Talis Weyr Final Frenzy

Red's Ten - Kyred


Age 18, Tailor

Subtle and smart, but patient and enduring, Kyred knew that her place as a rider would be far easier to deal with than her place in a Hold. Not that she wanted to suddenly change her reserved ways, nothing could change that. But this dark-eyed girl now could freely interact with the menfolk - and without expectations of marriage. But never let it be said that she would simply dive into the mess of riders and staff without preparation.

No, Kyred was more sensible than that. Though she hardly spoke of such things, and never to her mother, she constantly appraised each and every man she'd met. What kind of husband would they make? What about father? Would she want to grow old with that man or would she regret it? Because she was a bastard child, she had the luxury of waiting it out. Her sister, child of the minor Lord that her mother called husband, was set on marrying 'the best' man ... but her choices were so random it was hard to keep up with what each of them had to her liking.

Kyred liked men to be courteous, generous, but strong willed. He'd have to be able to discipline well, without frightening a child. He'd have to be well suited to whatever his profession was. That alone let out most Holders - they were layabouts and hardly had a professional bone in their bodies! If anything, her mother knew that was something they had in common - she disdained her own marriage, she'd have preferred to marry someone in the Weaver guild or a tailor. But that was not to be, particularly not after she'd already had a child by some wandering rogue. A man should not make her feel guilty, Kyred decided, after having heard enough of that kind of talk late at night in their hold.

She had wondered... what if her mother would remain with her at the Weyr instead of returning to the Hold. But, that was not to be, her mother did actually have her own things to deal with, and her husband was among them. But it was no secret that Kelyin envied her eldest daughter greatly, being Searched and all. When they parted, at the demand of that Lordling back at the Hold, Kyred whispered that she wished they could remain together - and pressed her hands into her mother's with the promise that if anything should ever go wrong there, she'd come to pick up the pieces.

Kyred realized that this, ironically, was her father's influence even though he hadn't been around her but for more than a month or so at a time. He didn't judge. He didn't scold without reason. And he never, ever told her that she wasn't worth anything.

What woman could stay with a man who thought that?

These things went through Kyred's mind as she wandered the halls of Dragonhope, looking into weyr and den, lower and upper caverns alike. Some of the weyrbrats and folk didn't care for her craft much, but knew that it was better to have a crafter who knew far more about the trade, than to shove sewing into the hands of someone who'd no knowledge at all! It would grow on them, she thought. She'd make something worth hanging in the dining hall some day. She and her little sister - her real sister, not the one that she shared a mother with... They would weave and embroider something wonderful for this Weyr that had brought them together.

At Talis on the sands, everything went so fast. She'd hardly gotten used to things at Dragonhope, when they got word of several clutches at once on the sands at a Weyr that was all but deserted. The change in atmosphere - the bustling and now-full Dragonhope versus the echoey and nearly empty halls of Talis... It was almost frightening. But when she met the brilliant eyes of a grassy-green dragonet on those sands, she knew that Dragonhope would be her home, she'd never have to worry about marrying some idiot, and she'd always - always - have a family to fall back on.

Qularth was apparently the offspring of a white - how lovely, she thought! And, she grew to a pretty big size, bigger than some blues! While it seemed that Qularth had the propensity to sit around a lot, it was more that the dragon had already figured out what to do, got it done, and was happy with not having to do any given task. She learned forms very well - and Kyred did too, since she could equate such things to cross-stitch patterns or other terms and translate them to walking on the ground and eventually flying in the skies!

Even so, Kyred and her dragon would not be used to fight Thread very often. A different kind of thread perhaps, they were placed among the Pintu Anjin wing - those dedicated to other tasks that were more valuable at them than as 'fillers' during Thread. They'd rather fill the air with fighters at the right time, than with people who could best be kept safe on the ground. Flying to pick up supplies, deliver finished goods, and show off at gathers - that would be her new job. With a gorgeous green dragon willing to pose with a banner slung between her wing-hooks, Kyred and Qularth were a hit at shops and towns!

NAME: Qularth
COLOR: Green
SIZE: Large green
PERSONALITY: Lazy, affectionate, practical
PARENTS: White Adityath x Blue Galdainth

Anored (A'red) | Kyred | Elared (E'red) | Redayne | Ibared (I'red) and Otared (O'red) | Leredda | Uilred (U'red) | Yalred (Y'red) | Tayred

All dolls made at www.dollwizard.com | Background from Absolute Backgrounds