Name: Baylea Graystone

Gender: Female, she/her, straight

Age/DOB: 16/June 18

Origin: Twoarth/Wonder (magical)

Family: both parents wizards living in Wonder, younger brother (14) at Carramba High, younger sister (11) at Wonder's Wonder's

Other: is very likely to find a nice magic using boy round these parts, bonus points if he's also a dragon rider!

Height: 5'7" pretty tall for her age

Weight: 130 on a very good day, quite slender and long in all body and limbs, still very feminine looking and not bony

Hair: afro 'blackbottom' style, with brilliant spun-sugar-white on top in a large mop, and rich artificially-black-no-really-it's-blacker-than-normal underneath that goes to her mid-back

Eyes: clear dark brown, large, happy looking, often with frosty eyeshadow and liner to complement her hair

Appearance: dusty brown skin with no scars, but a few moles here and there; a broad nose (that is quite flat, not really as 'tiny' as shown) and full lips, a high forehead, and high broad cheeks; usually dressed in raggedy-casual outfits in shades of white and grey, and yes she swiped that Ravenclaw scarf when she was shopping around for advanced schools. She keeps herself quite clean, using spellcasting for it. You'll know her voice when you hear it, because it's both high and cute, but also because she has an incredibly funny sneeze-snort-sneeze, and the occasional laughing snort to boot

Abilities/Skills: A very adept spell caster with quite a bit of variety to her work, Baylea can do anything from long term ritual casting, to wards and dispelling, summoning and charms, and scrying or transportation casting. She can read magic and has incredibly good pronunciation skills, and uses her wand for emphasis as she hardly needs it for casting

Wand: Length: average length 12.75 inch
Wood: Peach (abundance)
Core: Sphynx hair (charms)
Favored Spell: Light - a spell granting a bright light from the wand

Personality: charming and intelligent, Baylea is super interested in virtually any kind of magic, though magical sports are a bit of a bore. She prefers to move via the creation of a visible portal, since then she doesn't have to worry about getting messy or having stuff in her hair. That said, she's hardly a neat freak, she always has stuff scattered around her room and posters on the walls, plus the bonus of all the components, research, books, notes... Don't touch it, she knows where everything is! She'll put it away when she's done! (she won't)

Story: has been sent to House Domina for her finishing skills but spent most of her education from childhood at Wonder's various magic schools, and now that there are dragons around they wanted to diversify. Since Wonder doesn't have a full dragonry (yet) it was decided that several students from both there and the magic studies area of Carramba would be attended by Zora of Domina. She's quite proud of these students, and they are living up to their potential!

Baylea will finish up her studies at House Domina, learning from several of the same professors that appear in her brother's classrooms - they sure do get around. And now, with this fantastic silver dragoness learning with her, they will make a terrific team!

They are very likely to become representitives for the magical world on Twoarth.

*** There were so many things to do and see at this weird place. It was under the sea, it was beyond the world she knew. But she'd paid close attention to the spell that Zora used to move the class from Twoarth to this realm. There were numerous layers to the spell, some that protected them from wandering, other bits that sought out just the right time or place, another that was a shape - an iris, an aperture. The group moved through that opening and it was like a high flight - ears popped, a little static between the ears.

Baylea was so very, very interested in the other side of the venue, but the magic portals between the areas were ... quite sound. Very, very thorough, and eventually she gave up on trying to suss out how they were made. Maybe she could just ask, the guys who built them were definitely having discussions with Zora and the other grownups.

She had some food, not wanting to weigh herself down with too much, but there were some sprout and zucchini finger sandwiches (thankfully without fingers in them) (those weird people over in England had that and it was partly why she noped out of that school, screw that) and fruit smoothies, delicious! Enough to energize her to dance a little... And with stars in her eyes she watched the battle of the idol bands, wait one of them was local?! To Carramba and Wonder anyway? She would have to find them later, get some of those trading cards signed!

Long around one hour to Midnight, though, there was a procession of tall, shiny, elegant dragonets. Even their smaller 'knockoffs' shone in the lights and hardly fumbled around the place looking for their just-right partners.

"You are my just-right partner," a clear and slightly frosty voice said. The dragon that said it - to her, to Baylea - was not the biggest of the bunch, though she was obviously strong and healthy. Her green eyes met Baylea's, and a strong bond formed almost instantly.

"Now I really want to know ... what was it like over there? Can we see it now that we're paired up?" Baylea kept nodding toward the archway that was still magically-closed. Weirdly, however, what she saw through her mind's eye - through this dragon's eyes - there wasn't a shimmery barrier there. There was a clear and well lit opening!

"I don't think that would be wise," the dragon replied, "but it is interesting seeing what you see, too?" For that dragon also could detect the hazy-grey can't-pass-here barrier thanks to their bond.

They would investigate this and many other magical things later. For now, there was food for both of them ready and waiting, and magic to learn when they went home!

Bissa Moonshield

Name: Bissa Moonshield (BIS sah; Moonshield is the clan's name for this event and clutch, taken by full Pieces)
Gender: Female, Queen
Size/Shoulder/Length: 7'8" s / 33' l / 44' ws
Colors: body pearl bright silver, wingsails metallic high white, frills and tail spade metallic bright silver; eyes green; claws silver
Features: Drakkari / Dragonstake mutt, high bodied and long legs, four legs and two wings, with claws on legs only; conical face with small horn on nose, and fanned head fins, otherwise smooth until the tip of very long narrow tail in a small spade; hide that is very shiny, pupiled eyes
Stats: Strength 3, Speed 6, Endurance 5, Agility 1, Health 6, Intelligence 3
: Winged Flight - (2) is reasonably strong in the air but only for getting from point a to point b in a nice straight shot. Because she's not remarkably agile in the air, she's worked out the best angle to leap into the sky, head toward the right spot, and just keep going until she gets there. Dodging is an issue, and for that reason she's been fitted with both magical and technological tracking devices which she uses to make sure there are no other flights in her path (let's please avoid incidents with jet airplanes! and with flying carpets!) She can fly for hours on end, provided the way is clear, and can attain pretty impressive speed while doing so, keeping it up for at least half her flight time
Teleportation - Localized Teleport (1) not particularly adept but can pull off a few short range or 'known' locations on-site only; however, Nexus teleportation is superb (5), and Bissa can figure out exactly where and when or what conditions need to be met in order to land in a place that is 'not' Twoarth. She can then go right back to Twoarth, though it does seem like this arrival is more difficult than leaving. Moon Linked Portal (6) this is her forte, she is able to create a portal when there is moonlight visible (and not blotted out by sunlight, so this is an evening-night power only) and this portal can go virtually anywhere she has a good impression of. Mentally, psionically, on a scroll or even on a billboard, she can go there. This portal is large enough for her to fly through with fully extended wings, and lasts long enough to allow up to four other dragons to pass through it before it drops. For this reason she and Baylea are very likely to figure out ways to open multiple portals for larger class trips, and more dragons to move around!
Verbal Speech (6)- she's got quite the verbal vocabulary, capable of understanding more than merely English or draconic speech, she reads and might even be able to scribe magical texts given the right equipment. She speaks in a clear, loud voice that carries and is rather commanding. Telepathy (2) she prefers to only mentally commune with her rider, and perhaps any local dragons. This power isn't weak but it is rarely used unless she wants to keep a secret. Empathic Control (2) - generally if she needs to raise that voice of hers, it's with this power added to it so that whoever is needing to hear it does. She can only exert a modest amount of 'control' but is reasonably sensitive to emotions and the general mood around her (to about 25 meters).
Moon Magic (6) - Bissa is able to perform many magic feats but only at night, and with significant boost with moonlight based on the phase of the moon. Illusions and light or shadow, scrying, and even some amount of combat spellcasting under the full moon are only a small variety of them, she does tend to do more scrying and information gathering by the light of the half-moon, and protective warding or even enchanting things during the full moon. Can Share Magic (4) between her bond, they learn similar spells at a rapid pace, and thoroughly understand it when they're working on something together. Their portal casting and wards in particular are longer lasting, stronger, and more accurate when they have done something together.
Breath Weapons (5) Freezing Breath, a strong blast or fan of super-cooled air that can cover an area with solid ice, or a creature can be slowed to near-immobility - though she prefers not to hit living things with this because they will sustain damage if they are unprotected. At her heart she is not one to want to harm anyone or anything, so she usually will arrange for something to freeze like a sheet of water, which can slow down any invasive creature or even block spells for a bit. Firebreath (1) if all else fails, there's always a thin gout of fire? I mean, I guess? >_>;
Parentage: Rakki + Sasazik
Origin: Checkerboard Ball 2021/2
Bond: Baylea Graystone, Voluntary Bond
Other Info:

Rinmaru Games unknown maker, made too long ago to know which one sorry