
Gornah Yilden (gore nah, "finishes what she starts")

Art by and adopted from Mahasu on Deviantart

Status Atasan - pretty things attract a lot of money on Zekira
Pelatih - an animal master strongly able to manipulate insects
Gender/Age/Lifespan Female / 25 / 220
Born Year / LAZ 10568 / Kiran / Le'ret / Zekil
Breeding Natural 6th Degree
Fertility Semi-fertile*
Parents / Family

Mother Kyrdan Yilden (Korkebya/Spliced)
Father Xengo

Twin Brother Darxa

Bred To / Offspring None yet, will be more likely to bear with insect splices or those with similar mutations
Int - 93
App - 52
Edu - 81
Cha - 73
Str - 68
Soc - 67
Hea - 64
Agg - 67
Agi - 90/95m
San - 47
Rea - 84
Cou - 73
Sensory Mods
Vibration 160
Scent 160
Night Vision 120
Bright Light 40
Hearing/Normal 40
Movement Mods
Flight 2x distance
Body Type
66+adds = 160
Land/Area/Zone Amount, Use
Kiran / Le'ret / Zekil 2, small home
24, apartments for Bayaran and Budak (and some Kaumburuh)
28, restaurant (with brother)
30, nightclub (with mother)
65, art studio (with mother)
177, gardens (Dragons)
Kiran / Le'ret / Pin    
All within the Yilden Hive area
6, home in Yilden Hive
22, restaurant (with brother)
115, animal habitat (dragons?)
132, greenhouse (with many Yilden)
169, vinyard (with brother)
Curra / Mi'a / Xeke      5, estate atop apartment complex
14, restaurant (with brother)
26, apartments for employees w/estate
48, nightclub
165, gardens surrounding restaurant (with brother)
Bayaran 33 - numerous bonds file paperwork and occasionally are found as security at the nightclubs
Budak 15 - mainly run security, and some with specific abilities manage the greenhouse and vinyard lands
Savings 270kc - hires everyone else, as she's quite good with contracts and such, she enjoys having a wider variety of people working around her at each locale, and affords the workers modest (but well kept) apartments and dorms
Profession / kc per year Garden Parties and Wines / 51kc on average, though when she releases new plants there is often a very large uptick in interest by high Status folks, she definitely caters to their needs for the influx of credit, but always applies herself to the 'exotic diet' needs like her brother in the long run
Genetic Purity
Power Rank


Color and Texture Shifting - like her brother her skin has tinytiny dots of tan over the wine-red which can cover or become patterned, or textured to look like raised bumps (though on her they're a little less noticeable as light on dark), this is purely cosmetic but may grow into something else in subsequent generations

Strong and Added Senses - Antennae allow for sensitive detection of all kinds of sounds and scents, Large Eyes give her vision interesting new colors but are also overly sensitive and she has issues with bright lights


Strong Particulate Control and Sense - via pollen and bugs, she can detect a volume of 'dusty' particles anything from a few shed plant cells and molecular-scent pieces, to fly-sized creatures, her particles are quite small as she can tell the difference between pollen spores and gnats just by the fact that one's making noise... Can clump up whatever is around in that cloud, separate out the bugs from the spores, move them nearby, or even use those spores to smother invasive bugs (or cause massive allergy attacks in unruly guests). This power works best at under 50 meters, but she can force her sense (only) to detect more distant particles, so she can work on chunks of the garden with her hands while her power is seeking out the next plot

Local Air Control - she can use this to aid her flight, as well as boost her quiet voice, mostly keeps it 'on' while working on specific plant projects to make sure that there are no cross contaminants in the air


Plant Control - from roots and tubers, spores and mushrooms, to flowering vines and even massive trees, her powers can sense them (up to 200 meters away in detail), cause them to 'move' or 'do whatever it is they normally do' with proximity around 20 meters, and with close range can alter their properties even permanently. The farther away from the plant's normal use or ability, the longer and more difficult session this will be, so she plots out what she'll want out of a project first, breed toward it somewhat quickly (since she can accellerate the growth process considerably with this power too) and can tell what will work versus what fails, very rapidly. Her plants have been featured in many local clubs, not just her own, and she can program them to bloom with proximity or sounds, very cool to have in a nightclub (mom, wait for the giant bean pod to detect the violin, it'll open and you can start your routine!)

Pheromone Control and Emulation - she can exert specific control over local bugs even wresting control over them from stronger specific psionics if they're not right next to her, using this power. Gornah exerts a delightfully enticing scent when she wants to make a contract work, she's got absolutely no shame in nudging people away from secret areas, and has even repulsed randy gropers in the club with some particularly nasty smells. Mostly she likes keeping to the pleasant side, but never let it be said that she can't just swipe it away, her repetoir of smells is staggering. She herself produces them, but can elicit the same smell in the plants around her, or emulate them as needed to blend in seamlessly

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Exudes Scent - at all times, she does have a reasonably powerful smell, but it's hardly ever the same twice, and if someone were to try tracking her using it they would quickly be stymied since she can consciously control this effect, also she can mitigate it if needed by just moving other particles to mask it! Not that detectives need to be coming around, she's done nothing wrong... promise...
- allergen producer, though not unpleasantly so, her scent can trigger allergies in those sensitive to pollens, dust, or specific smells (all of which she could emulate...)

Dragonfly Mutation Suite - Like her brother, her Yilden Family connections are all highly insect spliced and geared toward specific needs of horticulture and pest control. This is a Major group with Special large flighted wings
- armored skin, softly leathery skin with a bit of padding under it allows for 4 points of damage resistance to cutting and impaling (usually more than enough to prevent both thorns piercing or bug bites), but also 8 points versus elemental cold or water damage, and takes no negative modifiers for working in cold or wet enviornments. No, she won't wear clothes, she's not cold... (though she does often 'put on' a bikini... in the form of her pigment control)
- long slender balancing tail, like a dragonfly she is able to use this tail to maneuver in remarkably quick motion and is able to land on the tops of roofs as well as reed beds in water parks, without sinking even if she's got a much higher Body Type than most
- extra arms, like her brother she has a full hand arrangement rather than pincers or clawed fingers, so her two extra arms give her a boost to manual dexterity and Body Type
- full flighted insect wings, she's a speedy flier, long and elegant in the air and hardly ever at rest; unlike her brother hers can lift her with ease, but she does use her air control to stay aloft if there is little wind or if her wings get tired; adds 50% to final Body Type
- modified head and features, has no external ears (-50% hearing) and no nose, which makes her look a little odd, but she makes up for these things other ways
- antennae, though you can't see them on the image she has wide, flat 'feathers' on her antennae (about an inch wide, not leafy/feather shaped) that are quite sensitive to a very wide range of sound frequencies, as well as highly tuned to scents
- large sensitive eyes, she can see slightly into both infrared and ultraviolet spectrums and as such her flowering plants and leaves may express interesting shifts to those who detect them too; her eyes are light-sensitive however, and aside from being in a nightclub during a show (which she tolerates by wincing a lot) she must wear dark sunglasses if she's in the day light, there wouldn't be permanent blindness but she claims that 'the whole place is just blotted out' with light
- modified mouth and dietary restriction, she can only get nutrition from insect and fruits, she does enjoy their restaurant fare quite a bit! She does have a slightly more normal mouth than her brother's, but her vocal chords are similarly stunted and she just lets people have to listen carefully if she's got important things to say. If needed she can increase its volume with her air power, but rarely does unless it's in the club over noisy patrons
- fertility is incresed with similar-spliced types, and decreased the farther each feature might be, someone with four arms or a long tail, or wings, would be considered 'semi-', an insect-splice would be 'normal', and anyone else 'partial' success; she and her brother are twins, which would be a higher chance in any of their offspring as well, highly unusual for Zekirans


Incurs a 4 point Sanity Loss twice on encountering her just by virtue of being an unusual splice

Attractive to Odd Things - obviously in this case 'bugs' so there are always a reasonable number of insects that will drift closer to her even if that means at a political rally or a burlesque show... this interrupts other people much more than her, she's used to them

Skills (5 = normal/adequate, 15 = typical professional, 30 = truly stellar professional level)
*some skills increased by powers or anatomy
Basics Literacy 5
Math 5
Personal 6
Land/Area 5
Status Command 8
Debt Assess 5
Contract Writing 6
Law / Land 10
Law / Hard Stock 10
Law / Pelatih 10
Law / Health and Food Safety 5
Politics / Office 5
Professional / Gardens and Wines

Advanced Biology / Plants 20*
Basic Genetics / Plants (only) 10*
Basic Biology / Small Insects 10
Basic Biology / Humanoids 10
Agriculture / Food 10*
Agriculture / Floral 15*
Flower Arrangement (live) 15*
Floral Transportation 5*
Substance Recognition / Scents 20*
Substance Recognition / Food Taste 10
Substance Recognition / Wines 15
Substance Recognition / Poison/Dangerous 5*
Events Organization / Vinyard Tours 10
Events Organization / Garden Party Exterior 15
Events Organization / Indoor Venue 10
Condition Recognition / Allergen-Affected 5
Barter 15

Personal Skills Navigation / Aerial 10
Navigation / Tour Group 15
Smells Just Right 10
Power Use Pheromone Production / Accuracy 20 / Range 10 / Area of Effect 10 / Duration 5 / Endurance Recovery 5 / Combine With Other 5
Air Control / Area of Effect 5 / Duration 5 / Endurance Recovery 10
Plant Control / Area of Effect 10 / Range 10 / Accuracy 15 / Duration 10 / Endurance Reduction 5 / Combine With Other 5
Dragon Turrnox and Sutshuk Selamputo
Bonded at Derivative Works

It's always the 'quiet ones' that seem to do the most incredible things, and Gornah is no exception. Her plants are featured in many local clubs and restaurants as well as along some streets in both Zekil and Xeke, having been featured in magazines and the occasional broadcast for their brilliant or appropriate coloration, or their 'behavior' to 'bloom on command'.

Gornah is usually found wandering her gardens in the early evenings through night time, but will tend day-plants equally well given a bit of shade for her eyes. She does often lead tours or at least spark their interest while they are guided by one with a stronger voice than herself, in the large gardens and vinyards she can 'bring attention' to a plant that the tour is nearing, or clear away the collected insects for them to view more closely without having to brush them away.

Like her brother, she is heavily invested in their restaurants, and has always been his first 'subject' whenever he's trying out something new to eat. She truly loves the wines they make with their father, and has even given several specific strains of fruit to this end - and they feature as the images on the winery's logos.

Unlike him however she also has a strangely strong interest in the nightclub and atmosphere of their mother's holds: she loves watching the crowds as Kyrdan does her routines, and has been experimenting with sending specific scents out to the club floor so that they will remember the location strongly. Thus 'return customers' are very frequent when she's been there.

Her 'habitat' reserve is less populated with animals or insects than her brother's and would be well suited to outdoor mammals or reptiles, or dragons, or fill-in-the-blanks, she can cater to their needs including any privacy they might require by growing hedges or thick plant walls, and providing food either in the form of plants, or attracting prey with scents designed to bring in larger things for them to hunt. ('your mate is here', 'this small creature is dead let's eat it')


"This seems to be the right place for you," Gornah said, appraising the garden and giving an appreciative nod. The Zekil hold had little on it when she and her brother claimed their portions, a natural and gentle bowl framed by the towering stone cliff that their hold rested below, dotted with very tall palms, and clumps of equitorial shrubs. The breeze was pleasant, though in a few weeks it was likely to turn gusty as the rainy season started. The hydra creatures sniffed at everything, moved around the area, and began settling in.

Big and bold Turrnox had slunk around the edge of the area and without difficulty shifted himself into a much taller version to poke his mossy nose into the tops of the palm trees, and got a glimpse of the neighboring hold on the plateau overlooking the garden. A mental query pinged Gornah, and she chuckled a little. "Don't worry, that is mother's hold, there's a reason we chose this spot."

"Wasn't worried," he grumbled in a creaking voice that all but sounded like the palms groaning as they swayed.

"We can put some of that brickwork down," Darxa waggled some fingers at the ground, "give him some camouflage." That would work nicely once it went in - the dark red pathways they designed allowed him to lounge in the sun, and not immediately be recognized as a dragon when the tour groups went overhead on their helicopter rides. They only needed to 'disguise' parts of the very large hold, since much of it was already covered in greenery that matched his moss, and even some of his flowers. Of the three plant-hybrids, he was the least annoyed at any intrusive shaping attempts. He was big enough and confident enough that virtually nothing would harm him anyway, and if it did... he could always just lay down on them...

Meanwhile his sibling Sutshuk stood with the pair of dragonfly folk, appreciating the effort that they put in to this spot just for them. Of course she stood on two feet, getting used to walking around pretending to be just another of Gornah's unusual friends. She was, at that. One that could emulate a willow tree or pond moss if she was in her larger four-legged form, just by remaining still and blending in. "And we can hunt whatever is here, right?" She asked, though both siblings knew that they hunted for sport, more than energy needs.

"As long as it isn't a person," Gornah said, "but even then I'll warn you if there are people that don't look like people."

We are people, Turrnox lazily reminded her.

"And that's why I say, if you can't tell it's prey, it's not prey."

"Sister," Darxa muttered, "I think to them, even we would be prey if needed."


Images obviously not to scale with each other


Name: Turrnox Selamputo ("biggest colony")
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: *Varies 28' s typically but can go down to around 18' s
Colors: body dark wine-red slightly clouded with brighter and darker shades; moss rich greens, with pink and red-violet flowers; vines medium green; eyes red, claws bright white
Features: Plant Hybrid Hydra, as shown; biologically they appear to be around 75% plant and a bit of dragon otherwise, their skin and presumably other parts can photosynthesize; various relatives have different fringe and features
Powers: Verbal Speech and Telepathy, this mind is careful, not slow-witted. He speaks slowly, he thinks before he speaks, and does not speak in riddles. He gets to the point, and prefers when others do the same. His mental voice feels like a smooth piece of polished wood, but if he is agitated those vines seem to grasp as tendrils of urgency. Speaking he has the capability to shatter glass and vibrate the ground with his tones, simply by virtue of his size; his voice can be 'quiet' but often you'll hear him from clear across the Hold - that is to say nearly a quarter mile away
Fire Breath Weapon, the world which this hydra lives on now has a strange dilemma in the form of alien invaders that mistakenly believe they can just drop in and take the planet back. But when the planet itself looks like it's walking toward them, breathing a 200 meter long gout of flame and crisp-frying their landing craft, they know it's time to leave. Turrnox does not use this power often, but when he does anyone that's seen it will be amazed at its color - a brilliant red tinged with lavender, a color that has eluded chemical compounds and is being studied for that reason, by some of the Yilden folk. Maybe it's because of the kinds of 'plant material' he's built of, part of his genes, who knows
Size Shifting, as his sibling is able to get a notch bigger, Turrnox is capable of shrinking a bit here and there. He doesn't prefer this state, as he thinks he's not able to see over enough of the landscape to suit his status as protector of their gardens. Still, 18 feet at the shoulder even at his smallest is bigger than many of the offworld dragons that others bring by sometimes, and bigger than virtually any of the local ones by a margin. So when he's at his full size, he is literally a walking forest, and glories in this fact
Parentage: Kor'yaune Selamputo, Moss Hydra; Lacrichi, Rose Plant Dragon; Nalpick, Cactus Plant Dragon; Twishar, Vine Plant Dragon
Origin: Derivativeworks, art by Phe
Other Info: don't be lulled into thinking that just because he has a calm demeanor and a careful mind, that he's always a 'gentle giant'. He is a giant. And he is absolutely in charge here, so if anything ever needs taking care of, he will get to it much faster than a lumbering tree-creature might seem capable


Name: Sutshuk Selamputo (SUIT shook "spitting flower")
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length:* varies, typically 9' s as hydra, as humanoid 7' tall
Colors: body is an even yellowed green with high contrast shadows; moss is paler green with yellow-goldenrod and tan flowers; eyes red, claws bright white; these colors also appear on her Zekiran shape, hardly changed
Features: Plant Hybrid Hydra, as shown; biologically they appear to be around 75% plant and a bit of dragon otherwise, their skin and presumably other parts can photosynthesize; various relatives have different fringe and features; as a humanoid she keeps her tail and plant-like 'hair', but otherwise tends to look enough like any given Zekiran that she doesn't even get a double-take
Powers: Verbal Speech, though she can easily 'hear' thoughts nearby or from her siblings, Sutshuk's communication is through speech that is sly, always feeling like she's leaving something important out even if it's 'hi, good morning'. She speaks clearly in either form, and hardly ever raises her voice. What's the point, she can make even the bravest man tremble, and terrifies the aliens if they make it close enough to see her shift into her full form... That said, she does have a piercing shriek and a raucous laugh, which often come one after another if she's bent on stalking the visitors to the gardens
Acid Breath Weapon, an incredibly potent acid comes from her dragon form's mouth, though she cannot use it in humanoid shape. Unlike some members of her immediate family, she doesn't just drool on the floor all the time, saving her acid for clearing a path in dry brush, or causing a sticky painful mess for ground troops invading the area to walk over - not just painful, they won't be walking long as this acid can burn through thick armor and rubber as easily as flesh
Shapeshifting, extremely adept with her full body shifting, she's chosen to keep her tail and flowers, as she acts as a partner to Gornah when she's demonstrating her plant-shaping abilities. Yes she seems to actually like having this work done, it's like getting her hair-do did. She is often on hand to assist with tours or security, and her siblings can pick up cues that they might otherwise miss as she mingles with the patrons of the restaurant and garden
Parentage: Kor'yaune Selamputo, Moss Hydra; Lacrichi, Rose Plant Dragon; Nalpick, Cactus Plant Dragon; Twishar, Vine Plant Dragon
Origin: Derivativeworks art by Phe, doll from Doll Divine, Flashpoint used
Other Info: she's not all business, and she's not frivolous, Sutshuk enjoys all aspects of her abilities and her location to the best of her ability. If she had been separated from her siblings it's clear that she would be easily the 'leader' of whatever gang she could assemble, and she may yet do this, since the Zekirans have plenty of land and she can pose as one of them long enough to buy it.