
Name Matength (mah TENG th)
Gender Female

Healing Den

Parents: Trilibeth and Tamisra

Class Freshman
Nut Oh definitely
Totem Chinchilla
Smarts 6
Bod/Feets 7
Luck/Nuts 4
Drive 1, Fly 8
Looks 4
Cool/Mouth 6
Bonk/Meat 5, adult 9

Winged Flight - though not as fast or durable in the air as some, Matength's flight is still good for zooming back and forth around a softball field. She's much more apt to use her strong legs and big clawed toes to get speed, and her wings and tail to balance for aggressive and sure ground action

Teleportation - average in skill and strength with this, she can move about 100 meters at a quick pace several times before needing a break, and has an innate knowledge of where an open space is even if she's unable to see it

Genrehopping - with a mother that resided at the Healing Den as long as Trilibeth did, it's no wonder that a lot of the Den's interdimensional motion wore off on her. She can find and move to a nearby dimension, often 'the one where we win this game', to hide and carefully study what happens, before returning just in time to emulate that winning strat

Telekinesis / Minor Wind Boost - if it seems like Matength is light on her feet it's because she is, somehow, even when truly digging into the turf with those massive claws, they hardly leave a scratch in the dirt. She can cover her tracks easily and gently nudge small items up to about the size of a toaster, and yeah yeah she knows better than to use it during a game but she does use that power a little too often for Coach Kazkegu's taste...

Metamorphosis - eventually, it's possible that her wingspan will become much greater, since her sire has the ability to slowly but surely change shape and limb type. Likely while they are maturing her wings will remain reasonably small, but if they go on the road and participate in full Galactic Softball (which they undoubtedly will) they may grow quite a bit stronger and larger

Clusters Know What You're Doing Before You Do It +3 that's because she absolutely cheats, moving through dimensions makes this a breeze; cheating? Yup. Absolutely. But you'll be quiet about that, right? Because she won't hesitate to trade for that exam sheet, she's no monster. She'd prefer everyone get through school with flying colors even if they're flying because she hoisted the answer sheet on a flagpole

Bit Of A Prankster +3 From a rather demure beginning, Matength is absolutely not what you'd expect a joker to be. She doesn't do dangerous physical stunts or gags that would actively harm anyone, but if she senses gullibility anywhere near her it's like a homing beacon to her and she loves the look on people's faces when they realize they've been had

Also Generous To A Fault +2 And to make up for any hurt feelings, for real, these are tickets to that show you wanted to see, long as you don't ask where they came from mmkay?

Research Tactics +2 Just because she goes into other dimensions looking for solutions doesn't mean they would be readily available, and she's made sure to know how to look for clues and research subjects or people

Knacks Knows The Entire Who's On First Skit +3 Third base! Actually she knows pretty much all the commentary and terminology of ball games, and if she ever decided to stop messing with alternate realities she might even make a good commentator for them; she knows names, stats, and anything else that might come on the back of a baseball card
1 Heroic Ethics / Peacemongrel / Passing
2 Interspecies Politics / A.Davis-Dawg / Decent
3 Betting and Odds / Haital / Excellent
4 Time Travel Machinery and Mapping Tech / Q.Pepper / Decent
5 Contemporary Intergalactic Hitch Hiking / Awesomesauce / Superb
6 Speech / Prescott / Decent^ (verging on Excellent, now if she'd stop using it as a weapon)
7 Multiplanar History / Prescott / Superb
8 Junior Galactic Softball Team / Kazkegu / Superb
Position 3rd Base
Other Stuff Size Small Biped, 8' to head / 13' long / 20' ws