Name: Arachne Fettel

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: 15ish / 2022

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama; Current location Borealis Ship

Family: Mother Tina Saito, father Paxton Fettel, full brother Theseus, numerous spliced and partial siblings/cousins among the Pantheon; notably she is a grandchild of Alma Wade^; has at minimum 15 clones of herself, which 'slumber' if they're not in direct contact with her mind, and otherwise can be indistinguishable from her - they do not have powers, and Vortal senses will immediately notice they are 'not' her- in fact there is actually no 'mind' inside any of them, like Paxton's Replicas

Other: Of note, Arachne is Paxton and Tina's second actual child, but she was born first, as she was naturally conceived, and her brother Theseus was spliced years before and stored until much later

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130* Icarus creates lighter weight, much more durable than she looks, slender build but muscular and quite athletic

Hair: Richly black, thick, rarely longer than nape of neck, sometimes she wears a headband, helmet, or head gear ^Because she is Alma's descendant, for whatever reason, people have really put emphasis on her not having long hair. She looks far too much like Alma when there's a long sheet of black in front of her face...

Eyes: Medium brown, tends to look much more red with power use, almond shaped

Appearance: light tan with moles and freckles, usually wearing gear as shown, enjoys having access to full military gear and is pretty far from a fashion model

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3 she was put into the process and given not only skill downloads, but was aged to an early teen, as well as being actively cloned. Process lightened her weight considerably, she is around 2x stronger than normal, and far more durable

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls / Sci Fi maker

Genetic Abilities: As with both of her parents, Arachne is extremely adept at group communication, commanding minds Vortally, and strong empathic ability. She can command a dozen of her own cloned soldiers at a distance of 10 kilometers, but also can work with her father's, though at much shorter range. She can also select among her own and see through them actively, though she cannot specifically use her powers through them. Her telepathic ability is quite strong, though works best within 1 kilometer of distance (though truth be told that's more than enough for most needs). She is easily able to spot specific minds among many, and can with difficulty communicate to nonVortal minds, though they claim this is extremely uncomfortable and 'warm'. With touch, she can sense a person's history and select memories, share with other people, and actually transfer memories if needed - a kind of living Icarus skill download. Empathically she can sense more than control, though she does not become affected by the strong emotions around her like some do. She and her brother share an intimate mental connection, similar to that which Paxton and Geoff have, and are able to communicate effectively at any distance at all. Finally she is able to use a bit of her father's pyrokinetics, but only to a small extent, mostly for show rather than effect - she can still light candles or cause glowing, but that's about it.
Skills or Profession: As if to prove that Tina could have been just as good at the whole 'Psychic Commander' thing, Melissa encouraged her and Paxton to get together - and Arachne definitely was a good result. She was easily noticed Vortally, and anyone with aura sensing can detect her power flexing through that web of hers (which is no coincidence for her name). Her skill downloads while being treated with Icarus include all the same ones that Paxton had, but also a good amount of logistics and communication information, coding, and practical technology. She however tends to use the commands her father taught her, much more than a comm room's. She is quite good with a rifle, stolen Combine guns, and using the surroundings to her advantage. Because she's small and lithe, she can often have several of her clones waiting in ambush - training that Renee gave her as an assassin. Because she is already able to keep track of her dozen or so clones, she has learned how to multi-task, though she'll probably never be quite as good at it as Paxton is.
Personality: Practical and curt, Arachne is clearly suited to the military style, not a remarkably social nor particularly kind type. She is far from openly hostile to anyone, certainly no one she's meant to be protecting! But she is a bit on the cold-shoulder side, even though her powers tend to run hot.
Events or History: Though she was born before the end of the Combine, she was actually barely out of the Icarus facility when they did take out the Overworld. However, she was also aged to around 12 years in appearance - among the group that Melissa put into aging vats, and creating a much more functional second generation for the Pantheon. She was old enough to understand what her father needed to do, though she actually didn't even meet him until he'd returned with Alma and everything was set into motion.
With the advent of the Rookery, she'll be heading up to the Borealis with her active clones as well as another few stored in old Armacham shipping pods, just in case.


Name: Flurryswarm
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small, 9' shoulder / 40' l / 82' ws
Colors: White and Pale Blue body, more white underbelly and neck, and along limbs, under tail and with blue more along sides and back, bulk of limbs, face, and neck; face has black marking, and neck, sides, and down tail alternating deep blue and grey-blue scales; wingsails are medium and grey-blue speckled with white blotches; horns, claws, and spikes all shades of slate blue-grey, eyes coppery
Features: Hive-Icewing hybrid, four slender legs with 5 and 4 claws, scaled hide with strongly visible armor plating, head has hooked nose and back curved horn on face, with two large backswept horns, visible ears, and jaw nubs; leathery wings have 4 visible fingers with elbow strut and large wrist thumb, all having extremely sharp and long nails; from back of head along entire spine and down tail are distinct sharp spines, tail ends in a hook-like split
Powers: Winged Flight, as with most dragons Flurryswarm is a good flier, but his wings are so much bigger than his Hive breed, he can sweep the air around him into an absolute mess of debris and particles. He is a sturdy distance flier and can tolerate a lot of weight without issue, though he doesn't hover unless he's causing a flurry below him.
Serious Damage, all of his claws, teeth, horns, and spines are razor sharp, you just do not even want to be anywhere near as close as Arachne is to them right now. His wing thumb can claw through solid metal and stone, this may be a power apart from any breath weapon he has.
Verbal Speech, Flurry is able to speak Draconic, English, and like Slurry seems to be able to pick up some Combine radio chatter that he's learning to interpret. His voice is scary, seemingly chattering with numerous short echoes.
Ice Storm Breath, with his wings to propel it along, Flurry can belch out a dangerous sharp-edged pile of icy clumps, which he then sends into an enemy's path. They act more like throwing stars and shrapnel than merely snowflakes, and they do not melt away very quickly even under heat. He can also actively move these using some kind of Vortal power, but he prefers to send them up with a gust of wind.
Cold Tolerance, with his Ice heritage showing, he is able to easily move through snow drifts, ice storms, and even chilled water. He does actually still appreciate a nice warm spot in the sun, however.
Parentage: Mother Icewing, father Hivewing, it's possible he's related distantly to some of the other hybrids in the area.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart
Other Info: Not bonded Vortally, Flurryswarm and Arachne have an understanding - he wants to go out and smack some enemies, and she has some enemies needing to be smacked. They get along very well, though he does defer to Slush for most draconic events without the Humans present.