The Fifth Matrix rpg is based on the works of the Brothers Wachowski. Please respect their copyrights and Warner Brothers trademarks - don't use their characters. That's why we're in the 5th Matrix, not the 6th where they live and play.

In order to facilitate proper game play please observe these rules. They are not like the computer rules of the Matrix itself - they are for everyone's enjoyment.

1 - Please create a character using the template below. All information must be completed, before any posting can be allowed. Do not just post on the board - your character/s must be approved first.

2 - Please always post in 3rd person, past tense (with the occasional present-tense when necessary). Always use proper English written page format i.e.: "Quotation marks" used for verbal speech which people can hear; 'single quotes' for mental speech that is private; >< {} [] or other such markings to show other speech or communications. Please specify what type of communication is being used. Always use full proper English paragraph structure - don't post a single "hi!" unless it's a part of a longer post.

3 - All out of character posts must be labeled as such or placed in an area of the board which is specifically out-of-character. This includes personal discussions, planning and plotting, background information, or off-topic talk. All in-character posts should be placed (obviously) in an area of the board which is for role playing only. When moving a discussion from one area to another, please direct the reader specifically.

4 - In-character posting should maintain a loose "pg-13" feel to them. Obvious sex or very graphic violence is not appropriate. If need be, a specific portion of the board will be devoted to such things, but under no circumstance should explicit depictions of either sex or violence be posted. Try to refrain from using too many explicit words - while I do not expect many young kids to be participating in the board, anyone will be able to read any post, so please understand that legally it's best to be 'tame'. Again, if need be, another portion of the board will be devoted to this.

5 - Characters do not know everything you know. No matter what. All characters are expected to remain "in character" and not suddenly realize the plot that's going on - unless they have been shown enough clues to assemble. Characters who are not "plugged in" to the Matrix may not at any time enter the Matrix and interact with the characters physically in that venue. They may only discuss things via an electronic media such as a phone or computer. Awakened characters may begin breaking rules of the Matrix slowly - but not all at once. Infractions of this may mean temporary moderation for the player who assumes that just because they are playing they may do anything they like. NEVER decide to kill or make any permanent type changes to another person's characters without their permission. You can hunt your own Awakened characters down with your own Agents, but don't pull the trigger on someone else's!

6 - DO NOTS: never 'autoplay' someone else's character unless you have specific written/emailed permission to do so. This includes even short dialog or actions. Do not assume that you know what someone else's character is going to be doing or saying! Never argue with Charybdis. She is a monster. She is also 'always right' since this is her rpg. :) Do not post disruptive things just to get attention. Any spam or advertisements will be deleted, and the member immediately removed. No file-sharing information, and no illegal activities will be tolerated.

7 - DO'S: Post politely. Post coherently - do not use "leet speak" or short internet abbreviations. This is a role playing game, not a contest to see who can get the most words in one post. Do keep in character. If your character is an experienced Zionite they're likely to be a pilot or engineer, farmer or council person. But they're not going to know Kung Fu. Please keep in mind the setting at all times. All rules should be obvious to follow by now.

Ready? Request a character by filling out the information on the next page!

The Matrix is tm and c Wachowski Brothers, Warner Bros and Village Roadshow.

This site is a fan site which does not deal with the "current" Matrix storyline. Main characters such as Neo, Trinity and Morpheus do not exist here. Certain programs may present themselves. In no way is this site meant to be an infringement of any trademark or copyright owned by any of the above companies or individuals. Without the Matrix, this site would not exist and my brain would rot in its shell..