Name: Theseus Fettel

Gender: Male, Straight, Asexualish

Age/DOB: 15ish / July 2028 (aged artificially)

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama

Family: Mother Tina Saito, father Paxton Fettel, full sister Arachne, numerous spliced and partial siblings/cousins among the Pantheon; notably he is a grandchild of Alma Wade

Other: He had been spliced by Melissa many years prior to his birth, so technically speaking he's older than his ... older sister...

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 140* Icarus lightens weight, but he's still very muscular and hardy

Hair: Black, slightly brown in bright sunlight, straight, and usually kept away from face, short

Eyes: Light brown, narrow, usually under angry looking brows

Appearance: tan with moles and freckles, heavy stubble though he doesn't wear facial hair; is a reasonably intimidating man even though he's not as bulky or as tall as his uncle Geoff. Has a large closet full of military gear such as shown, and though he's durable he does wear a kevlar vest at almost all times

Icarus Processing: Yes, and aged at the same time; he is around 3 times as strong as a normal person, but mostly the process gave his Vortal powers a huge range increase.

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls / Sci Fi maker

Genetic Abilities: As both of his parents are extremely adept at telepathic communication, Theseus is clearly suited to this task as well. He has very strong empathic power, able to detect specific emotions as well as select individuals from groups, and sense Human or Vort life at quite a distance. He can actually control emotions easily, generally working with groups of people - normies as well as Vortal ones. He can shift anger into satisfaction, fear into resolution. His telepathy is extraordinary, even without a 'Xenian Connection' as Paxton has, he can spot and communicate - if briefly - to people more than 10 thousand kilometers away. His typical distance is still around 1k, and anything under that is almost as though he's shouting. He has a strong multiple target control and command, though he doesn't use cloned soldiers like his other family members. Instead he tends to tap into the Pantheon directly, a bit more invasively than his mother does, for both inspiration and to deliver alerts or messages that need to be immediately heard. He is also reasonably immune to fire, and has a minor pyrokinetic ability that he can use at close range to startle enemies or even set them ablaze.
Skills or Profession: As he was artificially aged after his birth, Theseus has never really 'gotten' to play or be truly childlike - however that's never seemed to bother him, as he's always been out in the field, scouring the Outlands for spare Combine or headcrab zombies, or some of the less savory creatures that his grandmother Alma left in wait. He has been given a lot of military tactical downloads, as well as mastery of most weapons and vehicles. He is also a reasonably good tech-head, doing the work that his sister doesn't much care for, sitting in a command center and actually working with loud speakers and communication networks. Why use his power when there's a perfectly good microphone?
Personality: A lot of people wish that he'd take a page from his uncle Geoff's book and actually, you know, look at a girl now and then. After all he's quite handsome and remarkable, right? Not that he really minds people looking at him like that, but he's much more concerned for the safety of the people around him, than what they do in their down time. He is busy, filled with nervous energy, and is almost constantly fiddling with something, be it a gun, knife, console, or other people's minds.
Events or History: While it seems like the Vortigaunts should be quite wary of such a man, after all he's Paxton's son, they have instead opted to teach him how they work - and he is actually able to see remnants of the dead, both Vortally powerful and normal - around him at all times. He is perhaps among the few Humans who will become part of their All-In-One, when he himself dies. Since he has a ridiculously good range on his telepathy, and seemingly a connection that's much deeper than just 'regular siblings' with Arachne, they share their thoughts at will even if they're halfway across the planet from one another. Since going to the Rookery world, their skills are getting a great workout, and they get to brag to one another about their exploits, without having to bother with actually meeting up.


Name: Darter
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small (build), 9' shoulder / 40' l / 40' and 36' ws
Colors: Brown and orange body scales, a rusty brown and strong reddish orange back scale pattern, brilliant yellow and lighter orange-yellow on belly, neck, and under tail; limbs mostly brown and rust; wingsails semi-transparent yellow, face has graphite-black hook and nose, horns, spines and claws in graphite black; eyes violet, inside of mouth yellowish
Features: Hivewing purebred, four slender long limbs with 5 and 4 pointed claws; four dragonfly like wings with 4 stiff fingers, an elbow strut and wrist thumb on main, and 2 fingers plus strut and thumb hook on smaller wings; scaled and armored body; head has hook and curved horn, external ears, and two large backswept horns; entire spine from neck to tail tip has sharp spikes, tail tip has hooked stinger
Powers: Winged Flight, Darter is quick in the air as his name implies, able to hover and maneuver in very tight spots, but also able to get up to his full speed in mere moments. He can fly circles (and spirals, and spheres) around most other dragons, and certainly is a match for the speed of any little Combine scanner that gets in his path.
Verbal Speech, though he prefers not to speak at all, Darter has a scary hissing sort of voice, capable of speaking Draconic and sort-of English. He clearly understands English, however, and obeys any given suggestion from his little human 'friend' because he knows there's delicious reward meat coming out of it.
Speed Tricks, it's perhaps more than just breeding and his training, that allows Darter to be so quick in the air. He hardly tires while flying, though he doesn't really do well with weight on his back.
Tail Stinger, his tail hook is equipped with a painful barb that he uses to rip or even pin down enemies or prey. It doesn't have any venom or toxins in it, but that doesn't matter: it'll still pierce most armor and any soft material with ease.
Parentage: Full blooded Hivewings
Origin: Adopted from Catbreeze212 on Deviantart, lines by Joy Ang, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: If anything is obvious about this pairing, it's that Darter truly enjoys the action that Theseus can present him. What he'll do when the Combine here are defeated, is anyone's guess, but that will certainly be a long time in coming, if ever. Until then, he relishes sweeping an area and abruptly chasing after runners or scanners. His favorite thing to do, however, is to swat Manhacks out of the air with his tail.