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Stivr' didn't break stride when he noticed a young two-tailed dragonet following Beaut around. She peered up at him with unblinking green eyes, said nothing, but continued with the crew when they returned to the Caledrus. Rumbi investigated the entire ship, which took her quite a long time in fact because she was still only a hatchling. She would find a new hallway and check every inch, then curl up to sleep. The observation drone that Stivr' used would follow her too, alert him when she rested, and then Beaut would be sent to deliver her food and make sure she was safe. For months this went on, until she was definitely the best navigator around the ship!

As she grew up, her powers of stealth also started to develop. So she could traverse the ship and not be seen, and wouldn't interrupt if there were things going on that were... well, sensitive. But Rumbi also didn't talk a lot, or perhaps at all, so even if she did spy something unusual going on, their secrets were safe with her. (There was that one time she caught someone trying to disable one of the security doors leading to the engine rooms - that ended with her screeching in a bone-curdling voice like nails across a chalkboard - not coincidentally the same noise that the security system made...)

She did dwell with a tilted head and wistful curls to her tail ends, whenever she visited the Flight Dome. Where dragons of all types would swoop overhead or race through the canopy. She didn't fly, but she was quick on her feet, just like Beaut. So she could keep up with their antics and some of them even invited her to join them!

Parents Beaut Splice with Mougati
Name Rumbi'rumbiyun, the Watcher
Gender Female
Size 8'2" s
Colors Turquoise green with pale white-blue armor, aqua-bluegreen gems, green eyes
Features Mutt - Kilamdiry 50% Hathian 25% Hydra 12.5% Pernese 12.5%; no wings, two long tails, semi-bipedal with 3 toed paws, armor scaled belly, gem growths; No name restrictions. Can bond at hatching or remain unbonded.
Powers/Abilities Telepathy, Teleportation, Stealth Magic, Paralysing Breath, Fire Breath
Restrictions None
Bond Sponsored by the Caledrus ship
From The Spectral Wilds, Ktrenal splice on Nexus
Mate *