Hitch Hiker's Log
Admiral Ambrosia Fuzzy - BACK

Ambrosia waited for the beautiful egg to hatch. She kept it clean, and warm. She moved it into and out of the sun, for several days, while it matured.

The rest of her friends were not-quite-frantic.

"Ambrosia, you're going to ..." Axarr groaned. "We have the ship ready. Can't you just manage to relinquish your stranglehold on the egg long enough to come along? The planet will be here!"

"But this egg is for me, and whatever comes from it is my --" Ambrosia took in a shaking half-sob, "it's my little egg!" She hid behind it, like a frightened child. With her huge mop of fluffy hair and her big eyes, and her furry ears, she looked a lot like a scared girl. Even Axarr softened a bit at that.

"Well, since the others are comfortable too..." Axarr sighed. Ambrosia hugged the egg in happiness.

In the shade of a large willow tree, Ambrosia watched her blue egg. It wavered, wobbled, and then started moving.

Seriously moving! The sides bulged and she heard noises from inside it. Her eyes bugged out, and she grinned, screeching, "it's hatching! It's hatching!"

When a few others around, and some adult Bishen as well, started to take note, she settled down a bit. But her excitement was nothing, when the glossy blue snout came from the egg!

"Ah! Lookit! It's blue!" She squealed. Then, oddly, another blue snout came out!

You're hungry? I'm hungry too and I was hungry first!
You just think that because you got out of the egg first you'd get fed first? Get real!

"Now-- now, girls!" Ambrosia gasped, as the two Wyrms squirmed their way out of their crumbled shell, "there will be enough to go around." She looked at them somewhat sternly, after all, she *was* an Admiral. But that gaze melted when the big black eyes of the pair bored into her.

But we're hungry now and we've waited in the egg for so long! Feed us!

"I will, I will! And then you can meet my friends, and we'll all have a great time together!" She glanced over her shoulder, and saw Axarr who was moping around again, looking at empty shells... "Even Axarr will have a good time with you two!"


Dormo! Dulcet!
"I didn't know you guys loved the water so much," Ambrosia laughed, "my fur gets all matted when I swim!"

But we've got swimmin' skin! said Dormo.
Speak for yourself! Said Dulcet, who rested near but not in the little stream. I like watching the water. Can you get that shiny pebble for me?
Get it yourself! Dormo splashed away.

Well, thought Ambrosia, they're certainly growing their own strong personalities. Dormo is so tough, loud... And Dulcet is eager but careful.

Ambrosia looked at the ship on its hill. Would they ever leave?

What are you looking at, Ambrosia? Asked Dulcet.

"I'm just thinking. Our ship will be more than big enough for you if you want to come with..."

But where would we be going? And we can't leave until the Kailan tells us it's okay!
And we can't leave until Axarr bonds an egg.

That last comment from Dormo threw Ambrosia a bit. "Y-yes, I think she's going to some day. But I don't know if it'll be real soon. I just want us to have a good time growing up here. This place is so peaceful."

Dormo wiggled herself out from the water and onto a stone, where she then somehow lept back into the stream, dousing her sister and Ambrosia with chilly water!

NEXT: Shantel!