Dragon Hatching and Bonding Stories, Collected Edition

Rakki and Sasazik

Size comparison Piece and Knockoff/Pawn

Drakkari / Dragonstake mutt, high bodied and long legs, four legs and two wings, with claws on legs only; conical face with small horn on nose, and fanned head fins, otherwise smooth until the tip of very long narrow tail in a small spade; hide that is very shiny, pupiled eyes

Naming: Moonshield is the clan's name for this event and clutch, taken by full Pieces. The Knockoffs receive -RASA as their name component.

Knockoff stats: average 3 in most, with 1 in one and 4 in another; powers: 5 telepathy; 4 local teleport, empathy; 3 and 2 average in most including Firebreath, nexus teleport, verbal speech; 1 moon magic + (not functional)

This clutch is among the very last that are released, at the beginning of the final hour countdown to Midnight

Rakki Clan Akelara, Lineage unknown Mental Link (required/bond)
Verbal Speech
Empathy / Emotion Control
Teleport (moonlight, linked)
Moon Magic
Freezing Breath
Shared Magic

Cy Dragonstake, gold Delith + blue Falirilin

*note 7.30.24 I moved this link to another portion of site

Teleportation (Local, Nexus)
Unassisted Firebreath


Full Pieces

Family Name Moonshield

* Bissa taken by Shard
*Welejef opened (-y)


Bond: Tathira Kilath, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: If there was something that Tathira could do, it was find new things to spark her imagination. The drow was a touch on the intimidated side when she reached the Ball, it was brightly lit, loud, huge. But oh how the place glittered with magic and wonder! How did those little plants with glowing tendrils know when something was near, pulling back and emerging to cast its light only when the 'danger' was past? Where were all of these people from? How did they all arrive?

For her part, she and her feline sidekick had come in through a specific portal, she wasn't the only one on her way but she was definitely among the first to arrive. Her sensitive eyes squinted but rather quickly it seemed she'd gotten used to it. The light, it was clear, wasn't coming from a sun or star, or even a moon... These strange artificial candles, brighter than any spell, along the walls? A chandelier that sparkled with a cascade of glittering lights could have been magic, but she overheard some local person say that it was "just a bunch of ell ee dees" whatever that was.

And the people! Even that one with the broom - what was he? There were humans, elves, furry people, and demons (or ... something), but 'aliens' and 'monsters' and... so - many - dragons. Quite a few people who already had a drink in their hand or a plate of food also were shadowed by a smallish dragon, but she saw at the very far side of the venue from her entry point, that there were massive archways fit for dragons that were quite big...

She'd brought with her some coins, but it turned out she didn't need them to buy food or drink. Apparently the invitation included that kind of thing, and only the casino with gambling required money. She wasn't much of a gambler, but she did take the tour, marveling at the difference in mood and atmosphere from the main ballroom to this smaller and more intimate area. She also felt the magic pulling so many different directions! Every door or archway was a new segment of the place that pinged her senses.

There was that one 'blank wall' over by the entry... She stood for a good minute or two staring at it. It was just a white marble wall, but there was - something... there? If she had the ability to open it she knew there was a door here somewhere. Only when someone came through that 'door', did she realize... It wasn't for her, there was nothing for her to see there. Faintly disappointed, but once more filled with the desire to learn how such magic could possibly exist, she found her way around the venue.

Dancing? Well she wasn't all that good with it, but neither was her partner who wasn't exactly light on his feet. Food! And drinks! She stood amazed trying to list all the things she wanted to follow up on, when the potions... sorry mixology demonstration was done. It was hard to follow a lot of the comedy routines in the casino but much easier to let the amazing songs and performances on the main Stage wash all over her.

So the evening went, with every few acts being interrupted by the introduction of those magnificent dragon clutches. Here and there, people she knew found a companion among them! And at long last, near the Midnight bell, a most lovely glimmering moonlight-pale dragoness approached Tathira. Her wings shone like a mirror, her quicksilver hide danced like stars.

"I am glad I've found you," she said, "will the place we return to ... have a moon? I feel uncomfortable here, this place so far below the sea."

With a start, Tathira glanced upward and saw only the domed ballroom ceiling... and the depths of the strange world's ocean through the windows beyond the Stage. "I will make sure you get to see the moon from our chambers!"

"I am Wittu Moonshield, I will enjoy learning from you. We have much in common already."


Bond: Diggory Blum, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: Diggory had passed numerous tables, the buffet, even gone into the casino to have a little fun - won a little bit too! She'd even prowled around as a four-footer, there were plenty of 'kin' and morphs attending. She nibbled at the dark bread and thin sliced raw fish, preferred the grilled steak and carrots. Diggory caught snippets of conversations, but the only ones she had interest in following up on were those of her peers with their dragons!

They were so energetic, hungry, curious. She'd begun to get a little antsy about this whole venture too, because... Well, it was nearly midnight? Dutifully she checked in with them every hour, and a pang of... was that envy? Began creeping into her gut.

What if she didn't find a dragon? What if no dragon found her to be the right one?

Don't worry, I'm right here. You're the right one, I just wanted to make sure. I've been following leads!

Diggory blinked quickly, looking around. There were dragons all right, even after the midnight cheer?

Oh yes, plenty of us too! The dragon drew himself up to the constable, and proudly displayed himself. Shiny, ... like a badge!

I am Ronanex. If there's a place with a moon, I will be able to go there. We can investigate together. If you'll let me come along?

"We'll have to get you trained and get your permits," Diggory grinned, glancing over at her boss. "I'm sure we'll make a terrific team!" She could feel the dragon's mood, easing into her own mind. It would be good to have another pair of eyes on activities around the Heimdall!


Bond: Open (Yakima has unbreedable AU if she puts it up)


Bond: Luke, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: Maybe no one wanted the runt of the litter. Moody, annoyed, maybe grumpy and tired, it was nearly midnight and basically everyone else in their group had found a friend or companion. There were so dang many of them, too, what was even up with that? Did they just think he was too small? Was his tail too short? Or maybe he was trying too hard, others were still encouraging him to be happy and shine...

They just didn't get it. He let them have their moments, some of them feeding meat to their little dragonets, others taking a well-earned break from dancing. Luke slipped out from the table and began slowly walking around the edge of the ballroom, closer to the windows. What was this place, really? He had exceptional map making skills but this place absolutely defied his mind. You could see that the walls of the Rapture facility were not the same as the Stage, but it was still just ... so weird. Magic, that's what it was. He drew in a breath, let it out slow. He wasn't magic. He was just a dude with a lot more endurance and sense than others.

Where you can walk for hours, I can fly quick, we'll use a pincer move if enemies come calling.

Luke looked up from his pondering gaze, still sort-of looking out the big thick window and almost-seeing the green-grey depths of the ocean floor, but mainly seeing the reflection of himself in the glass. And.

And me?

"Yup, and you," Luke said, of the brilliantly white and icy-blue dragonet who stood behind him. The dragon would be much longer than they were tall just now, sleek, but for the moment they were still on the wobbly short end and apparently a touch tired. It was almost midnight, Luke looked down at this lovely fin-headed dragon and smiled.

"Tigelem is my name," the dragon said, voice slightly hissing, it was possible he'd never spoken before.

"Then I'll introduce you to the others," Luke proclaimed, like it was nothing special. It was special. But he reserved that thought for Tigelem.


Bond: Raren Tuhlael, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: Raren had wondered where Caetal had gone off to early in the evening. They'd barely even gotten there and, what, she had to pee already? He wouldn't say that out loud of course! But she showed back up smelling a touch odd (maybe they were smoking in the girls room) (which was kind of funny if he'd known the tune that one of the performing groups were playing just then, "Smokin' in the boys room" it was by name) so they got back to business and fun for the rest of the evening.

It was grand, though a touch on the intimidating side, even if he was built to impress and there to guard his partner. She did the talking, he did the watching. And watching dazzled him time and time again when dragons came walking through the main ballroom. Eventually he would politely excuse himself to watch as they were shown off, that one time from the balcony as Caetal was talking to Baeris and Mystic, and another when they were coming out from the casino for a short break, oh how lovely these shiny dragonets were! Quite a few of them had those bright checkerboard patterns, similar to those framing many of the banners and the tablecloths around the chamber.

By the time the big clock had nearly reached midnight, it seemed that hardly any of the tables or groups scattered through the venue lacked a dragon or two or three. Even some people arriving from their own delegation, that would be fun sorting out when they went home.

"Well you can't go home without me," the voice was inexpert, high, and followed by a bit of a hissing whine. "I'm hungry now!"

He hadn't missed their entrance, no, it was practically minutes before midnight and one of the final clutches had been presented, they would be so gorgeous and shiny, big wings and long bodies. And one of them sat before Raren's feet, slightly leaning over to catch himself with his floppy wing imbalancing him. He was unsteady now, but he was just freshly hatched, wasn't he?

"I was, and I'm hungry," he asserted again. He hardly followed the black and white rule, here, with that brilliantly blue-steel shade to his hide, but when the light hit it the color went nearly white, or the shadow into deepest grey.

"What a handsome young thing you are," Raren said, "I'll help you find that food, do you think you can wait for another ... three minutes?"

The dragonet tilted his head, "why?"

"Everyone will be cheering and celebrating, and we can celebrate by getting you fed!"


Bond: Wayne, Voluntary bond
Meeting Notes: Nearly everyone had found a friend or companion, but Wayne was wondering now, whether he might? This seemed odd because he would have thought that a Rook would require one early, to protect his charges? The clock looked like it was just about to ring in the new... year or whatever time frame was changing, when a slip of a silvery creature showed up near his hip while he was grabbing another bottle of champagne to share at the table. It wove between his sturdy legs, but he didn't trip. He could hardly be as confidently protecive as he was if he dropped a bottle, right?

Hungry, came a thought. This creature was more catlike than anything else but not in appearance: her movement was sleek and felt like she enjoyed every step she took. She rubbed up against his leg, and looked up at him with large violet-colored eyes. She looked like marble, pale but not bright, except those frills on her head, which were a shiny pale blue catching the light with metallic sparkles. If her siblings were shiny and reflective (he'd caught glimpses of them, they were indeed) she was brushed and cool, not quite as flashy as some.

But that was fine. Silaki would grow into her beauty, and would be able to keep up with Wayne's reading and strengths equally.


Bond: Eleana, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: To say that Eleana was delighted to be here was a bit of an understatement. From people complementing her gown and a dance with a rabbit-man (*named Collan, adoptable) who seemed more sedate than the other bunch tromping around the dance floor, to picking up a few hands of cards in the casino, she flitted around the area all night just enjoying herself. Her friends - her friends had found dragon partners! They would be going home with fantastically lovely new friends!

It began to gnaw at her a few hours down the line, as more and more of those dragons were brought out. She helped feed one of them, fascinated by their little teeth and strong wings. Nearly tripped over another as that rabbit guy was followed by his own tiny dragonet! Eleana went up to the balcony above the dance floor and soaked in the more sedate conversational tones and business deals being done, watching the stage show with amazing acrobatics.

And it was growing quite late, that big obsidian and silver clock was nearing Midnight. Though she didn't outwardly show anything more than a little tiredness, inside maybe... Maybe there was a bit of worry. Maybe there was a little sadness, why hadn't a dragon come to her yet? Among all these amazing clutches and their little-bitty-checkerboard companions? She lost count of them all, before that Midnight chime was about to go off.

She forgot about counting when something as slippery-silver looking as the hand on that clock above moved around her. She was off to the side of the ballroom, pretending to freshen up near one of the restroom entrances, and hadn't rejoined her friends just yet. Did they know that it was more because she was a touch on the envious side?

"They have their own worries," this dragon said. While his voice was high and chiming, she somehow got the impression that it was a male dragon. The light bounced off of his wings, or wait - did it? Were those patterns that made it look so bright? No - no it was definitely super shiny. Like ripples on a pond, in liquid silver. "They will have their hands full, like you do now."

"I - I do?" The badgermorph suddenly blinked a few times, she wasn't drunk and she wasn't so sleepy, what had that dragon just...

"You have your hands full with me!" He proudly lifted his angular snoot, yellow eyes gazing into her own. "I felt you from across the chamber," he said, "and I wanted you to know that you are for me. You will never be alone any more, we will be able to visit everyone quick as a flash!" It looked like he was going to do something... which didn't happen. A little sheepishly, he added, "once I learn how to master my moon spells, that is. You do... have a moon where you live, don't you?"

"Oh we do! We have more than 'a' moon!" She had never really thought about it, but there certainly were moons.

"That helps, the more the merrier, right? I am Fenovo Moonshield, and I have chosen you." He pushed his long face toward her hand, and to her surprise the dragon's sleek skin wasn't cold - for all that metallic looking shine, he was warm and soft. And now, she could introduce him to her friends!

Bissa Bond: Baylea Graystone

Meeting Notes: There were so many things to do and see at this weird place. It was under the sea, it was beyond the world she knew. But she'd paid close attention to the spell that Zora used to move the class from Twoarth to this realm. There were numerous layers to the spell, some that protected them from wandering, other bits that sought out just the right time or place, another that was a shape - an iris, an aperture. The group moved through that opening and it was like a high flight - ears popped, a little static between the ears.

Baylea was so very, very interested in the other side of the venue, but the magic portals between the areas were ... quite sound. Very, very thorough, and eventually she gave up on trying to suss out how they were made. Maybe she could just ask, the guys who built them were definitely having discussions with Zora and the other grownups.

She had some food, not wanting to weigh herself down with too much, but there were some sprout and zucchini finger sandwiches (thankfully without fingers in them) (those weird people over in England had that and it was partly why she noped out of that school, screw that) and fruit smoothies, delicious! Enough to energize her to dance a little... And with stars in her eyes she watched the battle of the idol bands, wait one of them was local?! To Carramba and Wonder anyway? She would have to find them later, get some of those trading cards signed!

Long around one hour to Midnight, though, there was a procession of tall, shiny, elegant dragonets. Even their smaller 'knockoffs' shone in the lights and hardly fumbled around the place looking for their just-right partners.

"You are my just-right partner," a clear and slightly frosty voice said. The dragon that said it - to her, to Baylea - was not the biggest of the bunch, though she was obviously strong and healthy. Her green eyes met Baylea's, and a strong bond formed almost instantly.

"Now I really want to know ... what was it like over there? Can we see it now that we're paired up?" Baylea kept nodding toward the archway that was still magically-closed. Weirdly, however, what she saw through her mind's eye - through this dragon's eyes - there wasn't a shimmery barrier there. There was a clear and well lit opening!

"I don't think that would be wise," the dragon replied, "but it is interesting seeing what you see, too?" For that dragon also could detect the hazy-grey can't-pass-here barrier thanks to their bond.

They would investigate this and many other magical things later. For now, there was food for both of them ready and waiting, and magic to learn when they went home!


Bond: Silvaria Whisper, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: It was getting quite late, the clock on the wall over the stage ticked nearly to midnight when it looked like yet another batch of dragons were finally on their way out of their special little nook. Others had already found their dragons, it would kind of figure that she of all of them had to wait. Or maybe just - not.

"Don't be like that," a smooth voice said nearby, "we were late, almost too late to the party."

The silver color of that dragon was blinding, so metallic, so pretty!

"I will choose you, there are many who might want to be seen with me, but I want to be seen with you, Silvaria. I am Xenuca, I am yours. The light of the moon will power us."

So far under the sea, moonlight was difficult to come by - maybe that was why the Moonshield group was a little late?

"There are many moons," the dragon seemed to grin, pressing up against her side and nibbling at the cheese cracker in Silvaria's hand - not really finding it to her liking. They met up with the others before the last bell, before the celebration culminated. It was odd, Zena hadn't looked like she had found a dragon either until just that moment?

Souggam Bond: Elara, Voluntary Multibond
Meeting Notes: See Also AMSH

The trio of adventurers entered the venue using a magical portal, something they'd done before and would absolutely do again in the future. Tall and slender Elara, athletic average Wake, and 'petite' dark Gwynry, it was like the setup to some 'walks into a bar' gag. But they weren't laughing yet! No, it was just the dazzle of the first sight of a party of this scope, with just enough color splashed around the ballroom thanks to the inhabitants to offset the very stark high-contrast black and white 'everything else' that caused all three to pause. For a moment, just a moment, Wake begged out and urged her friends to move into the ballroom while she did 'things' back at the entry. They all knew it would be many hours before they'd be leaving, they'd meet up again at the tables or up on the balcony later.

For now, the pair clasped hands (well aware of their disparate shapes and heights) and strode into the grand ballroom. There was a demonstration on the big stage that showed off alchemical reactions in a spectacular fashion. They took in the sights, even daring to attend one of the underwater tours around Rapture and the party venue's exterior. Both of the women were just on the edge of uncomfortable in that submersible being towed by their draconic tour guide: too close to being in a cramped tunnel, so obviously far down under the ocean. The light from Rapture and the party comforted them, but it would have been nicer to be... well, you know. Closer to the surface, the skies, the stars and moon.

They did watch the undersea landscape through the massive windows beside the Stage. And then, delighted, discovered that the other huge panes of glass also showed different views! Different entire worlds! Both of the women took notes, and after wandering and playing some cards in the casino, attending a truly hilarious 'comedy hour' at that casino's one stage, and were baffled by the presence of numerous tabaxi... wait no they're just cat people? playing on the other casino stage.

It was while they were listening to a song that translated as "Diamond Dogs" that Gwyn got a strange look on her freckled face. Elara instantly noticed, but it was more because of what was going on behind her dwarf wife. There was a small and shiny black dragon peering intently at her, long enough that Elara began to giggle.

"What? Did I get chip dip on my lip?"

Elara laughed at that, "well no - I mean yes, but no, I ..." She nodded, several times to indicate to turn your head around, until finally Gwyn did so. She was met directly with the bright orange eyes of--

"Oh!" Gwynry gave a little yelp and a laugh, "I.... I see?"

Well finally, the dragonet's mental amusement came through with just those words. I am Dawn Break, and you are of interest to me!

When they looked around the casino, cashing out and heading back down to the main floor, both women noticed a fair few others who had newly befriended their dragons. The event had been going a few hours already, but only when they left the confines of the casino did they really notice how many there were now.

While they strolled back down the long curving staircase toward the main Stage and Gwyn began getting comfortable with her new dragon friend, they all noticed the act on that Stage. It was all dark, had an incredible view behind it - and surrounding it in the big windows, of deep space and people using no protective equipment were out in that space somehow playing their live music!? Elara led the distracted druid and her young sleek dragon back to their table, but also stared unabashedly at those windows, which captivated everyone's attention long enough to order some dinner. A waiter, not one of the dragons, brought it to them.

Don't let me distract you from your dinner date, I already fed myself! Dawn Break smartly announced, but still sniffed at their own kebabs and fish puffs.

They spotted Wake as she went from event to event, hearing her laughter or noting the still-present though much reduced cloud of moths and reanimated insects around her. She saw that there was a dragon with Gwynry and bit her lips together, briefly congratulating them, but then pretended to look at her watch (did she even wear a wrist watch) and zipped back into the casino to catch the later 'not safe for work' comedy show. Dawn Break settled into a curl below the table, as the dwarf and elf tucked in to their meal.

In the lull, in as much as acrobats, rock and roll, and amusing animal-people antics could be called a 'lull' they finally got to have that more formal dinner date, recalled once upon a time. But they finished and didn't quite have the energy to get up and dance again, so as things started creeping toward that midnight bell, they started people-watching. They noticed a lot of things, in fact, when their pair of Gem dragons also rejoined them in the biped hall - and had a bit of a surprise with them.

Though the Gem dragons were hardly bigger, the newly arrived hatchling (was it? too graceful to just have broken shell) stood at least to their shoulders, elegant long neck and high-held body. All in the brilliant white pearl shine like the inside of an abalone shell or a basket of marble beads.

I am glad to finally meet you, the dragonet thought directly to Elara, These two have made quite the statement on your behalf.

Elara's posture said volumes to Gwynry, who hadn't heard the comment. The elf stood, and though it was hardly typical Gwynry knew that it was her elfin grace that could allow her to formally greet such a dignified dragon with a bow.

"He is a King," Elara said with more reverence than expected. "Souggam Moonshield," she breathed deeply and enjoyed the way the name felt on her lips. "Hopefully, a king that won't mind some interesting distractions from day to day monotony..."

I do not rule you, I wish to be with you on your travels! This time he addressed both women and their existing dragon friends, broadly, his mind shiny as his hide. It wouldn't be shiny for very long, since he stuffed his long muzzle directly into the fish puffs bowl and covered himself in cheese crumbles... Midnight was arriving, he was hungry!

It wouldn't be long before their friend Wake would come back to the big floor, looking very slightly wistfully at the group. But--

Grey Pawns

Bond: Eiko, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: (see also Plysheva and the Duet)

There had been so many offers of adoration and love, so many flowers, so much screaming in stadiums and clubs... the lights and the music and all the cheering were part and parcel for any event. Thankfully there were fewer screams and swooning at the Ball. Love♥Letter weren't there to perform, but they sure did so. There were dancers that seemed able to adapt to the strange new music that came mostly from the alien team, and those rabbit kids stomped their way around the edge of the ball floor to clear a space.

Eiko was just super thrilled. He used his cape to accent their movements around the other teams, and was pretty impressed with how well the varied groups meshed together. It wasn't a 'rap battle' so much as a 'dance off with music', and that was something they did all the time back in their headquarters studio!

The party was gearing up toward Midnight now, and they had champagne and sweets and party poppers ready. What Eiko was not ready for was the gentle but constant hunger that drove him over to the bar again. He selected the smaller fingerfoods each time, he didn't want to look like a glutton - and he didn't want to add to his already full stomach. Why was he so hungry?

It is no mistake, I'm the one who's hungry though, you don't have to keep eating, I won't get full that way.

"Who said that?" Eiko glanced around, suddenly, with little composure. Something had just been gnawing at him, and now he was hearing things? Was it the drinks?

Not the drinks, another voice? A slightly different one, more distant. Eiko felt like he was overhearing a conversation through a wall, when that same voice asserted, I will now find mine, I am glad I waited.

And Eiko felt strangely happy, with that idea. No - no something else felt that, he was just a bystander.

You are not a bystander, but I am still hungry.

It was when he spotted a shiny moonlit-glass face peeking up over the heads of the nearby people, that suddenly Eiko knew what was happening. Something in his mind, his gut, his heart, burst open. He could hardly even see the people around now, they were a blur of black and white and silver and feathers. All he could really see, that mattered in the slightest, was this sleek, slender dragon. It had had to stand on its hind legs, to see over the heads of people, and that was ... on the back of another burlier dragon's back; and the moment that dragon noticed Eiko heading that direction, it slipped away.

The crowd parted when they noticed the young man heading right for the now-solo dragonet. With those big checkerboard wings held high, and elegant long tail curled around its paws, Eiko paused for just a moment to take that image in.

You only get one chance for a first impression, after all, the dragonet bespoke, and now Eiko truly did understand: the voices were dragons, but why had he overheard their conversation? Wasn't that private?

Only as private as it should be, the shiny little thing replied to that thought. I needed some help, and they waited for me. I will eat, ... you know, once you help me find the food?

That was easy, several others with their new little black and white friends were collected around tables, with servers helping to give out easily-eaten meat chunks and whatever else the little guys needed. When it had its fill, the dragon studiously cleaned itself, very catlike, and finally looked back up at Eiko.

"I am Bardrasa," it said, "and you are my One." There was a very strange pause, and because they already had a strong connection to the young performer, Eiko knew there was more to it.

PG2 (adopt)


PG4 (adopt)
PG5 (adopt)
Wikrasa Bond: Okalani, voluntary bond, multibond
Other Info: where Writhsheva is Oelkje's bodyguard, Wikrasa is Okalani's messenger and scout. He is sleek in the air, and there's not a contact she has that doesn't look forward to seeing this shiny grey and checkered dragon on their balcony, it's always a pleasure doing business with him
PG7 (adopt)
PG8 (adopt)
White Pawns
PW1 (adopt)

Bond: Aria (multi with Zan Turun)
Meeting Notes: the Midnight bell had rung, and Aria along with Zan, barely emerged from his Paradise, were still feeling the sound of cheers and laughter and toasts to the new year. She'd thought it was not-quite-over, there was still half a buffet table and a good few dragonets walking around without attendants. They'd been at this all for hours, perhaps weeks, perhaps months... but weren't entirely too tired to give one last sweep around the ballroom. Nearer the windows than the wet bar, this one particular skinny dragonet skidded across the marble floor, long claws threatening to gouge into the flooring; it was still little, and would never be higher than Aria's hip - but it was to Zan that the dragon first chittered and creeled, demanding. When Zan nudged it toward Aria's hand, it was clear that this little cloned creature (they all had checkerboard colors not found anywhere on the parents and definitely not in nature) wanted to be part of the crew.

They could also be welcomed into Zan's Paradise, and the pale dragonet seemed to light up with interest at that thought.

Qahrasa Bond: Bauble
Meeting Notes: on page
PW4 (adopt)

Bond: Willow, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: The night had gone surprisingly well, smoothly for the giants in as much as they stayed well away from each other's chosen haunts the whole time. Churning around the rooms, occasionally the 'territory' of each of them would change, if their leader was near the dance floor, the others remained around the casino or the balconies. If one of them somehow chose to enter that casino, the rest would scatter to the main ball room. It felt artificial, it felt... like they were herding each other, and it made Willow a little ill.

She wasn't ill from the food, that was certain, it was so much more flavorful than their... well, while their food was certainly nutritious back at home, it wasn't fine. They had wine, it wasn't sweet or crisp so much as watery and bland. And the expressions of everyone - here they seemed to have come to life, where they were drained and almost morose at home.

It had to change. It just had to.

And... not in that way that every year they pitted against one another. No. No. It was not like that here. Willow observed a group of dancers, rabbit kin by their big ears and feet, as they stomped their way across the floor, and others joined in. Some with better success than others, but when that group encountered another more formal team, both of them tried keeping up with each other. It was a mesh of ballroom style and raucous barn stomps, and it was brilliant. Everyone on the floor wound up clapping in time, as pairs from each group switched off, and finally mixed together in a more bouncy version of an Elfin waltz, which seemed to irritate at least the elf among them, but delighted most of the others.

They went their separate ways, with returns to the floor over the evening. And Willow watched all of this with a careful eye. She did take in a few hands of cards (doing markedly better than some, reading her opponents body language), but mostly she gazed at the ballroom from the lower balcony for hours. Something dug at her mind, something deep and sure, but distant.

Near the Mightnight bell, as near as you could get without actually throwing the confetti and streamers up, among the last of the magnificent dragons of the event came out from their magical archway. They didn't look like hatchlings, exactly, they may have been around for hours, days, or months, she wasn't sure how quickly they matured. These were elegant with high held wings, a tiny spade on their long tail, a nub of a horn on the end of their sharp face. The feeling of hunger crept back into her gut, but she'd eaten well all evening... and was used to ignoring pangs that couldn't be sated.

But this one could. This one, this pale grey dragonet before her had walked carefully between all the onlookers and dancers and celebrations to sit with its checkerboard-covered wings folding down as a flower would close for the night. I'm hungry, yes, but so are you - I can eat meat though. We can show your people how to love again.

Willow cried with a genuine smile.

Jodrasa Bond: Sponsored by Hexeth, Voluntary Bond to Hiegesu (see others)

Meeting Notes: If she'd known they were going to be able to go offworld to hunt, she would have prepared better! But no, no - the fun to be had here was obvious from the start. That start included "messing with Mystic" of course. The mage was so furious, so absolutely deliciously angry, that she almost started a fight right then and there at the entrance to the Ball venue. How completely predictable.

But the Death Court had an invitation, and had chosen to come in style, graced with dark cloths and silks, onyx and opal garnishes. Though the dragons were colorful their adornments were in keeping with the theme. Perhaps a chess game here and there might entertain his people, perhaps a distraction of abstract war games might do for some. Hexeth considered them more seriously now, it was all smacking them in the face at this party!

She was honestly a little surprised that Naxi'im hadn't smacked Mystic in the face, but he was dead serious when he brushed off her accusations and they bantered... Before Baeris got there, anyway. The Death Court would have so much to talk about after this...

For the moment however, she went her way through the big portal after her King and their young companion, and marveled at the mass of dragons assembled. And Hexeth was ... let's be fair, slightly relieved that Takith wasn't present. There would be too much temptation for that dragoness - queen or no - to cause trouble.

They weren't here for trouble. They were here for the potential, and it walked around them every once in a while for the entire duration of the event. She had a slightly different view on the private chambers for the hatchlings, than her King did: a little privacy was very nice, indeed, a bit of preparation time for the hatchlings. They were still led out by their parents, mostly, and still searched high and low, but they were far from helpless mewling babies when they did so.

Magic, the power here was so strong it kept young Pernese dragons from dying without their bond in those first hours of life. Good. At least the hosts of this event had that going for them: they knew that dragons should be allowed to live and thrive in their own time and their own direction.

And it also seemed that time was weird here. It felt like days, lounging on soft piles of hide and down, eating fresh meat from those hunts beyond the world, watching mock battles of strong dragons and amazing power displays! The night stretched into its last hour before midnight, before she even realized it. That it was created and hosted by humans, that did still bother her - and definitely their King. But some of them seemed to at least understand that it was a time of change.

We have changed a little, a small mental voice came to the Queen. I am sure that my clutch mates will be shocked that I want to be with a dragon and not a human-person. I don't know any human-person. I don't care to.

Hexeth gazed around, realizing that almost all the clutches of dragons had been moved out of their hatching dens, and there were several now sitting nearby. The one who had bravely spoken to her was short-legged, broad, and had those incredibly improbable checkerboard wingsails common to the genetically-engineered dragonets. But it was clearly a Pernese-type, which made their choice even more profound.

Beside it, another with those bold marked wings sat, tail curled around their long and muscular legs. We come together, with you, it bespoke, we need to remain together, but we will come with you. The taller and more slender dragonet nuzzled their bond, and a third joined in.

This one was not marked as an engineered project, and was bigger than both by a long shot. Though... that said, the granite-speckled dragonet was much smaller than most other breeds here outright. He was truly beautiful, though, elegant, he looked like a statue, freshly rained upon. And, he seemed quite conscious of Hexeth's opinion on him.

"Why thank you," he said, verbally speaking though with a high child-like voice for a dragon. "I am quite happy to come with you all, my family always likes being around a lot of folk. I'm pleased to be your family if you'll have me."

They introduced themselves, finally. The smallest, lowest-to-the-ground was Hiegesu, their longer and slender partner Jodrasa, and the cat-like one called himself Cebth'Alkar. They were each so different, but all united in their desire to remain with the Death Court, or at least, to not be going over to the human-sided venue and pick among those foul two-leggers for their companionship.

The Blooded Gold queen rolled her head around and leaned down toward the trio. They could easily scramble to her shoulders, hatchlings were so small... even smaller for two of the three. But they were hungry! And Hexeth would provide them with their first proper meal - and likely, many more to come.


Bond: Lomola, Voluntary Bond
Meeting Notes: This event was one of the few times that Lomola felt a little intimidated to be on a stage. It wasn't that there were so many more people than she'd performed in front of, but they were... different. Very different people indeed. And it wasn't really the location of the venue - she'd traveled with the Guild for her entire life, and been to some truly incredible places. No, it was more that the Stage - she had learned to 'pronounce it like it's important' - was basically alive, and it had moved her from one smallish backwater Hold into this huge Turn-Day event somehow all by itself. While it might have been enough to just be performing her traditional ballads, this all prompted her to do something a little different.

She improvised, a wordless but staggeringly pretty series of notes that brought the house down. She bowed deeply, and exited the main Stage, mingled for a bit. It was nice to know that even people who had horns or tails and wings - or were whatever that one man was with all sorts of not-right going on - they still enjoyed her voice. Even several hours after her performance, people still came up to her to shake her hand and thank her for the song. She spent the massive midnight bell cheering with a hundred other guests as they rang in "whatever new year it was" - how ... perfectly vague?

I enjoyed your song too, a quiet but confident sound came into her mind. I want to hear you sing, always. Oh - and you have a mark like I do!

Where was it coming from? No, no, who was it coming from? That was in her mind, and there were dragons here... She knew suddenly what this was all about. The Stage had brought her here to this amazing place, with all these wonderful performers and guests - but that was only the tiniest thing now.

"Wait, how do you know about that tattoo?!" Lomola said, pretending to be shocked. After all, that checkerboard tattoo she had was hidden under her sleeve!

I know many things! I am Nerrasa, do you think you want to bring me with you?

"Wherever I go! I promise!"

PW8 (adopt)
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