** Note that many of these stats are from my original Teenagers on Hol character sheets from like. 1990? so who even knows whether they match the story I wrote later...

Name Anima
Gender Female; she/her; very, very pan
Homeworld (Originally listed as Travolta IV, the Dance planet)
Class (graduated, this is Senior year)
Nut Very, Very Very Nutty
Totem Horny Toad the "Hey Baby - Ouch! totem, constantly looking for mates, uses any means necessary"
(-1, +2, -1, +3, +2, +2, +1, -1, +7kk)
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 9
RWP (0) (interactions with staff at 3)
Luck 5
Drive 2 (6 if you're talking stick. wait, that's... not ...)
Looks 7 (5 if uninterested in fur)
Cool 6
Bonk 4 (6 for fun stuff)

Sways all emotion toward Lust for some reason



Sexy Dance


Biology and Anatomy +3 did you know things could bend this way? Now you do


Knacks **
Period Class/Instructor/Grade *some instructors retired after they graduated
1 Realtime Geometry / Rex 903 /
2 Locals History (skinside) / Huntington / Decent
3 Optimism Under Duress / Cthain / Excellent
4 Dragon Riding / H'lis / Decent
5 Interpersonal Relations / Rubio / Excellent
6 Music Theory / Zeets / Excellent
7 English 101 / Milsap / Decent
8 Advanced Cheerleading / Carson / Excellent
Pets Magg, no question
Parents? unknown, probably deceased
Siblings? Not on this dimension but if her parents were anything like her there are lots more where she came from
Quote (oops didn't make one)

Name Magg
Gender Male; he/him; extremely open to whatever's fun

Zeddian half-breed but we don't know what that other half is, very possibly Zekiran (originally 'Fabio IV')

The only real indication that he's Zeddian is that his hair is simply huge, and his coloration, while not the flat white or black of that breed, never changes even under strong sunlight; If he has a marking of any kind, he's never shown it to anyone but Anima

Class (graduated, but this is Senior Year)
Nut Doesn't feel like a nut, something something nut huhuhuh
Totem Jackalope, the "mythological roadkill" totem; fast and probably faking it (+1, +3, -1, +2, -1, 0, 0, -1, +5kk)
Smarts 4 (actually ... probably 7)
Bod/Feet 8
RWP (0)
Luck 4
Drive 1 (ride/fly 3)
Looks 7
Cool 6 (8 at adulthood)
Bonk 2 (6 for certain activities if you know what I mean)

Attract Any Individual Through Posing - he just is that hot. it doesn't matter whether it's a male, female, agendered aromantic, humanoid, furry, giant rock, or hyperintelligent shade of blue, they see him pose, they want to be near him

Pheremones - Magg actually does smell that good, and he can sway people because of it

Anti-Rumple - Cool/Mouth score goes to 6 if it is not already, and messy attacks or situations are only half as likely to score at all -- they're just too cool to get dirty

Interdimensional Travel - somehow he's able to move between dimensions or planets, likely brought on by his non-Zeddian parent

Clusters Appearance Is Everything +4 Magg has a set of skills that are all somewhat connected, in that he is Always Pretty, Looks Great Naked, Eyebrows of Doom, Looks Like A Sanger But He's Not, and Posturing... All of these things combine to basically make him an incredible sexy magnet of yummy, and that is actually why his name is Magg

Song and Dance +3 He is a performer above and beyond anything else, and he loves to be seen just as much as he loves being under the spotlight

Interpret Lyrics +3 Of course he usually interprets them as 'this is about sex' but how often is he wrong?

Knacks Grooming +2 this also includes grooming Anima, because she likes that kind of thing
Period Class/Instructor/Grade *some instructors have retired since they were at Carramba
1 Realtime Geometry / Rex 903* /
2 Locals History (skinside) / Huntington /
3 Public Relations / Qeats / Excellent
4 Dragon Riding / H'lis / Decent
5 Posing and Weight Training / V. Sanger / Excellent
6 Speech / Prescott / Excellent
7 Fashion Technology / Urd* / Excellent
8 Political Science / Graves* / Decent
Pets Does Anima count?
Parents? Deceased or otherwise indisposed
Siblings? Unknown, he claims sometimes to be related to either Tresis Arregon or Alorel of the Lumin elves, but neither of those things might actually be true... either way if they were his father, his siblings and relatives would number in the dozens
Quote "It's okay to stare at my butt, go ahead..."