Alphabet Girls

Name Aletta Beata Gams Deely
Gender F / Pan F / Gay F / Bi Aro F / Bi

Twoarth's MIB division
*Relation With Parents has been changed to Authority

Junior, 30kk
Nut NUT Crumble Topping Nut Spicy
Totem Horny Toad +7kk Bush Baby +8kk Jackal +5kk Beach Bunny +4kk
Smarts 5 9 10 6
Bod/Feet 6 (6 agi, 5 dex) 9 (5 agi, 10 dex) 6 6
RWA* 2 4 3 4
Luck 7 2 3 4
Drive 5 2 3 4
Looks 7 6 6 7
Cool 6 (7^) 5 7 (8^) 5
Bonk 6* 12 6* 12 6 7



Clones - these four exact clones can tap into for learning from one another (their communication skills to each other are flawless, and they don't require any time to convey signals or info, when in close proximity they simply 'know' what the others do), working together (see Gang), or replacement parts (not according to their plans...)

Gang - act as a powerful gang that will come to their aid once per session/week, when they are together all of their skill checks are at +3, when 3 are together it's +2, and when 2 are paired up skills are at +1

Run Like Heck - movement speed double when needed badly (and they can do this in heels)

Equipment - all come with a variety of guns and standard MiB gear such as memory erasure and cool shades, which somehow fit into their lockers. Do not get stuffed into their lockers, because they are sub-let from the Admin Torus and we all know how weird that is...

^ - this indicates certain amount of skill or cluster is 'free' with the power and doesn't count against Knackudos, can be raised



Cute - wins hearts by flexing
Standdown^ - fight like a god in overwhelming situations
Toughness - can take twice damage before exhaustion
Bookworm^ - RTFM baybee
Photographic Memory - remembers everything (graph-like visuals)
Toughness - can take twice damage before exhaustion
Bookworm^ - Legalese is a legal ease
Professional Whiner^ - excellent at debating
Standdown^ - fight like a god in overwhelming situations
Cute - wins hearts by batting eyes
Photographic Memory - remembers everything (vivid full sensory)
Professional Whiner^ - never shuts up, try getting a word in...



Macho^ - cannot be intimidated by threats or persuasion (*intimidate) ^M4d 5ki11z - way too leet, computers and machinery bonus InstaSkill - Temporary +3 to any skill, cluster, or knack, once/48 hrs Lose It - when active all skills double, lasts until exhastion
Clusters Physical Fun +5
^Shared Information +3
*'Charming' +2
^Shared Information +5
^Computers +4
Draws Perfectly +3
Incredibly Intimidating +4
^Shared Information +3
Weapon Use +2
Your Cruise Director +5
^Shared Information +3
Is The Distraction +1
Skills Run Think Shoot Live +5
^*Influence People +4
^*Whine +1 RWA, +2C
Mechanic +4
^Research +3
Sniper +3
^Research +3
Interrupts Professors +3
Almost Always Right +2
Catch On Quick +3
^Whine +1 RWA, +2C
Unexpected Murder +2

^Handle Situation +3
Danger Addict +3
A Furry +1

Prefers High Vantage +3
Never Get Lost +2
Just In Time +1
Gone Like The Wind +4
^Handle Situation +3
Will Backstab You +3
Bisexual Train Wreck +3
Weird Trivia +2
Xenophile +1
Class / Instructor / Grade
1 Big Game Hunting / Vasquez / Decent Advanced Stats / A. Vale / Excellent Martial Arts + Stealth / Hart / Excellent Time Travel Machines / Q. Pepper / Decent
2 Career MIB / Ravenquill / Superb Adv. Tech Languages / Charybdis / Superb Honors English / Gabriella / Decent Exotic Diets / Carver / Excellent
3 Betting and Odds / Haital / Passing Adv. Computer Coding / Wesson / Superb Career MIB / Lane / Superb Universal History / Argle / Decent
4 Fur Side Studies / Keevok / Decent Galactic Geography / Huntington / Decent Deselection Procedure / Carver / Superb Cartography / Lari / Excellent
5 Manual Shift Driving / Krueger / Excellent Verticality / Saqqaf / Excellent Look At Your Brain / Farber / Decent Martian Studies / Gabriella / Excellent
6 Practical Anatomy / V. Sanger / Superb Career MIB / Donbon / Superb Political Science / Talshoy / Decent Martial Arts + Stealth / Hart / Decent
7 Twoarth Geography / Rands / Excellent Tech Writing / Wheeler / Excellent Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone / Passing Career MIB / Paveh / Superb
8 Snappy Banter / Carver / Superb Mech Suit Piloting / Valarian / Decent Multiplanar History / Prescott / Decent Alien Evolution / C'thain / Decent
Dragon Sandblast Analog Tourbillion Gold Dust
Parents? N/A, they were created based on a girl that wandered into the facility and cloned a lot
Siblings? > Clone >> Clone >>> Clone >>>> Clone (they are ... clones.)



Dragon of Aletta

Name: Sandblast
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large (bulky) 12' s / 52' l / 102' ws
Colors: face, body and limbs, wing arms and under tail sandy cream; armor caramel brown with warm grey center and medium brown insets, and white with some framing on limbs and tail; wingsails and back fin off-white with just the faintest warm hints; horns and claws pale grey; eyes green
Features: Sandwing pretty standard
Powers: Winged Flight, extremely strong low-altitude flight, though she kicks up quite the wind and can knock over solid walls with taking off. She is absolutely a powerhouse of lifting, though not remarkably fast or agile in the air. Sandblast is capable of lifting not just a 'full freight car', but an entire train off the ground provided she can grasp it. She seems capable of just blowing right through buildings and even some hillsides when she's in a power dive, and stopping her when she's at her fullest (admittedly not all that great) speed is quite hard.
Communication, speaks Draconic and English, neither of them with a very big vocabulary. She is smart enough to know when she should just take orders, and doesn't overstep with dumb ideas in group sessions. She does take orders very well, even complex ones, so she's not actually stupid.
Fire And Fury, with a combination of her remarkably hot fire breath and her beating wings, Sandblast can pick up debris and particles and cause an absolute maelstrom of fire in swirling patterns. Superheated flame in a fan of around 30 meters wide at its farthest reach (100m) can burn even tempered metal and supposedly resistant materials. The maelstrom of fire though is her preferred method, and she makes sure not to do this when there are innocents or valuable items around. With that she can clear entire streets for blocks, leaving very little beyond grease and ash behind. While the maelstrom only lasts about 10 seconds, it moves at a quick pace able to outrun Combine soldiers, but a fast moving vehicle or beast, or flying dragon would outrun it. Even so, the area around this burst will burn or melt thin metal if it lingers.
Tail Stinger, as all Sandwings come equipped with a dangerous scorpion-like sting tail hers is no exception, though it lacks any poison she can still use this 3-foot-long spike to impale enemies while she's busy with other things at her head end...
Parentage: Unknown, born off-world, and arrived to Carramba as a youthful dragonet, but seems to know more Draconic than most who were raised here (which isn't a lot, but still).
Origin: Adopted from TropiCat212 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She is well suited to be the muscle of the team, though she doesn't use this strength to get her own way, she knows that she could easily damage things and won't put others at risk while she's fighting. She is quite conscious of her surroundings.

Dragon of Beata

Name: Analog
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Med-Small (bulky, young*) 7'2 s / 34' l / 58' ws (* adult size 10'/52'/80')
Colors: belly from neck to tail tip and behind limbs, chest spines pale warm grey; face, body, wing arms and limbs dark brownish-grey; dorsal scales, armor, horns, claws and back spines dark brown; webbing and wingsails gradient from golden yellow-orange to darker rust-orange at wing tips, wings have bright yellow Royal Seawing filigree markings; bioluminescence usually strongly glowing in very pale cream; eyes pinkish-melon red
Features: Seawing in shape, but mostly Mudwing in coloration
Powers: Travel Through Anything, though flight is not his main concern, Analog is a good enough flier to reach locations overland without tiring too much, though he is still quite young and thus as he grows into his full size he might have to slow down on the flying a little. However, he can move through water, loose soils, sand, sludge, rubble... you name it if it's not completely solid or incredibly toxic, he can still manage to walk or 'swim' through it. If the area of this substance is big enough, he can use his wings to propel through it too, though usually that's best with liquids. He has no trouble getting through very heavy water currents, or even quicksand or earthquake-rumbled ground, avalanche snow, rolling boulders. Oddly enough too, none of those dangerous areas seem to respond to his presence, he doesn't trigger an earthquake or an avalanche just by moving through wobbly ground or loose fragile snow.
Pass Without A Trace, on that note, he cannot be sensed by sonar or vibration sensors, rather unlike his mother who is very, very easily traced...
Communication, Analog is able to use Aquatic signaling, speaks Draconic, English, and knows most forms of non-verbal languages by sight or sound, can use Morse Code, and sounds of a router or dial-up to send static-like bursts of actual code through computer systems. He can hear extremely low-frequency sounds as well as very high ones, and communicates with ease to virtually any sea-born creature, but can also absolutely ruin a submarine's day with sonar pips. This sound can also be used offensively.
Sonic Burst, both above and below the sea, this powerful shout is built to crumble solid things into parts, and can damage living tissue such as jellyfish or eyeballs easily. It only makes most 'flesh' wobble or vibrate, but this can be very painful to anything with fatty tissues. He can use this in a very refined form, up close, to break up blood clots, or in a broad loud bang to clear an area of debris brushing it away as a cymbal crash. This can be used under water to herd fish, but importantly also to communicate nearly world-wide with those ultra-low rumbles that whales use.
Aquatic Adaptations, since he is physically much more like his father in shape, he does have webbing on feet, gills to breathe underwater, and the glowing biolume markings common to that breed. He does feel more comfortable in moist atmospheres, but he can tolerate dry for a day or more before he needs to take a mud bath or immerse himself. He is able to dive to the bottom of the deepest sea trench with no ill-effects, and withstands very chill but not freezing temperatures. He does prefer a more moderate temperature range, and dislikes being in very hot air. (He likes being in a sauna, or hot tub, however!)
Parentage: Mother Amonite, father Steampunk note that he was born near Rapture, but has occasionally been ported to Xen where Amonite likes to fly around.
Origin: Adopted from SynthwaveTerror on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: he's small now. But this dragon isn't going to stop growing for another decade at least, and Beata is already looking in to how to best house and care for him when he's too large to roam Carramba's halls.

Dragon of Gams

Name: Tourbillion (toor bee YON)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9' s / 46' l / 64' ws
*Colors: belly from chin to tail tip, behind legs, face marking, horns, royal indigo (slightly violet) blue with clusters of metallic indigo patches; body, legs, wing arms, and dorsal wingsails smooth sandy-brown with darker greenish edging on wingsails and next to belly; armor on face, limbs dorsal ridge, and claws medium-dark brown; wingsails and neck frill a maelstrom of violet-red, brown, and dark orange in a thatched pattern; eyes pale green; *all subject to change though these are his typical shades and he rarely varies, though the spots on his sides and the pattern of colors on his wings are the things he tends to alter
Features: Rainwing, though his coloration indicates he has a sandwing somewhere in his line
Powers: Winged Flight, Tourbillion is a remarkably good and agile flier, dodging raindrops or bullets - actually dodging them, with such speed that normal people would be positively shattered if they rode him. He can carry up to three humanoids without trouble, but he knows he cannot go at full speed or use his special dodging with weights on him in any way. He is among the fastest of his breed, though he cannot quite compete with those Skywings mostly due to his size. His speedy dodging works well for urban flight and forest weaving equally well.
Communication, Tour speaks quickly and uses complex words correctly, in English, French, Draconic, and Russian, and is learning Chinese and Korean. He cannot quite parrot voices, but to hear him the only real difference is that his voice is quite a bit bigger and louder than a humanoid's. He also *can color shift those little spots on his sides, and actually they do move around when he concentrates, enough that he can 'spell' things, usually in code or what looks like Braille. They would normally not move around, but he's quite special.
*Wing Hypnosis, the coloration on the undersides of his wings can sweep around in swirls and mesmerize intelligent sighted creatures, leaving them dizzy and often when he folds his wings abruptly whole groups of entranced people will just fall over from vertigo. This does only work while he's standing reasonably still, but he can walk at a slow pace, leading people along or attracting due attention away from something else more dire.
Venom Spit, his thick gooey spit stings quite a lot when it hits skin, and can temporarily blind eyes if it gets on a face. It smells oddly, not a 'bad' stink, but a lot like gone-off meat, or too-sweet flowers, all with a very faint chemical overtone. Also it looks like it smells, it's a vibrant yellowish green with edges of brighter green. He can produce a lot of this spit, and frankly if you watch him yacking it up often whoever is around will also just start sympathy-barfing... Again this is useful in crowd control, less so for actually damaging anything. Though quite a bit is produced, it evaporates within about 15 minutes, leaving a slightly green grit and stain behind, and can be washed off completely with water.
Parentage: Unknown, probably has one Sandwing grandparent or several great-grandparents, hatched on the Rookery he was raised by several dragons there before being moved to Twoarth.
Origin: Adopted from Maladys-Market with Biohazardia lines, on Deviantart; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Tour is comfortable being the brains of the operation, and the other dragons among the Troubleshooters (well, among the Alphabet Girls') tend to listen to his instructions without hesitation. He does like occasionally romping around with the Stunt Dragon crew, because of his incredible agility.

Dragon of Deely

Name: Gold Dust
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 10' s / 50' l / 70' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip and behind legs cream burnished to tan gradient, darker on legs; body from face to tail tip, legs and wing arms charcoal black, with glowing ghostly white V and dot markings; wingsail dorsal charcoal with no markings, ventral displays bright cinnamon-gold nebula stars which swirl; eye accent, horns and spikes, claws all light caramel tan; eyes aqua
Features: Nightwing with non-standard coloration; notably she has no visible armor beyond her face, which seems to be a strange mutation
Powers: Winged Flight, Gold Dust is much stronger than she seems when in the air, her wings seem to give considerably more lift than they ought to, and if you look at her patterns when she's flying those nebula swirls seem to have something to do with this. She can maintain a nearly perfect hover without actually flapping at all, almost like a helicopter with some amount of turbulence right under both wings. She isn't the fastest dragon, but she can fly for nearly a day without setting down to rest, and she can, if she grabs something that has hand-holds, carry massive weight such as an entire full freight car for that whole time.
Communication, since she seems to have unusual markings, they may add to her natural telepathic abilities, and she senses minds of dragons and others within 2 miles. She can speak English and Draconic, and is attempting to learn Vort.
Vortex of Gold, those wings can actually act as a conduit to deep space. If she really needs to pull something away from the world, it requires concentration and being on the ground. She can open the connection between that space and her wings to use the gravity or vacuum of space, somehow, and whatever gets sucked through her wings (provided it can fit through their surface area) is pretty much doomed.
Light Flash, though her sire is one of the strongest fire-breathers (... 'fire' in the form of a plasma burst) of the Rookery, she lacks the ability to cast any form of flame or heat. However her glowing markings make up for this, in the form of a blinding strobe that she uses to disorient or even permanently blind enemies within range. Even those at a distance can become momentarily dazzled when she begins to flicker. This light seems to be literally a pulsar's, which also might go a long way to explaining how she defies gravity so well.
Parentage: Mother Anunit (of Chance), father In Brightest Night (of Branwen), born on Rookery Earth
Origin: Adopted from SynthwaveTerror with Biohazardia lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Happy to be on the troubleshooting team, Gold Dust seems more chipper and happy than a dragon with such dire abilities and connection to deep space should be.