed bond
Telekinesis, though she lacked the training and teamwork of a wing for this ability, she is quite strong with lifting small items and manipulating big ones with aid; she can outright lift a human-sized object (refraining from lifting any actual humans except if she needs to push them away...) close range, and up to 100 meters away can jostle or pull items around 20 lbs or less. She has learned to 'juggle' with this ability and uses it to entertain her friends in the Den
Assisted Firebreath,
never touched it in her life, doesn't plan on it- though sometimes it's been amusing to watch Pierth light up after eating a lot of gassy foods...
Basic Personality: bitter, with a lingering mad-on for humans, though over time this fades a little; at hatching used to be considered a bit of a flighty ditz but on her return she has definitely shown that she's no fluff-head
Parents: Green Fairth [green Satineth^+brown Otinuth (gold Wyrith+bronze Toremith)] and Blue Dorth (gold Naomith+bronze Treyath ^) ^also same parents
Healing Den, normal clutch 3, formerly impressed to L'rory (Lerory) but was abandoned as a young hatchling and returned even though she is full blooded Pernese and should by all rights have died without her bond.
Participated in the Softball Team genepool Mate: Sploxioth
Offspring: sunshine yellow M Shargath
Mate: Tamisra
Offspring: brown F Matength |