Name: Peter Desmond

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~15, aged, RY6

Origin: Rookery Earth, to Pantheon / Color Guard parents

Family: Mother Purple, father Corey, half-sisters Trouble, Devakhi

Other: Melissa is for sure interested in splicing him up, because those shapeshifting genes are absolutely important

Height: 5'7"

Weight: *varies, in flesh form around 130, can be as light as 65 and as heavy as... well, whatever metal or substance he's made of; Icarus has improved his build significantly either way, and though he's not tall he is very well proportioned and healthy in his flesh form. He is not stronger nor faster than normal**.

Hair: medium blond, shaggy with curls in humid weather, kept short but there's a volume of it so it always looks longer than it is

Eyes: Shiny teal blue, under narrow, arched eyebrows

Appearance: normally fair skinned with no blemishes or scars, but as shown can adopt the physical properties of things that have adhered to himself, so he's often running around like a marble statue, copper pipe, or even circuitry... He does tend to keep a modest amount of clothing on when he's like that, since... well he doesn't want everyone looking. Otherwise wears the Icarus undersuit and layers over it, along with 'Combine Stomping Boots' - though he honestly does not need shoes; has a pleasant voice that just now is starting to deepen, though it will never be resonant nor very deep.

Image Credits: Doll Divine xSheepi Waivera

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 2 slightly early for most, but with the Hallowed Silk dragons aching for bonds he was sent in. He was aged at that time, and the processing included downloads from some existing Pantheon members bearing similar powers, so he came out of the process a 'tween' and fully capable of utilizing his Vortal power. It did change his metabolism, so he will often 'overeat' but then effectively lose that potential weight in the form of armor or dislodged spikes grown straight from his own body. He is strongly resistant to physical damage from objects, piercing or scrapes, and to a large extent crushing do virtually no damage to him. If he's in a 'soft' form he can certainly be squished, but doesn't really 'take damage' from it, as he seems able to reform or recover from it quickly. He does not take damage from radiation, however he must purge the substance from himself in order to not then walk around in a radioactive shape infecting others. He has never been known to have any infection, biological or otherwise, apparently viruses and bacteria simply cannot survive on him, likewise with parasites.
Genetic Abilities: Because both of his parents have matter-altering power and a strong amount of telekinesis, Peter's ability centers around attracting (mainly elemental) maerial to himself, and subsequently absorbing it into his form. Like some others among the Pantheon who can touch or ingest matter to do this, he can cover himself with it in a 'living' form. Though he might look like a walking pile of pennies or chunk of rock, often enough this is merely the collected matter floating very slightly off of his body and not 'him'. He can move the surface of this substance around into shapes, provided there's enough of it. When there isn't enough - he can create more, using his own flesh. The limits of his self-constructed material are unclear, because if he eats a large meal he can somehow produce a volume of elemental material that far exceeds that meal's. Notably however he can fully shift into the material at hand - though he does strongly prefer solids over liquids, and cannot change into any gas, even if the material would normally be gaseous at room temperature. In order to really work on anything large scale, he prefers at least 10 pounds worth of whatever-it-is, and likewise prefers simple materials over complex ones. Peter does like copper, though, because it's both durable and flexible. He can squeeze himself through narrow gaps while in an appropriate elemental form, and to an extent shape his body or just parts of it, into clever forms. One of the best uses of this power, he's found, is to coat his hands with stone or metal, and press them into cracks in walls or flooring. Then leaving those impressions, or expanding them - he can block passages or holes, fill in damaged pipes, or even pry open sealed rooms by changing the substance's shape. The area of effect is less than 2 meters, however, so he must be in close proximity to the materials at all times, and it's unknown how much volume he can handle, because of that. Anything outside of that 2 meter range (so a sphere 4 meters across) simply reverts to its normal state or falls to the ground. When working with other people, he has helped fix the large crystal shades in the Rookery, as well as those dangerously broken pipes down in Rapture. **Though he himself is not able to run or move faster than normal, the substances around him certainly do: related to his mother's 'autoreaction' power, things that are near him are Vortally processed before he is even consciously aware of their presence. So he may create a shield or barrier if there is enough clutter on hand, before getting shot. Peter also has a modest amount of telepathy, at a close range of 25 meters. He doesn't really have an 'aura sight', nor can he automatically recognize substances with his power.
Skills or Profession: His educational skills center around navigation, and flesh out that substance recognition that his powers don't have. He has a decent amount of engineering skill and has taken to playing mix and match with substances around him, to test out strengths and make sure he remembers how best to approach any given situation. He is fascinated with shapes and textures, and is actually quite artistic in his approach to 'fixing' locations. Also he does enjoy making small items such as toys or installed art. On the other hand, he is quite fierce if he has to be in a combat situation, and has proven himself extremely adept at finding ways into otherwise secure Combine fortresses. That said, he limits himself to melee-range combat, because his throwing arm isn't all that strong, and he dislikes guns a bit. But being able to make his arms into battering rams and literally stomping a Combine into paste with stone feet is really satisfying.
Personality: Young and vital, though a touch on the shy side. He's not withdrawn, but certainly shows a bit of 'sensitive artist' style. Likes being part of a good team, and has a group of friends that he enjoys hanging out with as well as training beside. Has yet to really decide what 'he' wants to do with himself, if and when the Combine here are gone.

Events or History: Along with a number of other kids that came of unions from the Pantheon or other imported Repurposed-Earth types and their Color Guard parents, he was essentially destined to be a dragon-riding powerhouse. Only a young child when the dragons from the Hallowed Silk project were being developed and hatched, he does appreciate the effort that went into it, as well as his own processing and aging. He didn't actually bond to any of the dragons they expected from it. Unlike some folks who might feel a bit snubbed that they didn't 'get' a childhood, Peter feels strongly that he's benefitted from both having that opportunity to grow up quickly, as well as understands if he wasn't there for Fumes, she might not be alive, and that would be absolutely tragic.

Currently resides in Rapture, because there's a lot of work that needs to be done there. However he certainly travels a lot and is 'on call' in numerous areas particularly those around North Aperture and the northern Borealis coastline. If any new Combine outposts appear near any given location, he's called on to help destroy them. Notably however, Fumes likes hanging out on the Grounds...


Name: Running On Fumes
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (bulky) 12'6" s / 60' l / 82' ws
Colors: belly from chin to mid-tail grades from creamy tan to medium tan-brown lightest at chin and chest/neck, and grades into brown on hind legs; middle armor and forelimbs, hind feet, medium brown with lighter tan fade; face, dorsal scales and spines, to tail tip dark rich brown; wing arms grade from medium to coppery lit dark brown at fingers; face, upper limbs and wing arms, neck sides, body back and sides, full tail also have brighter pale steamy-cream markings; wing sails dark red-brown with black markings; claws and horns dark graphite, eyes blue
Features: Pure Mudwing
Powers: Winged Flight, though Fumes dislikes taking to the air for long periods of time, she can definitely fly strongly and quick into battle and out of it. She is a powerhouse but not remarkably agile - so one of her tactics is to basically get up a good speed, and cannonball straight into troops or structures. Though this has often enough caused her serious injury, it's a proven tactic and she will not stop doing it - as long as there are methods to heal her, and there are, she figures why not. Brute force is just fine in her playbook. She is strong enough to lift a Combine APC and drop it on the soldiers after shaking them out of it... She does tire after about 20 minutes of flight-worthy action.
Communication, She has hardly any knowledge of Draconic, but recognizes that it could come in handy to learn at some point. She mainly speaks English and Vortigese, adequately well in both cases though she's still rather young and her vocabulary is that of about a 7th grader. She and Peter do have a very strong Vortal bond, so he helps her learn titles and information, as well as providing a bit of translation when needed. She is not simple-minded in any way, merely young.
Heated Mud, Mudwings typically do have fire breathing, but she doesn't and this has proven rather annoying to her. However she can concentrate on dirt, stone, mud, and other similar materials such as sludge or tar, and cause it to heat up significantly. This is very handy when used in conjunction with Peter's elemental controls, as they can set traps or mitigate any damage done to their own structures. She can heat up wet sand or soil, and he can then move it much more easily. When either of them has affected a substance, the other can use it with surprising ease, so it's very clear they do belong together. The volume of her abilities is unclear, and has grown considerably as she's aged. She can manipulate the fumes coming off of things, from vapor off a teacup, to toxic fumes from a waste dump, and even steam out of a broken hydraulic system. Re-condensing it, or moving it through the air with gusts from her wings, Fumes lives up to her name, and can create traps utilizing sudden spray or a wall of toxic smoke, up to 20 meters away.
Healing from Mud, though she herself lacks the ability to heal others with magical mudpacks, she does respond to it far better than most. It only requires less than a quarter of the normal amount, so healers quite like her for that. Now if she could just stop breaking her skull on things...
Parentage: Unknown Mudwings, it's not clear whether they made it through the portal which brought her as a hatchling.
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Fumes was not born on Earth, however she was barely out of the shell when she was discovered by Combine troops. Thankfully this was going on somewhat near the Grounds themselves, and thus was saved from certain horrors by a team of locals. Peter helped to adhere the healing mud to her broken limbs, basically toddling up to the scene and plastering himself to her to protect her. Though he was very shortly aged after that event, they have been absolutely inseperable since then.