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Once upon a time, Leticia ahlKhat met “Four men of wildly different appearances all named 'Mark'. One of the Marks was piloting [a starship that crashes at Kitty's party].” Those four were Marc Teriahhkii (black hair/brown eyes), Markh Derringer (afro), Mark Markronn (red mohawk), and Jayl (which is pronounced ‘mark', vampire pale). That was 18 years ago, now. They've had some fun adventures, not the least of which was to have their DNA mixed-and-matched... With each other. Their kids, all sons, take more strongly after one or another of the now-retired dads, but rest assured that they all have a splash of each other's DNA in there. They are partly why Carramba and C4 ( Crescent City Community College ) have more strict genetic engineering rules now... So those kids, all right around 17ish (ish because they were artificially aged at some point, possibly because none of their dads wanted to change diapers, and they absolutely were not born two decades ago)** note that their names all end in ? that literally is spoken as 'question mark' and serves as their last name:
They are their own band of misfits. They didn't need any help from a company or record label to become an instant local hit in the Southwest. They do tours from the southern Baja peninsula (on Twoarth this is part of the USA) up to the Seattle area, and east to New Mexico (they've actually performed inside Black Mesa there ‘for the acoustics', and not, as people assume, for the glowing and possibly radioactive accessories and alien metals they also came home with). While they don't often spontaneously do routines, they and three other idol-band type groups dominated the area in front of The Stage before Galactirock were performing, with a dance number that would have caused any humanoids (of whatever gender / orientation) to squeal with delight... They did not intend to perform tonight, that's not why they were here, though they probably could do encores aplenty! They arrive thanks to Misota and Robyn, who have strong ties to that dimension and specifically to the group's parents. Misota's dragon has offspring in this event and Robyn is a time lord. They get around. Now, they'll get around in their own unique style! |
Ma'ak's Emru Zwitterion |
Name: Emru Zwitterion (EMM roo zwi TEE ree on, last name for the entire clutch regardless of status; name is from chemistry, a molecule or ion having separate positively and negatively charged groups) Gender: Male (prefers male) Size: 4' s / 20' l / 30' ws Build: noodly Physical Features: Hathian-Whorling, with four legs the front two having wing struts, long sharp claws, very long bare tail, long angular face with eye armor blending into neck fins, a fluffy mane, shoulder armor with similar fins; their mane can stand up if needed; Bonding is not required; sponsorships are likely, multibonding/pack is preferred, and non-human partners are likely Colors: White Pawn 7, body light grey with shiny black face, chest/belly with white bow-tie marking, to upper tail; wingsails large checkers, fins smaller checks, mane chrome; eye armor shiny high white, shoulder armor flat black; claws dark, eyes faceted red-violet Stats: Strength 2, Speed 2, Endurance 2, Agility 2, Health 2, Intelligence 5 Abilities: Winged Flight (1) prefers to be on the ground, or just use those wing arms to glide or break a fall, however at his size he grips and climbs with superb ease, and can often be found operating stage equipment in the rafters Teleports - local (2) Nexus (3) electric (3) if you need something on site, quite nearby, he will bring it with a gentle pop! Though his ability is weak for any long distances, Emru has incredible balance and will not spill a tray of drinks or let a single drumstick roll off a surface while he's moving; best with Nexus travel, but he prefers to add his expertise with it in that form - the balance and not-straying element - to others with stronger ability; his electrical port is also reasonably good, though he makes absolutely-positively-positive before using any local wiring because any shorts or weak wires will definitely burn up with his use! Telepathy (1), Sonic Emulation (6) has a weak telepathic reception, that's fine, because he can call out clearly and even throw his voice across a crowded room to be heard by only his intended ears; he doesn't much use this to 'sing', but he is a godsend for helping tune instruments with hearing that is Very Good Indeed Computer Use (3) knows where the wires need to be, and keeps them maintained, if he's going to use them to move across the stage or around a venue, they need to be perfect! (Other powers that may inherit: Sleep breath, Acid breath, Mental Stun) (Cannot inherit: size or shape shifting) Parents: Donor Clutch Evocation Zone + Errick Bond: Ma'ak ?, Voluntary bond; group bond Meeting Notes: |
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Markie's Badamsh | Name: Badamsh (like ba'dum tss Knockoff naming ends in -AMSH though the Pieces have word-based names or -TH endings depending on their abilities) Gender: Male (prefers warm bodies and lots of them to cuddle with) Size: 4'2" s / 18' l / 30' ws Build: sturdy and sleek Physical Features: Pernese/Pyrrhan, four legs, two wings, all with claws; strong neck; spaded tail with double row of spine/nubs; hide with scaled armor (spliced features carry as-is to any Pernese, may lapse to scaled with similar pair); face sharp with back-pointing horns, external ears, spike crest; eyes may be faceted or pupiled; Bond not required but enjoyed, sponsorships accepted, multibond unlikely, non-human bond accepted Colors: White Pawn 6 light grey body with medium grey belly from face to tail; wings large checkerboard; armor alternates shiny white with shiny black, claws dark grey, horns black and white; eyes pupiled green Stats: Strength 4, Speed 3, Endurance 3, Agility 3, Health 3, Intelligence 2 Abilities: Winged flight (3) while sure in the air, Badamsh loves to fly low and sloppy, because he likes the feeling of leaves and occasional other bits against his wing fingers and paws; he also just lands like nothing else has ever been more fun, with a big boom, even though he's not all that big; can carry a very good amount of gear and will never drop it on purpose, they have special packs for picking up Teleport (4) Local Badamsh can be where he needs to be even if they're running a bit late, and as long as he knows the landing site is clear he will not hesitate to just boom himself right to it, loves making a big entrance! (4) Nexus teleport is very precise, he's somehow very aware of the different versions of Earth, Twoarth, and wherever else they've come from or visited and seems to have a story about each one, he may have visited them somehow before bonding... Telepathy and Verbal Speech (both 3) when he can't just yell over the noise, Badamsh will butt his mind into the fray and picks up a lot of chatter that other dragons might miss, primarily from those with hive-like minds? No idea why, but that's how he do. He has a limited vocabulary but also doesn't pretend to know big words and will actively pursue understanding them in smaller bite-size pieces instead Unassisted Firebreath (1) he is not confident in his ability to breathe fire, even if other dragons can do it. He relies on size and strength to get his point across and isn't a combat dragon anyway! Stealth (1) pffffff.... yeah no, not stealthy either. Not magically, not physically, doesn't even bother Parents: Donor Clutch Amrith + 50 Shades of Grey Bond: Markie ?, Voluntary Companionship Meeting Notes: |
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Marek's Jyrastash | Name: Jyrastash (JYE rah stash; though Turun is the full Piece namesake, the Knockoffs get STASH) Gender: Female (prefers males) Size: 3'11" s/l/ws Build: bigger than you'd think for all that floof Physical Features: Tattoo/Kijana mutt, four legs, two wings with feathers and membranes, head has small horns and external ears, pupiled eyes, lots of sparkly floof, paw pads and claw feet, long tail with feathers, orb with magic; requirement of being tattooed (or... temporary tattooed) Colors: White Pawn 6, shiny light grey body; wing sails small checkerboard; wing feathers grade from leading sparkly white through sparkling greys, and flight feathers graphite; floof dark graphite; horns and claws dark; paw pads grey; pupiled eyes blue; orb and orb aura improbably checkerboard Stats: Strength 1, Speed 3, Endurance 3, Agility 5, Health 3, Intelligence 3 Abilities: Winged Flight (4) remarkably agile in the air, showy, can weave around light poles and treetops with equal flair Travel Powers - Planar (3) can move from one closely-related dimension to another with planeshifting, and likes exploring around each place she lands - this will give her a better idea of where to head next (if a place has one moon, then two in the next, she wonders - will the next one have even more?); This doesn't wear her out but she must be careful and takes notes where needed to get back home safely. That home is (3) her now-permanently tattooed Paradise within Marek and she will never be lost, really, as long as he's alive... She can produce a nice cloudy looking locale, or is it smoke because of his cigarettes? Well it definitely has a smoky smell to it? Communications - Telepathy (5), Verbal Speech (5) both words and thoughts come quickly and easily, possibly thanks to Marek's interest in the arts and education. They share a very strong connection and she offers unique insights to some of his works. She can pick up on telepathic conversations from strong individuals at up to 500 meters, and often uses this ability to detect any problem points in a crowded area by flying overhead to triangulate them Magic Sense (4), Spellcasting (1), and Divination (2) likewise she will fly around to detect where any magical hot-spots might be, just in case anything is of interest or dangerous, her detection of such things is more limited to around 300 meters from her, but is still quite useful Parents: Donor Clutch Sta Turun and Shiyo Bond: Marek ?, Voluntary Tattoo Bond (temporary made permanent with purposeful application of ink) Meeting Notes: (( the liquid in the bottle actually is this magic ink, so there's that...)) |
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M's Tenxsheva | Name: Tenxsheva (as 'tanks' she VAH, a mixture of the parents names, as apparently is now tradition for the dad's line; if bred into more complicated naming, readopt mother's ' or any other changes - the knockoffs have this as part of their single name) Gender: Female (pan) Size: 6'9" head bipedal / l /ws Build: powerful Physical Features: Azon/Halloween Mutt, bipedal though often can run on all fours, with four legs and two main wings, with large claws on all; small hip-wings (nonfunctional), split-ended tail with spikes and poison stingers; angular head with external ears, sharp back swept horns, webbed head and neck spines; pupiled eyes Colors: Black Pawn 4 body dark speckled graphite grey, with face and tail having checkerboard marks; wingsails, fins small checkers; claws and horns white, eyes green Stats: Strength 3, Speed 2, Endurance 3, Agility 3, Health 4, Intelligence 3 Abilities: Winged Flight (3) though sturdy and reasonably skilled with flight, Tenx is apt to use her wings purely to gain altitude rather than do much travel. So if you need to get to the rooftops or up into the rafters, she's definitely a good choice. She is well aware that the other Pieces in her brood come with much more fancy tricks and flight, but she's not one to need to zip around so much to attract attention Teleportation - Local (4) easily spotting a good place to blip to, Tenx can abruptly take the party on the road, even if that road is 50 some miles away - instantly. Also capable of Nexus (3) travel, though she is more confident in the moments between spaces of the Void (5), rather than the vastness of 'everywhere else', she prefers a clear 'we have been here before' spot to land, so no mistakes are made in either unusual case. When she travels the void, it's very quick and easy, though she still lingers to soak up some power while traveling, refreshing herself magically Telepathy (4) and Verbal Speech (2) Tenx uses her mind sharply and straight to the point, and often doesn't bother with more than a grunt or hiss vocally. She can speak to virtually any telepathic mind within 10 miles but the more 'light side' they are, the less pleasant it is to receive her thoughts - she is infernal after all... She can Sense 'dark sided' types, untoward thoughts, plotting and subterfuge, this is magical and triggers if she's near enough to someone to tap them on the shoulder. So she'll physically walk around a venue and, with confirmation from the other dragons in the team, may... escort some less savory folks out... Magical Breath and Poison Stingers (2) her breath weapon has the same overall effect as that from her stingers, but is delivered in a misting poof - sickly sweet smelling, and if you're smelling it, it will definitely make you very, very sick. If she must deliver a sting or two, this poison can be deadly to smaller or weaker, sick creatures, but with a strong constitution or a lot of bulk you'll be fine... maybe... Parents: Donor Clutch Sheng Stac'ver + Vassago Thain Bond: M ?, Voluntary Companionship Meeting Notes: |
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Q's Clarmeba | Name: Clarmeba (as 'CAR' may bah) *not really relevant but if she does breed it'll come up, Since they are supermutt with Legend Drak bloodlines they have a given name, a clutch moniker (in this case nye standing for New Year's Eve/nt for several different pairs), an ' elide, and a parent-determined last portion (in this case females get nnay, males get aynn). If they breed with further Drak like lines, or those which have naming conventions of some sort, this should carry logically, though the complexity of the Legend Drak naming has been simplified a bit for this clutch - though if she personally does breed she will probably keep -meba as the designator and roll with whatever male name comes her way Gender: Female (aro) Size: 4'4" s / 24' l / 32' and 19' ws Build: slinky, always in motion Physical Features: Drak-like supermutt, four legs with heavy claws, fluff on back legs; four wings two main and two butt-wings, with claws on the fore and Shatternak-styled wing barbs on hind; head has two horns, ear floof, a silky mane, multicolored sclera with pupil; tail has floof and a sharp (poison?) spine; they are furry but they are also egg-layers Colors: White Pawn 6 with speckled medium grey body; wingsails have small checks underneath and even smaller checkerboard on backs, with larger checks on the buttwings; floof is graphite-grey mane, mixed leg floof color, and shiny silver-white on tail end; claws white; ear floof pale grey; sting, horn, and some spars white, horn and some spars black; eyes multicolored purple Stats: Strength 3, Speed 3, Endurance 2, Agility 5, Health 3, Intelligence 3 Abilities: Winged Flight (4) Clar dances in the air like she just don't care. Actually she does care, and is very particular about who she dances with and whether they're going to keep up. Though not remarkably fast, she is deft and precise even at a reasonable speed or with any more weight than her unusually 'lifting off the ground with magic' rider Local Teleport (3), with quite a good eye for spotting rooftops and alleyways to make the right dramatic entrance, Clar will teleport a couple times across the skyline and finally pounce on whatever she's been following, hardly out of breath. She has a very strong Portal creation ability which allows others to also move through a space - hanging in the air, so precise flight actually does matter - that leads to one of several static locations. She can learn how to do more of them, but for now the Marks' apartment building's rooftop, Carramba High's auditorium roof, and one or two other more private spots that Q has pointed out can be reached with a wave of her head. The portal lasts only as long as she wants it to, which isn't long at all particularly if there are any annoying dragons chasing her in the air Telepathy (3) and Verbal Speech (3) though many draks speak with an oddly hissing lisp, Clarmeba has nothing of the sort to interrupt her if she's talking; she can pick up thoughts more easily than project them, but her mind is clear and strong so any other active telepathic minds can talk to her at whatever distance they're comfortable with; her range is typically about 200 meters for initiating contact Sting and Spit (5) quite potent venoms are carried in this dragon's body. Her spit if touched can cause allergic reactions in those who have virtually any sort of skin-based allergies. From itching and welts, to burning and weeping wounds, they generally will heal by themselves if left alone, but are easily treated otherwise - but if she is in a mood, there's no reason to be shy about it, she will actively sting with this stuff and that may be deadly even beyond the fact that an 8" stab wound has been put into a body... Cannot use or carry the shifting or genetic abilities of full pieces regardless of promotion from knockoff, she's fine with that Parents: Donor Clutch Merajanay + Bales apa Larsis'Iann Bond: Q ?, Voluntary Companionship Meeting Notes: |
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