Former Page Location: across Zekiran_Immortal on geocities, with additional stuff from other parts of the site as I find them.

This IS going to be an 'image collection' page, but to my knowledge none of the artists are around to complain about there being too many on one page sorry not sorry.

Name Viridia
Status (*if old-world) Formerly Peridian 6th Degree / Pemilik
Currently Leader of Zekiran colony on Planet Twenty
Gender/Age/Lifespan Female / As Shown Adult / 300 (-10255)
revived / Irrelevant / Immortal
Born Year / LAZ * Originally 9956 / Tana / Difar / Osini
Reborn Outsider 11300 / Kiran / Emosah / Vin
Breeding B4; Revived as Outsider strongly alters genes effectively B6
Fertility Normal
Parents / Family Mother Ivrien [?+Saxxon] / Father Ditai
Ivrien has 10 total children, including Viridia's Half-sister Vinet - ancestress of Chanay line
Bred To / Offspring
* Immortal

Etan / 10000 / Daughter Viaan* - heads up the Secret Project
Darkh / 10011 / Daughter Darkvide - grandparent of Paveh and Sengihr line
Kallah Vahh / 10118 / Kihraa Vahh* - aids Secret Project
Torin / 10122 / Son Riitan - ancestor of Tiir and Rhiin lines
Torin / 10141 / Daughter Nadia - grandparent of Mirage Marad
?? New offspring as Outsider?
?? New offspring on Ship/Planet 20?

Int - 141
App - 70
Edu - 95
Cha - 85
Str - 58
Soc - 90
Hea - 90
Agg - 90
Agi - 60
San - 40
Rea - 60
Cou - 80
Sensory Mods
Empathy 120
Genetics 180
Movement Mods
Body Type

Holdings * all different on Planet Twenty but they like to keep their old style information

Note that while Zekirans were used to holding Budak and Bayaran as servants, they forego this in their current form. While they are definitely still 'we'd like to make deals for this or that' they've long since stopped doing forms of slavery that are extremely distasteful for most other species they've encountered. Viridia has on hand numerous other descendants and even many Kin who have come for education and aid, doing work on her sites. Most if not all of the immortals have gone through plenty of phases of 'I will work for you' or 'please do the cleaning and cooking for me' in turns for millennia, even including Viridia!

Original Zekiran
World Holds
Location Amount, Use
T/D/Osini 39, office
136, Breeding Clinic
201, estate and assorted land
C/A/Watek 63, clinic and home
C/P/Oopet 51, clinic
177, estate and land
K/L/Ifta 213, home and unbuilt land
Planet Twenty Holds
Location Amount, Use
Vivarium - located inside mountain directly above main entrance,
south-west face
25, estate modeled after Osini home but smaller, marble and glass
52, Breeding Clinic for Zekirans
157, Breeding Clinic and Medical Center for everyone, Kin, Zekiran, Dragons and whatever else; has full surgery and Breeding, growth vats, storage, clean rooms, recovery areas, and all typical hospital type processing for laundry, food, medicine, and office consultations. This area is used by at least a dozen others, but they let her 'hold' it for posterity
Hideaway - located on the northern face of the east peak 151, expanded cavern with interior modeled after her old Oopet location, high arched ceilings with columns and balconies, with an extensive garden area in the courtyard, all covered with the mountain above. Exterior landing and exit has crystal windows hiding it from view, but she can see almost two hundred miles across the vast northern face toward the Glenn refuge
168, exterior flight and creature area, a massive spread of temperate forest and marsh, rugged gulleys and waterways leading north-east toward the Glenn area
Profession / Skills 6th Degree genetic engineer
Genetic Purity
Power Rank
Born: 38/3
Outsider: 18/1 ^ indicates improved from born version ^^ strong improvement


Enhanced Intelligence

Savant: Genetics

Savant: Linguistics and Comprehension^


Mind Cloud^

Human and ?? Empathy^


Genetic Manipulation^^

Invasive Telepathy^^

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Chameleon Coloration^ had been latent, but her genetics prove it, and she adjusts within a range of violet, reds, and blues only

Carries 'human style' hair genes, which carry in several offspring, males-only

Disadvantages She is not the oldest of the Immortals. But she is certainly among the best of them, and sometimes, honestly, this weighs on her. She has strong mood swings if left alone for very long, and has always been subjected to the whim of very strong emotional controls or large groups with vibrant emotions

Skills not bothering to list numbers, they aren't relevant now

Professional / Breed

Genetics, biology, reproductive health, tool use, bedside (natal/mother), Breeder's Eye

Personal Skills Very good with political maneuvering, events organization, loves spices and flavorful foods, and is incredibly good with social manipulation
Power Use As an Outsider has mastered her abilities to a degree that is highly improbable in anyone "under the age of, say, ten thousand!"
Dragon See Below
Bonded at Varies

Immortal's Beginning - Viridia's Breeding House

It is late in the Zekiran night.

And I am ready to die.

My grandson, Darkhanis, comes to my side. As he offers me his cool, grey colored hands, I hold them tightly as I can. This body fails me.

All but my voice.

And I whisper to him the secret of our line, the secret which he must preserve and pass along to another trusted family member when he too passes beyond.

With a sigh, he holds the knowledge and keeps it the way he always had: private.

As I expire, it is as if the world's supply of butterflies explodes into the air all at once.

It is a glorious feeling!

And when I wake again, it is to a screaming sound which I recognize only later as my own voice.

There are others here in this white place, a place after the death and the soft, cool grace of the Zekiran afterlife.

How we miss it!

I can sense them, beyond the walls. But I am not to remain with them, the other Outsiders still do not know of my existence. I shall remain with my daughter and be silent.

It is hard. Oh, I know it will be a life forever, with Viaan and the others at my side eventually... but for now, it is full of pain and dark thoughts.

One shining pleasant fact remains: though Darkhanis died nearly eight hundred years before I was brought back to life (much later than the other Outsiders, in fact), our secrets have maintained. His grandson Risk moved the secret to another granddaughter, and she to her neice's son. In all this time, I wonder who else has known our secrets?

But I return to my dark thoughts. When I was alive, the world did not weigh so heavily on me! Now, all I feel is the flesh of this body which I was not born into. This body given form by my own ex-lover Etan, my beautiful yellow-haired enemy. The father of my most important child Viaan. He and the wretched Archeria had the nerve to compete with one another about bringing us back to life, though when I came back, he was obviously not interested in showing me off to her.

Viaan arrived shortly and saved me from a life with a man I dispise.

Now, I collect my wits, and my children, and I wait.

Viridia's Collection (former page name unknown) - Takes place on the Immortals' Ship

Over the long years between the leave-taking from Zekira, and the Outsiders eventual settling, most of the inhabitants, including myself, found small (or huge) companions to bring along.

Since many of us had been Breeders or Animal Masters in our lives on Zekira, we all had good ideas of how to make these new life forms adjust better to life either on the generation ship, or on their new home.

However, some times we spent their whole lives -- and the lives of their offspring -- on their own home world, as visitors. (Or seen as invaders, Outsiders, or aliens...)

One of the kinds of creatures which I found of personal interest were the Dracae, found among Hydee's Dragons. They were smaller, and in my opinion more beautiful than the full sized dragons which roamed that world.

I spent time looking for the right Dracae to bring along when we left the place, but instead I found some beautiful companions who have remained by my side since they were hatched.


These two eggs came from Hydee's, they are the first stage of our beautiful Dracae!

When they hatch, you will be the first to know what comes out of them! I am so excited about these!


They've hatched! A wonderous moment! Out of the beautiful tiger-eye shell came Romarlen and from the amethyst one sprang another male, named Firlen!

We are so happy to have these beautiful creatures emerge! Now, we wait again until they are grown!


Look at these little wonders! They are so tired, but so hungry all the time! Firlen and Romarlen make a great couple of friends, they are both quite sweet. I cannot wait until they are large enough to fly about the ship on their own!

Of course, I must remind the others that have large, predatory friends (and some of my large, predatory friends too) that they are NOT to be hunted or eaten! Even by accident!


The little Dracae are now Fledglings! Their wings have unfolded and are gaining strength every day! I find them out in the ship now, on a regular basis. They certainly give some of the hunters a run for their money, but my warnings have not gone unheeded. Even when one of the pouncers, gryphons or others (even one of our own people) gets close to Firlen or Romarlen, they always let the little dracae flit off back to my quarters.

How I love watching these wonderful little boys grow!


My Dracae have almost reached their adult size! They both love to flit about the ship, and I occasionally find them trying to reside in someone else's hair! Imagine my embarrassment!

I am certain they would like a female companion or two... Perhaps we will see about that!


Firlen and Romarlen are now adults! I am so proud of them! They are so amazingly sweet. Just today they attempted to help me make a pie... With predictable results!

We will be headed off of this world soon, so I am going to see if anyone would like to try getting a female for them, perhaps we will get new little Dracae on board! ((This is very sad to announce, but Karaley and Firlen were paired, and obviously, only Firlen has survived until now. There are also no records that I can find of their partnership being productive. :/ ))

I was entranced by the antics of this little gryphon! He was one of many that we could have taken on, but I decided that only this one would come. He has plenty of friends, of course, all of the gryphons aboard our ship are so similar in nature and genetics that I do not doubt they will provide our settling world with generations to come.

His name is Tomi, after the Emosah town which rested in the middle of a huge grass plain. He would have blended in perfectly with the grasses!

Takes place on Planet Twenty after landing!

Though Viridia kept pets over the years, kept watch over many folks who had dragons bonded to them, or even herds of little semi-wild creatures like ferilons and egyptans, Viridia never really thought she was much cut out for dragon 'riding'. Even once they'd reached Planet Twenty, and begun settling the place, she felt happy to just be around people who felt good about living again.

With the return of Mirage, especially, and with the very permanent and very unusual bonds that the birth of Cirrus made, even more so. Dragons were in their blood, and therefore, one might assume that since Viridia was the ancestress of nearly everyone aboard the Zekiran colony ship... she had that blood too.

It didn't just appear out of nowhere, at any rate.

As she was walking across a long stone-shaped pathway overlooking the sheltered city of Zekira on the side of their mountain, Viridia felt something at the edge of her mind. Her mind was quite powerful, though one might say not so much as Mirage or Engell or perhaps even Etan's in true psionics. Devastatingly intelligent, Viridia sorted out her own thoughts and figured out what it was out there.

A dragon, but unlike any that she'd ever encountered aboard their ship. She flew through the air gracefully but without wings. Her long tail twisted in the air, whipping behind her, like her feathered antennae danced as though there was nary a breeze over her face.

"Well hello," Viridia said, as the dragoness lit onto the pathway and folded her legs below her.

"Greetings," the dragoness said. "I am Halcyon. May I stay here with you for a while?"

Viridia took it in stride. This wasn't truly a bonding, it wasn't mental at all. "Of course you may, my name is --"

"Viridia, I know, the Nexus informs us of such things... Perhaps it would be to our advantage, to be here."

"When you say 'our' are you referring to yourself?" Viridia asked, and watched the odd dragon's pierced ears twitch and move.

"Oh, no, no," Halcyon laughed, her voice musical even though she was a dragon and they were often rather gruff in voice. "Our - the Raylom dragon breed. Not nearly enough of us. But here, perhaps, is a good place to set down a colony as well."

"We've got a number of those started up already," Viridia said, waving her hand toward the north east, "there are Glenn dragons here, Old-worlds, all manner of creatures we've found through our travels."

Halcyon explained where she was from, as they traveled across the walkway and into the stone shelter beyond. Viridia learned much in those minutes, indeed...


Name: Halcyon (peace, clamness, ancient bird of legend)
Gender: female
Breed: Rayllomain eastern elemental (100% rayllomain, so breedable only with Sargon's ok )
Element: Air and Water, with random tribal bands of ranking
Powers: Wingless Flight
Genrehopping and Teleportation
Telepathy/Information Gathering
Verbal Speech
Water powers? Air powers? Unknown, because no descriptions and never breeding

From Sargon, August 2005 Nexus Exchange

Halcyon lifted her head, and gave off a chuffling call. "There are dragons, in need. Come along, Viridia."

The woman had never been summoned like that, even in the far-too-long life that she'd had. But Halcyon hadn't asked for her to come for no reason. They had been on Planet Twenty for a while now, and the Colony was thriving. But what about other colonies? Dragon ones? The Glenn dragons that lived nearby were holding their own, but they'd sent out this call. Some of their kind were in need.

So Viridia heeded the call. She was after all the sort of ambassador for the whole colony, all the Zekirans looked to her for guidance. She humbly took that function on now, as she straddled Halcyon's furry back. It had been a long while indeed, since she'd actually ridden anything... Least of all a dragon! Even though there were dozens in the colony, she usually watched them from below.

Halcyon's flight took her quickly from one world to another, Viridia's ears popped with the pressure change of suddenly being in a lower altitude. "I am sorry, I should have warned you this was in another place..." Halcyon said. But Viridia waved that off. She'd had much worse happen to her in her immortal life, what more could happen anyway?

"They need help," Halcyon said, and waved with her one paw at a group of sad, sometimes hard-looking dragons. Glenn dragons. This was the Isle of Mirrors, and they'd apparently come here out of desperation. ((they were originally not an IoM dragon, they had been clutched at Indy's page before then))

With her gut wrenching, Viridia remembered when Wisterlia had come to their ship - bedraggled and more than half dead. She'd responded very well to the care she got on the ship and was now the proud mother of eggs in the colony at Planet Twenty. All she'd needed was some care and kindness.

Viridia wondered - what would these dragons need? How many of them would come with her to another Glenn colony where they would be safe? She decided to ask around what to do next. Halcyon waited for her, knowing that the possibility that these dragons teleported was slim - they would have found a home by now.

There was a list of names, readable only because Viridia had a similar savant to her descendant Vanya's, in addition to her genetic knowledge she seemed able to understand languages quickly. One name stood out to her. Marad. A crystal fire dragon, male.

Marad. Viridia's heart swelled and nearly shattered at the same time. Such an old name, such an intriguing man. With so many children sired by him, it was a wonder that the world hadn't overpopulated itself. But it hadn't - yet some of his children still survived even today. Mirage, Star, both immortals but only one by natural means. Their own offspring were fine people.

Marad. It would have to be him, Mirage would want to see this, because even though Viridia's people had never been particularly superstitious, and they knew that their psionic powers were the only thing that was left after death? Sometimes... it really did seem like people were reborn. Mad composer Dulath for instance, now that Viridia thought about it, actually was inhabiting the immortal body of Java Sengihr, that weird kid that Vanya had made between he and another (immortal, vampiric) man. (Mirage's son Juvon in fact..) So.

Perhaps it was no mistake, perhaps it was not just a coincidence that Marad was really named this. That she'd been summoned here by the dragoness, to see this group. Viridia was going to talk to the locals about what to do, she was unsure of the rules around here.

She knew for certain though, that Marad would have to have his own space. He was fully grown, after all, and Viridia didn't have the room for a full grown Glenn dragon. The colony would take him in, but she'd want to attend to him personally at least until he got settled.

That weird tightness in Viridia's throat said volumes. What if he didn't want to come? What if he wasn't really Marad the famously hyperfertile Zekiran man who'd sired over two hundred children? Viridia put her foot down - it was not necessary that he really be Marad. It was okay if he chose not to come. But... then what? She glanced around and saw many dragons in need.

But it was Marad that she would champion. It was he that would find a home... If she could help it.

(( Had been on marad.htm but I will put him here because he definitely is Viridia's Glenn dragon))

Marad was not the most pleasant of dragons, when it came down to meeting and greeting. However, Viridia knew well that these things took time. If she'd brought one of her descendants that had a stronger empathic power than herself she might have been able to exert some power and calm him straight off. But she had none, and the way he was pacing about she wasn't sure it would be a good idea anyway.

"I understand, you've been waiting for a real place to go, a real person to feel that love from," Viridia said.

The dragon spat and a plume of dust rose from where he'd done so.

"I need no people, no love." His voice was hard, like the crystal which he supposedly loved.

"Well, you still need a place to stay, this place is not fit for a dragon as large and powerful as yourself."

"Do not waste flattery on me, female," the dragon said. But his tone was weary, his presence here at the Isle was like many others, about ready to end. "I will come with you, but I will not request you to be my 'friend'."

That was all Viridia needed to know, she summoned Halcyon and they headed back to Planet Twenty. Halcyon landed them atop the peak where the colony lived, building their city below. She turned her long neck, and said, "well, there are other Glenn breed dragons down there," she indicated the far valley on the eastern side of the mountains. "But you should fly around here to see if there is a place you'd rather stay. There are many passages through the mountain."

Marad didn't quite know what to say, so he said nothing and merely stared at her. Finally the pair, Halcyon and Viridia, left for the lower altitudes. Up here it was clear, bright, chilly without being frozen. The peak was covered in snow, and would be all year around by his estimation.

Perhaps he would fly around and see what might befit him. It had been too long since he had a ... friend, and he was now stinging with that terrible answer that he'd given the woman. But it would take him days to find Viridia again and ask her forgiveness for his rudeness.

Her laughter was music, she smiled and carefully put her hand on his leg. She only came up to about the middle of his forelimb, though he was not the biggest Glenn dragon, he certainly was not small either. "It's all right Marad. You are welcome down here or wherever, all the dragons are. Though you might watch out for Neres and her bunch of males, I doubt that you'd want to get caught up with her."

Of course that only made him curious...


Name: Marad
Gender: male
Breed: Glenn
Element: Fire
Powers: Winged Flight
Verbal Speech
Fire Breath/Tolerance

-- from Isle of Mirrors list, may have these or others? --
Crystal Flame
Spirit Strike
Purity Fire
Ring of Crystal Embers
Parents: Atlantis and Utopia clutch 1, sibling to **LINKS MAY CHANGE** Neres Storm, Wisdom, and numerous others; had been abandoned by their prior owner and readopted to me
Prior Mate: Gold Air Sparks

Offspring: links are incorrect obviously
Dragon Color Type Age Sex Bondmate Mate
Tempest Crystal W Adult M Foxxfyre
Gwyn White A Adult F Luna the Cat
Ref's Glimmer Gold F Adult M Taiji <<mine!
Nakean Red F Adult M Nathan
Maria Purple A Adult F Zaie
Sapphire's Dust Cerulean W Adult M Dragonwings
Aries Cerulean A Adult F Lindsey
Nylyra Cerulean A Adult F Aset
Winter Frost Cerulean A Adult M Mel
Mystic Moon Green  A Adult F SaberTiger


** Parents
** Had a mate, Sparks, and is the sire of Ref's Glimmer who resides in several timelines, with Taiji (DMZ)