(Me back in the day, fresh from San Diego Comic Con)

(and me back in the day still working at the store)

Note that this is old as sin and originally written way back when... Mostly still accurate but for some pets and added info; some things might seem rather outdated but this is a look back nearly 20 years

Name: Lethe Gray

Aliases: Shard, Baeris, Vanya, Sanger, Tani, Viridia, Charybdis; Current: Zekiran on most sites/interests

Gender: Female, she/they/her/whatever

Gender preference: Male, but wants to be one. Go figure.

Age: 36 (omg) - current age 55

Hair: Brown, often dyed multiple colors

Eyes: green hazel with gold and orange flecks (requires glasses, not shown on original image) (shown above)

Skin: Art! (as shown!)

Rank: Manager, Comic Gallery in San Diego CA (that ... lasted until 2004, with minor jobs coming and going, and unemployed house-wife from 2012 to present day)

Marital Status: single, ex boyfriend (yummy), never taken another partner

Pets: Cats. Lots of Cats.
Former (real): Toots, Boxer, Purrsephone, 13375que4k, Rex, Mews, Alby, Keli, and Snake Carmine - all of these are long gone, sadly
Current (real): cat BRUH

Old Talents: Artwork, Scripting, novel writing, website design, lording over comic books at work.
Current Talents: about the same, plus a lot more video gaming than necessary;
Specific Talents: over time this 'version' of myself has geared up to life on Twoarth and has her own talent pool as below; mine in reality has kinda sorta stagnated into 'writing fanfic and playing video games and writing more fanfic' and collecting more dragons on and off the Nexus

Carramba High Stats

Name Lethe Katherine Gray
Age mumblemutter
Species Human, originally of Earth, currently residing Twoarth
Post Instructor, pet collector
Tenure Pretty long now actually
Smarts/GM 6
Bod/Feets 4/3 (dexterity, bodily)
Luck 2/5 (mostly poor luck, but when good things happen they're pretty good)
Drive formerly 4, flying 2 (prefers the ground thanks)
Looks 3
Cool/Mouth 4
Bonk 4 (though technically this version of me is immortal she still takes damage)

Functionally Immortal - living on Twoarth near Carramba has its benefits; while Lethe can get hurt or sick she's basically stopped aging around 40ish though at times seems considerably more (or less) mature

Attract Dragons - at this point, it's clear that dragons dig this chick; she doesn't have any ability to control them, for the most part they just like hanging around her and she enjoys their company immensely

Attract Animals Too - mostly cats, flitters, or bugs, and she could live without the bugs


Creative Outlet +6 even if she's not near a keyboard or an art tablet there are things going on in her brain that Just Don't Stop, and hopefully never will. Telepaths beware: there are things going on in her brain that will offend you, so knock first, yo.

Dimensional Traveller +5 though she stays close to Carramba these days, she did take an extended tour of 'all the places she's written'. Mainly to apologize to the people she wrote, for the things she put them through

Metaversal +2 Always connected to other versions of herself, these days, it might not have been in the olden times but she is keenly aware of how many offshoots she has even since childhood (kath, where are you? somewhere around here...); this leads her to be able to tap alternate versions for ideas, and offer her own to them too


Put It Into Words +3 knows a lot of words. Uses a lot of words. Sometimes they're memes, sometimes they're extended prose; has learned how to use a semi-colon

Storyteller +3 If you get her talking, she'll definitely talk your ears off. If you ask about those tattoos for instance, she will tell you about them

Twoarth Specific Publishing +3 as she was among the earlier dragon riders available to Carramba and Crescent City she's made a point to be active in this field. She has connections that allow her to aid students in finding ways to get their work visible and has a fair few successful kids that have gone on to live their dreams! This isn't limited to prose or illustration, if it can be sold or marketed she knows a guy who knows a gal


Weird Connective Luck +5 making connections across multiple universes is actually oddly easy for her. A lot of times things just happen to fall into place. Need to research a phenomenon, led down a winding path, suddenly there's an entirely new dimension based on findings...

Nerd Out +2 Sometimes there's just nerdery to spare; gotta discuss the finer points of which starfleet uniform looked the worst, and whether Princess Leia could lift Mjolnir, right?

Find Things Where They Got Left Last +2 It's literally right there, dude. Lift the book, move that paper, see? Right there.



^Note that 8.15.22 I've decided to move her old Publishing and Illustration classes to another professor - but she still hosts a monthly afterschool group meeting for interested parties, occasionally bringing in local representitives from various publishing companies or experts in their fields

Flitter management class is actually different from the existing 'Familiar' course in that flitters may be either considerably more intelligent, considerably less intelligent, or also found in far greater quantities - this is a high-volume management for those with multiple pets

1 -
2 Advanced Role Playing (Sleepy, it's early Evens for her)
3^ Flitter Management
4^ Careers: Publication Media
5 Advanced Role Playing
6 Fiction Writing
7^ Flitter Management
8 Advanced Role Playing
Song: Karn Evil 9 (all parts) / Emmerson Lake and Palmer
Dragon Blue Bavaiyath
Isla all-earth 2003? Altered 2024
Dragon Matrix Green Chimera Dragon Sara / cat; Katrina / dragon; Letha / goat
By Kless 2005 November dragon exchange on the Nexus
Dragon Black and Red DOOOOOM
By Rachel of DouPas 2006
Dragon Tanda, Hades River Beast
By DNS, January 2007 exchange
Dragon Hashofir
By Mintlilly / Dasmalenra May 2006
Dragon Lasii
By Starfyre, Alekara hybrid tattoo dragon
Pets? that's why you're here, innit - go look at the Loft and the Flitters!
Partners? none currently
Children? oh good god no
Traditional Disclaimer and Copyright Statement: Lethe is me, don't try stealing me. The artwork on the main pages is mine. Any other art or world is credited where used. None of it is for use beyond this site and cannot be distributed by anyone but me, and that does include No Fucking Thanks and any collections online. If you didn't see it on my kshau-protectorate.com site it is stolen.