Name: Ivah'dasa (ee vah DAH sah)

Age: around 10 at arrival to Xen, normally with a 90-year lifespan but extended indefinitely due to exposure to Xenian environment and dragons

Species: Caamasi, female

Family: unknown, taken to Jedi temple at Lothal at an early age and picked up by Mochifa Ne for training; may consider finding ways to locate others of her species, though they are now quite rare in the Galaxy and rarer still where she's chosen to reside...

Profession: Jedi in training, a youngling at the start, and accepted as Padawan to Mochifa for a time, and now a Padawan directly to Syruk; She will be specializing in diplomacy and interspecies relations, and knows that eventually when or if she returns to her home Galaxy she will want to find lesser-contacted planets and help them in that regard. She is careful and smart, but also as a child overly sensitive empathically, so she is working on getting her guard up and her communication skills honed

Origin: Caamas, though she has little to no direct experience with the world itself, all of her memories of it come from memnii shared by a few Caamasi she's met

Current Whereabouts: Will be spending about 3 to 5 years at Carramba High and on Twoarth in general, but still resides more or less permanently in the facilities on Xen. She may also head to Ketvaozh to visit Mochifa as well as Izorrat to get further training in balance from Karen

Height/Build: 5'2" at adulthood, quite small in fact even for her species, she's always been little and light weight

Appearance: as shown she is bipedal with hands that have two long taloned fingers and a long thumb, she's furry, white over pale beige skin, with a snouted face and almost feathery hair, over pointed ears; she wears a white over greenish tan outfit, often used by Scholar class Jedi to distinguish them from other duties
** Image created in City of Heroes and slightly modified

Force Abilities: Heavily Empathic Ivah'dasa has often had trouble shielding her mind from the strong emotions around her. But she's learned that this can work to her benefit, as she's able to cast those emotions from one mind to another now, with practice. Someone bullying a student in the halls at school instantly gets a taste of their own medicine! Her species does have an extensive history with sharing their memories, so she considers this to be an extension of that aspect. Her empathy allows her to sense the emotional state and superficial thoughts of everyone around her in about a 50 meter sphere, but she can tune out or block it now that she's got a little experience. She can manipulate the emotions based on existing memories of those within 10 meters.
Telepathic Connection, able to meditate or now with training actively contact other sentient minds, particularly Force users, but overall is learning how to contact non-Vortal minds as well. She can do this at great distance depending on the strength of the minds perceived, which did lead to her being surprised to connect with purrgil in hyperspace as well as up above the planet the team investigated early on. She must gather her wits in groups before trying to actively communicate with anyone, but this might only take a second or two now.
Sense Life, her Force sensitivity includes anything that might harbor intelligence or self-awareness, and that's why she's been perpetually amazed at Xen - because ... some of the crystals that they find have this ability. She can sense creatures as small as mice, and as large as, well, purrgil come to mind, they're the biggest things she's ever encountered even versus those on Xen! She can sense but not control or 'memorize' Droids, some of which are very lively with the Force.

Physically Ivah is able to use Self Maintenance with the Force, healing small injuries and assessing any illnesses she may be encountering. It takes a little effort to do this, meditation in the evening before bedtime usually, and if she has gone through any rigorous work or injured herself, her condition will be completely healed and healthy overall when she wakes up. It does require that post-meditation sleep however.
She can sprint very quickly, boosted with a little Force, and can jump improbable heights and distances, with confidence.

Lightsaber: Pure white, brightly glowing with an unusual lack of coloration. She purposefully chose this, a kyber crystal that all but leapt into her hand seemed to shine with a singular white shade. While she understands that this lack of color often indicated a "purity purge" from some other shade (usually red) it's easily seen that she has no darkness within her, and seeks to show others how to be true to their good intentions. Interestingly she has met Falni Zuhl, who weilds effectively the reverse - a Void-based shard of crystal, like the others in her group found theirs upon Xen or in the mixed up realm inside that mountain they explored, the depth of blackness of her blade shows no evil either, how odd! It's almost as if the Force is neither good nor evil, and intentions are all that matter, eh?

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Lightsaber Practice (Weapon-Based Martial Arts) / Odalo / Decent
2 Practicing Force Powers / Kenobi / Superb
3 Careers: Diplomatic Envoy / Vaelan / Superb
4 Interspecies Politics / Kuyul / Superb
5 Universal History / Argle / Excellent
6 Logical Thinking / Farber / Decent
7 Offworld Literature / Gabriella / Excellent
8 Fun With Physics / M. Vale / Decent

**read the rest of the group page and their original team-up

Ivah'dasa found it amusing that in Vortigese, apparently, her species name means "it's easy to see the texture of pain"... Which, she then pondered, was true. Wasn't it? She alone among the team of Jedi was uniquely suited with such strong empathy and similar powers to a Vortigaunt, and that was why she so enjoyed the conversations with Kaggat and Bahhsan. They shared everything, uninhibited, good or bad. That was something she knew that her own race overall had issues with - because the 'bad' was very bad, and the delight might be overpowering. Perhaps she could take some of the techniques that she was learning from the aged Vortigaunt and bring them home with her, should she encounter enough Caamasi to share with them.

Perhaps the Vortigaunts would be willing to come along as well? It wouldn't be that hard to convince a few, honestly. Bahhsan asserted there were many restless Vorts on their homeworld looking for adventure, they weren't all 'just' antlion herders or artisans after all. But it wasn't adventure that Ivah'dasa craved, it was experience and knowledge. The wisdom that other worlds and people could bring.

Which was why, when they made their first big trip into Crescent City, she suddenly realized her true calling. She hadn't really been in 'cities' so much as near them, as a child. Easing herself into the fray of minds was difficult at best. But now she was nearly grown, a teenager just younger than most and only barely older than Ciizla her best friend.

Here though, this was a city that had so many variations on humanity and Kin, like those found in the Black Mesa facility on Xen - a balance between worlds, Twoarth was 'two earths' after all, she'd learned of multiple dimensions and doppelgangers and everything else while sharing things with a Vortigaunt who was decidedly not from the same homeworld that 'her' Vorts were! This one was... incredibly old. He called himself Noah, and he was an instructor at Carramba High School. Like Karen Kenobi, like Keenan Lane...

And she wanted more. She didn't even have to put her Jedi studies aside! They had Jedi instructors! They had people from her home Galaxy here.

They enrolled her and Jargra in classes at Carramba, starting immediately after summer break. Both the Rodian and Caamasi were positively thrilled to have what equated to 'a real person's education' in addition to their rigorous but... slightly repetitive instruction in Jedi ways. 'Ways of the Force', she corrected herself, the Force and the Vortessence were what they needed to study, in different ways than what their own Masters Masters learned...

Mochifa Ne was on board with this. At first Ivah'dasa was worried that their main Master would balk at it all. But she understood and passed along the knowledge that Karen and Dawe and others from scattered times and dimensions learned: the Jedi had fallen in their dimension. The Jedi ways ... had led to that downfall. In no small way, Mochifa seemed to want to push ahead, rather than cling to the old ways. Karen seemed particularly proud of that, and was eager to see what Ivah'dasa could do in her classes.


It took Hathians to attract Hathians, it seemed. While at Carramba, Ivah'dasa bumped into - literally - one of the local dragons, a wing-armed 'Hathian' in the school colors, who was enthusiastically trying to get people to check out the newsletter currently being discussed in the Speaker's Square. There were a bunch of small versions of his breed scattered around as well, each of them clearly listening in to the chatter all around them. Ivah'dasa was trying to do that too, only for Brasedi's rather ... loud bellowing and somewhat intrusive cheers.

Oh don't mind him, he's just trying to get support for the offshore raft society, he's really passionate about it ... this week.

The mind was pure as ice, and somewhat chipper like hail bouncing off a roof. It came from one of those smaller Hathians, and predictably her coloration was of ivory and snow. She trotted closer, her wing arms nesting up closer to her somewhat broad form.

There is some debate about putting the colony out there, she continued, even if her implied mood was 'this is silly just let them build it'; because some of the local surfers think it might have an impact on their 'catching waves'...

"Well if we did more research," someone called out as if in response, though it wasn't directed at the dragon and more because she was parroting what she'd heard in the Square nearby, "you'd know for sure, I think we should make the city council do an environmental impact report first."

"They need the rafts now, though! There's not enough beach and too many swimmers!"

Things are not always black and white, the dragon said with her head close to Ivah'dasa's and a conspiratorial tilt to it, but I am...

Ivah'dasa was actually startled, she hadn't felt or heard this dragon somehow sneaking up to her side. And that might have been made more impressive by the fact that she was nearly twice the white's size - and both of them were hardly even half-grown up! Like herself!

Apparently these two had met, somehow, probably due to the locale's portals and dragon-attraction devices. Over her first year of classes, Ivah'dasa had learned a lot about the local 'Nexus' here, it was why there were a dozen different species instructing or attending classes from her Galaxy, in addition to the myriad others. They'd come from far and wide, as well as across the odd double-sphere world's nations, just to attend classes.

Ivah'dasa noticed both Vaelan and Monica Kuyul in the seats around the Square, her instructors were keenly interested in the current events, and would often bring their classes to the Square for just such a moment of debate. Kuyul's sudden movement surprised her nearby fellow instructor, and then Ivah'dasa saw him laughing, as several small brightly-colored raptors joined the chattering discussion. Whether they were really speaking or even understood what was going on, who even knew. But they did provide a moment of respite so the heated debate could cool down.

But you like debates, I can sense that much, the white Hathian said, tilting her head, showing how her eye and shoulder armor would be growing in a brilliant metallic golden color.

I think it's more for the sake of finishing one and getting things done, the other black and white one bespoke, still clear as day in the Caamasi's mind. Rather than merely arguing.

Mhm! That other Hathian nodded in agreement. We don't like fights here. She doesn't like fighting either, I like that about her don't you?

I do, yes. Shall we?

The clear and extremely baffling image of 'wizardofozskipping.gif' played through Ivah's mind, but... she did understand it. Not where it was from or who these unusual people were, but the content of "let's go together", definitely.

So together, this new little "pack" (they definitely referred to each other as their pack, which now included Ivah'dasa - and would eventually embrace Jargra and his dragon...) tried to figure out what the whole deal was and eventually sided with the guy suggesting the environmental report. Those 'raft colonies' were going to be rather a lot larger than she'd imagined just by their pictures on plackards nearby, and it wasn't just local seals and otters who would be using them.

This would be an interesting year for all of them...

(slightly off scale)

Dragon Name: Jecluuto
Gender: Female
Size: Large, 17' s / 70' l / 130' ws (larger than most Hathians)
Build: muscular and lean, long and whiplike
Physical Features: Hathian, two hind legs with large clawed toes, two wing arms with 3 clawed fingers, thumb, and last joint forming wing edge; wedge head with long curved armor shielding eyes, unadorned neck, body, and tail, shoulder armor; scaled, egg-layer, social
Genetics: (are on linked page but I don't know how to interpret patterened black and white...)
Colors: Body mainly black with large white spots edged in grey or silver; wingsails shiny black; claws medium grey; armor black; eyes violet
Stats: Strength 6, Speed 4, Endurance 3, Agility 5, Health 4, Intelligence 4
Abilities: Winged Flight, Jecluuto seems gifted with aerial power, though can only keep up her pace for a short period. In that time though, she has the capability of lifting massive weights, usually while grasping them with her hind feet or having things in a neck-chest mounted net. She is able to move between buildings or treetops with ease even at her great size
Teleportation, is capable of moving through space locally only, but within that 'local' she can reach distances up to 400 miles as long as she knows where the landing spot or clear airspace is in relation to herself; she can carry 'whatever she can lift' with her, but does need to lift off to do so
Telepathy, extensively traveled as a youth, Jecluuto has an impressive array of phrases and vocabulary, but since she's reliant on telepathy to speak she usually sticks with 'Standard and/or English' for those she isn't sure of. Her range is about 1km for a 'ping', but conversational volume with groups under 100 meters is her more preferred style. She has a bold, confident, and very-slightly-haughty sound to her mental voice, but she'd never let herself seem arrogant to others
Lightning Breath Weapon, easily able to blast virtually any sized creature or vehicle out of the sky or into bits on the ground, Jecluuto reserves this for displays of power, not for actually doing those things. She will certainly wait until enemies are fully clear of their vehicle before blasting that empty vehicle into powder, upon which they more often than not ... surrender... This power is of use at medium to long range, and will fry electronics or cause injury to biological creatures nearby, and may catch dry items on fire
Ice Breath Weapon (carried only?)
She's not all that 'white dragon' but her lightning does seem to work much better in cold or frosty conditions
Parents: unknown, Progenitor
From: Tris'hath by Mystic, Shard's birthday 2023 gift
Bond: Ivah'dasa
Meeting Notes: above

Name: Shuula
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: small 8' s / 40' l / 50' ws
Colors: white with Gold armor, all shades of creamy ivory on body, with wingsails being more icy white; green eyes
Features: Hathian born of Lantessama, slightly smoother and all around more smooth bodied and svelte than typical
Stats: Strength 2, Speed 5, Endurance 2, Agility 6, Health 3, Intelligence 5
Powers: Winged Flight, Shuula is remarkably fast and agile in the air, but only for very short periods and can only carry her small rider. But she makes for a great delivery dragon, and is fast enough that she can be here-and-back helping to scout out areas or make sure everything is clear before moving into a spot
Teleportation, her on-site teleportation is rapid and sure as well, but her range is somewhat short, at under 500 meters per pop, but she can use this anywhere, while on the ground, in the air, or even in water, which helps when she flies out over the Crescent Bay and dives down to the Ontogeny Dome for classes and doesn't feel like swimming back out
Telepathy, imprinted early on by Brasedi and his endless stream of memes and quips, Shuula is an expert at using just the right Spotify listing or finding that meme in her vast repetoir. She's not frivolous with it, she can definitely pull up pretty much any Wikipedia article she's ever seen or had read for her mentally, and can imprint those memories on another's mind at very close range, quite a bit like her friend Ivah'dasa's racial ability
Ice Breath Weapon, uses this only in emergencies or you know, to make an impression on an unruly bunch of students. She won't attack living things, but she isn't afraid to blow a stiff blizzard their way just to make them shut up or pay attention, or pull a bully off a victim
Parentage: red Aless and red Vios
Origin: Lantessama Hathian Summer 2023
Other Info: Had been with the pack that Brasedi acquired, and will remain on hand at Carramba regardless of the results of Ivah'dasa's exploration; her brother remains with Brasedi's pack, while other dragons hang out with the local jedi-group and she considers them all 'her' pack

