Talis Weyr Final Frenzy

Red's Ten - Anored - A'red


Age 19, Smithcrafter - all but considered a Journeyman

The Smithcraft enjoyed Anored, as much as he enjoyed smithcraft. Heavy gloves, a mask to keep his handsome face from getting burnt, bulging muscles and all - he was the peak of health and strength - and he knew it. At any given moment Anored would be found pushing himself to produce the most pure ore, to get the best edge on a weapon. Most of all, he'd all but ignore the Masters in the craft if they told him he was done for the night, he wasn't done, he was never done.

There was always something needing to be done. When he did finally admit that it was time to rest, he enjoyed that too. There was very little that Anored didn't enjoy, in fact. He loved a good stout drink, a game of dragon poker (at which he was considerably better than his father), and the company of a woman. Or two. Or, on very rare occasions, a man. He liked company that could keep up with him if they wanted any kind of 'relationship' with him. (Hence the very brief but reasonably satisfying relationship he'd had with another of the boys in the craft hall, until that was broken up by the young man's parents insisting he marry...) But for just those one-nights? Those 'we'll nervously glance at each other in a room but not say anything until later'? The things he valued in a woman for the night were many. He loved their smell, especially if they liked his. He loved running his strong hands over their bodies - particularly if they were well muscled and padded in the right places. He would compliment a girl to get her to smile, but he'd never insult one to get her to go away.

The strengths of this young man were many, but that's not to say he didn't have any weaknesses. He did have a bit of a hot temper but only regarding the quality of his work or performance. If he knew that there was nothing wrong with a piece he was not going to hesitate in an argument about it. And never, ever say he was lazy or slacking off if he was not working... That would be difficult to prove, anyway, since he almost always had a tool in his hand.

When taken to Talis, Anored knew that this would be a good place to find a dragon fit for him. Plus, he was very pleased to note that the Weyrleader of Dragonhope's eldest son was also a rider... and a Master smith! They would be able to continue utilizing his skills, he might even be able to beg a Journeyman's knots if he worked hard.

As if Anored didn't work hard already. S'vax, S'xon's son, had watched this young man as he greedily tended the forge fires and watched for the perfect moment to pour ... There was never a doubt, even without a dragon with him, Anored would surely be a Journeyman in S'vax's eyes.

He didn't boss anyone around, that was something that he left to other more vocal sorts in his now-extended family. Rather, he understood orders and only questioned them if they seemed either counter intuitive, or counter productive. Thus, when he would be placed among the wings in the weyr, he would have a good spot - he learned dragoning ways quickly, understood methodology well enough if not practiced or experienced in things like flight formations and rank designations. He was very good at hefting firestone sacks, that was obvious after the first time he practiced! His aim too was dead-on with it, if someone needed it S'vax knew that this lad would be the best to send for emergency tossing!

So when Talis's many eggs hatched, he found himself face to face, eye to eye with a large, caramel-brown colored dragon. Hungry, wet, a bit miffed that he had to break out of an egg just to wait as the candidates were paraded around... Rayiniuth matched his rider to a stunning degree. Now known as A'red, though having tossed around the idea of naming himself Nor'd or A'nor just to be different, he proudly announced his new dragon bond.

They arrived back to Dragonhope as a wing on their own, a full one - dramatic in color and excellent in form. S'vax instantly grabbed the boy and his brown, for a role in his own Benteng Udara - the flying fortress wing. Before too long, too, they proved that indeed, that throwing arm was good enough and his ability to follow orders (and even predict them, after a time) that S'vax promoted him to Wingthird! They didn't spend all their time fighting Thread, A'red got the chance to further his smithy skills and obviously the work of keeping up with a large sized dragon kept him quite fit!

And Rayiniuth... If there was something he loved more than posing and flying hard it was helping to lead a wing. He took his duties seriously, making sure that the stragglers - even those outside of the Benteng Udara - kept up. He'd be sure to chase a queen, not a green, due to his size. Though he was big and strong, and reasonably fast, one thing Rayiniuth wasn't was bulky. He was long, wide of wingspan, but not in any way fatty or overburdened with a bukly build. Not nearly as acrobatic as a blue, Rayiniuth challenged himself to eventually try and follow any of their antics in the air... When frustrated with this, Rayiniuth went fishing and forgot about it.

NAME: Rayiniuth
COLOR: Brown
SIZE: Large Brown
PERSONALITY: Focused, athletic, charismatic
PARENTS: Gold Vakantanth x Bronze-gold Tamoth

Anored (A'red) | Kyred | Elared (E'red) | Redayne | Ibared (I'red) and Otared (O'red) | Leredda | Uilred (U'red) | Yalred (Y'red) | Tayred

All dolls made at www.dollwizard.com | Background from Absolute Backgrounds