Name: Sergio Morales-Gomez

Gender: Male, straight if you ask him, but he's absolutely not

Age/DOB: ~17, aged, RY1

Origin: Rookery Earth, spliced in AAEC facility; Currently resides in Black Mesa but on call otherwise

Family: Mother Santana, father Manny

Other: Has remarkably few relatives, and whenever Melissa looks at him he starts to get nervous

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120* Reduced strongly by Icarus treatments, he is an absolute block of a man, and would typically be around 200lbs without it

Hair: dark coppery red-brown, nearly black but with a clear overtone of color, thick and kept short though it grows very quickly so he often cuts it shaggy; has the start of what might be a bushy beard, but he'll keep that trimmed too

Eyes: coppery brown, fairly light in shade, narrowed, under concerned brows

Appearance: red-tan skin, very broad shouldered, and likes to wear 'greaser' jeans, tank tops, and leather jackets and boots; has a deep, grumbly voice exactly as you'd imagine, and though he does talk he prefers to mutter; he smells of leather and cloves

Genetic Abilities: In addition to his physical strength and durability, Sergio is an adept Vortal seer, having the power to communicate at distances up to 5 miles to other telepaths, and easily seeing the presence of strong individuals within 10 miles. Additionally he can cloak his own Vortal presence, going 'dark' to even proficient Vortal senses, though the strongest of the Pantheon can still detect a shimmery clove-scented form. He expands on his father's Vortal sense and mother's latent one, and is gifted with seeing flashes of insight, perhaps multiple dimensions worth of outcomes from a single action, and then surprisingly choose among them with a brief Vortal flash. This definitely wears him out - for a moment or two - but he doesn't use it for frivolous reasons, and it also attracts Vortal attention so Lane or Paxton will notice it and likely look for what was going on

Image Credits: meiker Igor

Icarus Processing: yes, while being spliced, and again as a booster during aging at 3 years; this enhanced his build and lightened his frame considerably, he is about 2x stronger than typcial, and remarkably dexterous and nimble for a guy with his body type; it also incresed his resistances and durability, so he can withstand a lot more punishing physical activity than a regular guy, and enjoys proving this by sparring with a variety of the super-strong types of the Rookery. He can juggle, though you won't catch him doing it in public.
Skills or Profession: given skill downloads while being aged (from around 3 to 13ish) for basics, language and a bit of history, but also weapons knowledge and navigation, physical things that can help in search and rescues, which is what he does quite often and putting it into practice. He enjoys muscling into a Combine locker room and breaking bones with expertly struck martial arts moves, having prepared himself with a bit of Vortal insight. Which ones were going to run away, who would put up the most resistance, that kind of thing is how he works on his tactics. He's remarkably sharp when it comes to organizing raids, and if he were of the type to do it, he'd be all the rage in a flash mob dance segment of West Side Story. Maybe he will, because he loves those musicals and era-specific entertainment.
Personality: Though seemingly gruff and tough, Sergio is a golden-hearted young man with a strong protective streak. He likes smoking and looking like a bad boy, and because his resistances allow it, he will never get lung cancer from that... He's much smarter than he looks or acts, too, and sullenly agrees to attend tactical and debrief meetings and contributes with solid plans and potential outcomes. Sergio has a strong hatred of the Combine, after hearing his mother talk about the way they ruined the world.

Events or History: He was never quite clear on why his very gay mother might have raised him along with his dad, but they did - they do get along, Manny and Santana are actually very well suited to each other. He did learn later that it was more Melissa that wanted to mix and match them, so he thinks it's a good thing they agreed! As a very young child he was slightly stronger and definitely more hardy than most, he was never sick and crawled through some nasty stuff around the ruins with mom and dad. Hardly a scratch, after squeezing through vents and ducts, and always knowing how to return to the right room after exploring. After his Icarus treatments and downloads, he did become a little more serious and somber, but that may be due to his Vortal powers actually kicking in. He can sense more than just living minds, after all, though he can't communicate with the dead - they do appear in his vision, and sometimes, perhaps, they watch him right back. Where he found all those boxes of cigarettes, no one knows, because it had to have been in the ruins around Black Mesa - there were no smoking signs everywhere in the facility... He ignores those signs, by the way.

When he was in his early teens - technically speaking around 7 years old - he visited the Grounds, where he was set up with his first 'costume' pieces of leather jacket and jeans. They also taught him juggling, after seeing him easily catch a thrown ball without even looking up. Though he certainly learned a lot from them, he prefers to remain back with his folks in Black Mesa proper. But... they have coffee and cigarettes and other such goodies, so he's frequently enough found to visit there for parties or relaxation. Even if he looks like a grump, he's not really a mean person and seems to show off different sides of himself to various populations among the Rookery.


Name: Coalfire
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (bulky) 9'7" s / 40' l / 42' ws
Colors: mainly shades of grey, darkest on back and tail, mid-section medium to light, limbs lighter with dark on the backs, and lightest on neck; neck front glows with warm orange-red; armor jet black on any limb and spines; wingsails are black grade to ashen white at edges on backs, but underneath are soot rimmed with yellow-orange to rust-orange glowing; horns and claws dark grey; eyes blue
Features: Standard Mudwing in shape though with those colors and powers, it's in question whether he's got some Skywing or Nightwing in there somewhere?
Powers: Winged Flight, Coalfire is excellent in the air, even at his bulky size, particularly in low-altitudes or over fires or volcanic activity. There's not all that much volcanic stuff around here, but plenty of things are on fire... He likes the updraft that warm air provides, and makes his own when there's none around anyway. He isn't speedy, but he is surprisingly agile and can lift a massive amount of weight with his claws dug into it. He can maintain a slow and steady flight over land for hours, if it's quite warm or if he's in the desert heat this can last nearly a day; he doesn't fly well in very cold or too-moist climates, so he doesn't like visiting the Borealis or other such locales.
Communication, Verbal Speech and Draconic Speech; he doesn't have a Vortal connection to Sergio but that hasn't stopped them from becoming very close partners. He speaks good English, and enough Draconic to get by with the non-locals; his voice is deep, scratchy, just like you'd imagine a long-term smoker's to be...
Superheated Fire, that glow is both a marking and power incarnate - deep in his chest resides a fire that is almost Firescales-level in heat. It's easily controlled, however, and he can keep it under wraps until it's needed. This fire can be breathed out as a huge plume up to 100 meters distant, used as a snipe in a 1-meter wide beam over half a kilometer away(!), or a big ball of superheated gas that can burn any flammable objects it touches within moments, that may fill a 30x30 meter cube easily
Fire Control, in addition to being able to produce and maintain flames like that, he can manipulate existing natural fires within about 50 meters of himself, closer is better; he can extinguish flames even if they're fueled, or cause flames to burn hotter or cooler, and make them move into unnatural shapes or configurations as if animated
Self-Healing, though he does have a strong Mudwing magic of being able to immerse himself into mud and heal from it, he can only use this on himself. He is essentially impervious to heat and fire of any kind, though not necessarily to lasers or plasma weapons, nor to shrapnel of explosives, but the heat or burns which would normally be incurred by such things are healed in moments
Parentage: Unknown Mudwings, probably not pureblooded on either side though, not on Rookery
Origin: Adopted from Synthwaveterror with K9Pestilence lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: It's unclear just how old Coalfire was when he arrived to the Rookery but he was not an adult by any stretch. He and Sergio like to traipse around the New Mexico area, but also take longer trips to the Cities, running rescue missions from City 77 (once Lubbock Texas), City 82 (Albuquerque), and even off to 89 (Phoenix). There are dozens of small pockets of resistance and hidden villages between those areas, though they are under a lot of pressure from the Combine. Clearing the Combine out isn't a one-dragon job, but finding and picking up strays is something that virtually any dragon worth their salt can do! Coalfire is personable, even if his rider is a little stand-offish, and if this pair appear on the horizon you're in for a treat of both fire and flight away.