Troubleshooters |
Conradi Signet, Marked by the Outsider; a tactician and infiltration expert, capable of possessing animals, phasing through walls, and listening in on enemy chatter without being noticed; is their spell- and ritual-magic expert | |
Deely, the Adorable Unexpected Plot Twist; a cute chatterbox that can pull up overheard information right when you least expect it; an expert on all things off-world and alien, a Xenophile |
Aletta, the Escape Plan; if she can't punch a hole in it, she knows how to talk her way through danger, she is also their 'getaway driver', with a dragon or a car doesn't matter to her; a Furry fan | |
Qondez Dusu, the Force Adept; good with people skills as well as brute ...Force, a well rounded team mate who can handle rough and tumble fights as well as negotiations with ease; the group's psionicist |
Beata, the Badass Bookworm; computer code and gadgeteering are her primary skills, but she is also quite the sniper shot, and tends to do the research on locations, and repairs for their equipment |
Neive Keenmark, the Aperture Cyberhack; logistics and locational distribution, they can open portals nearly anywhere, and gets the group where they're going even if it's behind sealed doors | |
Gams, the Harbinger of Doom Ringleader; let's not mince words, she is terrifying, and is often the last thing an enemy sees; trained with legal procedure as well as deadly martial arts |
Xuno Hong, the Metalbender; as talented with throwing chunks of stone as he is with battle-bending kata, he can devise clever plans for the team and carry them out with gusto and style... and bet on their results |
Meet the Troubleshooters, a crack team of teenagers training to be the best infiltration and subversion group Crescent City has ever seen! Though they haven't yet graduated from Carramba High School, they've already been tapped for some infiltration work, and are looking at professional-grade gear, and hope for a nice big penthouse lair downtown! That's all provisional of course, they'll have to pass their English finals first... *** The Alphabet Girls - Aletta, Beata, Gams, and Deely - have befriended dragons first! They are all Pyrrhan origin, though most hatched on the Rookery. Xuno, Neive, Con and Qon (yes, that does get a little CONfusing...) have stood for more traditional dragons in their efforts to make the whole team sky-worthy; Xuno and Conradi have found their pairs among the dramatic Imperial Court! They are looking forward to being the first dragon-riding espionage team on Twoarth. However, they also are fit for the local 'super powered' groups, and have acted as backups during training missions among those budding powered kids. Their instructors, particularly Lane and Paveh, believe that they will become a truly amazing force, and have made sure that their course schedules reflect their best abilities. That's not saying the kids don't occasionally just have a little fun with their school work, or that they are able to ace all their studies. But where they shine they are truly superstars. |