Welcome to Beeblebrox Planetary Tours!
Your Tour's Travel Companions
Living on board Caledrus are a number of staff, shipboard engineers, scientists, researchers, hitch-hikers, and permanent traveling residents. Some of them are maintaining a low profile because of their legal status (rescued from the prison which Woodstock escaped from), and some others are simply hangers-on who have not yet experienced true travel.
**** Daydream - that is pronounced "Four Star" and it is his name
As the ranking admiral of his home quadrant's star-command, **** has a lot of 'stuff' at his disposal. Starships, engines, people, parties, etc. He is not afraid to use them. Of course, he's not always awake enough to know where he is, what day it might be, or what assignment he's on. He is the ultimate 'relaxed authority' figure, and is currently tending his red arboreal Bishel dragon Tuzkigyo.
The dangerous element of the ship, controlling the gunnery and most of the on-board security devices and forces. Axarr is usually quite mild mannered, polite, laid back. However, she is also well known as moody, brash, annoying, tempermental, and can bite the head off any other ranked official before they react, if she's in the mood. Her fighting skills are strongest when cornered. Fortunately, she is among friends on Caledrus. Axarr has found a friend in black dragon Juth, from Darkling Dawn!
Admiral Ambrosia Fuzzy
Daughter of Weebie Fuzzy, who sadly died in childbirth, from a long line of extra-cute military officers. She was raised by the imperium, and expected to continue her family tradition even though she never truly had a family of her own. Ambrosia is efficient, if a little day-dreamy and distractable. However, once she sets her mind to a task, she is almost unable to stop herself while completing it. Hence, her hard work paid off when she was hunting down information for the Bishel world, and the egg she was rewarded with hatched into not one but two beautiful blue aquatic Bishel, Dulcet and Dormo.
From Starluck's SweetWater Valley comes Airich, Unicorn boy!
Airich is a new addition to our crew, and as a Hitch Hiker he's just breezing through. He's a young Immortal (that unicorn thing has its benefits) and has been around to several dozen planets in his travels. He's a very pleasant, fun loving and peaceful young guy. He's always got a bright smile or a happy word to give, and is a nice person to go to for advice.
Crew of the Starship Cherry Cream
That's right, there is an entire starship crew aboard Caledrus. Why? Because they crashed into our research vessel and just haven't gotten off their arses and cleaned up after themselves. Plus, we've got better digs. Their crew is responsible for many little disasters on board and on planetside. Of course, they're also responsible for keeping a lot of the other crew members ... occupied... while they're aboard.
Would you like to become a crew member, or a resident Hitch Hiker? Did you know there is a role playing game on Yahoo Groups for this site? It's called Beeblebrox Intergalactic Pub! Feel free to visit it - it's been a little musty recently.