Name: Crow

Gender: Female, lesbian / bisexual

Age/DOB: 18, 8 on arrival to Rookery

Origin: Born Aperturth, on original Lane grounds

Family: Mother Destiny, father Quincy, half brothers Pack, Apollo, Dandy

Other: She will absolutely turn your straight daughter gay. She will turn your gay son into a lesbian. She is just that awesome.

Height: 6'0" very tall and imposing

Weight: 135* Icarus treatment significantly altered her weight, muscularity, and strength

Hair: Very dark brown, wooly, kept in thick dredlock braids as shown, often done up or with lots more shiny bits in it because her pet crow there does love to collect things for her; typically just below shoulder blades, but has grown out quite long, as it seems to grow quickly and require trimming every few months

Eyes: Coppery brown, extremely metallic looking, and when she is actively using her abilities they tend to glow a bit yellow, naturally smoky, and her eyebrows are really that nice without any hint of plucking or crafting...

Appearance: Medium brown skin, she does have a few moles, and freckles are visible when she's been in the sun a while; Tall and dangerously muscular, absolutely fit, intimidating to say the least, and she likes showing off those muscles. Has adopted a bit of the 'tribal' theme, having gathered some of those items from museums and made some up from local materials herself. She doesn't normally wear 'heels', those sandals don't have spikey bits unless she puts some on for combat purposes. That isn't as infrequent as you'd think... She has a strong voice, commanding as one might imagine. She has a distinct scent of sage about her, and has been known to eat coffee beans straight off the plant.

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 12, 4 years after arrival to the Rookery, Melissa convinced her parents that this would be the best course of action, and she was definitely not wrong there. It strengthened her bones, joints, and muscles and allowed her to grow to her current height with ease and grace. She is upwards of 3x stronger than a normal woman, and can tolerate a tremendous amount of abuse before she is exhausted. Running for hours on end, pushing herself beyond a jog the entire time, easy peasy. She is hard to hurt, small cuts or wounds don't even get through her skin, and bruises vanish within hours. Any deeper cuts heal half again as fast as normal, but not much more.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Warrior

Genetic Abilities: Even before her Icarus treatment, Crow was able to live up to her name. Her father's flock certainly took a shine to her, and there is always one hanging around handing her shiny things he's found. After this, however, her Vortal powers blossomed intensely. She is not telepathic specifically with people, but her mind is very clear and strong, so anyone looking for her will find her easily. She can speak with and command animals, usually draconic and reptiles, bird like, or smaller mammals respond best, insects or amphibians don't really come into her power. Simpler minds mean far greater controls and this control can be done at up to 2 miles for a single specific animal, usually her crow friend; she can increase the quantity, but reduce the range accordingly, up to the entire crow flock of 25 some individuals, hovering around her 10 meters at most. However, when she's not messing with animals she can concentrate on a non-Vortal mind and command a human with simple ideas. This does not extend to technical information or fine tuned abilities: 'get down' and 'this way' but not 'turn the dial three right two left fifteen right'. Adult or teenage Humans with any form of Vortal energy cannot be commanded, however infants and younger children even Vortal ones (unless very strong) she can nudge here and there a little. This control is only available if she is not already commanding any other animals, as it requires her full attention, and can only be done within 50 meters or line of sight. She can only affect one human at a time, so if there's a bunch of people walking into an ambush she can see 100 meters or more away, she won't bother with this power, and instead will suddenly have a bunch of birds head over to them or make noise to distract their ambushers.
Skills or Profession: Along with the Icarus treatment, Crow was given a much more detailed education than she could get even at Lane's place and all those books - hippies only know how to teach so much... Most of her education is for biology, nature-oriented, medicine, and field work. However out there in the field she's well known as a tactician, cleverly using both her own powers as well as the surroundings to her advantage. She is very much the stalker and ambush hunter, though she's hardly ever 'stealthy', she's usually just 'far enough away they don't know what's coming'. Crow can use most melee weapons, rope and grapnel, lasso and whip, and the like, and prefers not to use ranged weaponry. She also has a tremendous sense of style, and can make virtually anything, even just mud and sticks, look good. Where her father has a strong understanding of the emotions and wellbeing of the animals he trains or works with, she ... well she does 'care', but she knows that in the long run they're either help or food, like her brother has this practical attitude. She's the one who typically hunts, traps, or captures prey, kills and prepares it for the others. She's not squeamish in any way, and she's completely unafraid of the tremendous heights that her dragon can carry her... Or of just standing on her shoulder, the dragon's big.
Personality: Forceful, bold, but also quite intelligent and knows when she doesn't know enough to blurt something out. She does not like being made the fool, so she stops herself from stubbornly asserting things when she's not fully sure. Most regular people at the Rookery would absolutely stare at her, and she has gone there a couple times just for that effect. Because she knows that anyone talking about her behind her back is saying very good things indeed. She's no gossip, herself, and prefers to be frank and blunt. However, even though she's quite aggressive sexually, romance eludes her because she's not really sure she'd make a good partner to someone else. She's fallen madly in bed with a good number of ladies who were interested, and a few men too.
Events or History: As she was 8 when the group was moved from Aperturth to the Rookery, she was wide-eyed and bushy tailed, and had a collection of tails from animals she'd hunted already. She remembers that her parents discussed at length with that blond girl Melissa, things about her - and after her Icarus treatment and skill insertion, she reminded them that they'd done the right thing. She shot up in height by the time she was 14, though she'd already started puberty when the treatments were being done, so she did have some amount of adjustment to make.
Now that she's befriended dragons... there's no turning back at all.
She and her dragon group reside in Defense Tower 9, central and southernmost of the towers.


Name: Ishmeral Filidechiropterex
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large as hell, 23' s / 115' l / 190' ws
Colors: Graphite body with gold gem insets; gold copper blend face, horns, claws, belly, fins, paw pads, weapon tails; feather wings brilliant yellow-gold; feather crest and tail tuft violet mix purple; blue eyes
Features: mutt, 4 feline pawed legs with 4 claws each, fore have fin wing extensions; body is furred with armor scale belly and gel-like gemstones growing from it; face has scale muzzle and small gems with two short sharp back pointing horns, very large bat-ears, feather crest on head and neck; tail is split with tuft on one with spear end, other is bare with axe end, these are 'gel' but sharp; egg laying; this dragon's parentage carries shapeshifting.
Powers: Winged Flight, though huge, Ishmeral is obviously a good flier and fights in the air as well as on the ground. Her wings being feathered tend to wear out a little more quickly than those with leather ones and thus she doesn't maintain a long flight or speed. Obviously she's able to carry and lift a massive amount, with a wide back capable of having an entire bus strapped to it with ease (though not with comfort).
Teleport, where Ish is best at travel, however, is that she can teleport at will, anywhere she's got in her mind. Having resided exclusively at the Healing Den all her life means that she was trained with imagining a fixed point or location, and this habit has stuck with her here. She does occasionally wind up traveling back to the Den by accident if she's not paying attention, but that's fine, no time passes there to outside forces. She can teleport rapidly with line of sight, or more carefully and slowly to locations given to her by Crow's mind or other dragons, or other Vortal minds though she prefers to listen to her bond.
Psionics and Communication; Ish's preferred method of communication is telepathy, and her mental voice is strong, soft, and deep. She can speak, but rarely does. Her mind has a range of over 100 miles, so it's unlikely that anyone in the Grounds will go missing under her watchful mind. She can sense emotions and is highly empathic, though she is good at draconic empathy as well as toward humans and other small species. This is much closer range, though she's huge so that hardly ever matters.
Parentage: Veretus Ceres and Ganeen Filidechiroptidae, bred on the Healing Den
Origin: Nexus breeding, she has quite a few siblings though not all from the same clutch, as other locations also spotted this pair for breeding and let them lay on their sands too
Other Info: Among a small nest on the Healing Den, Ishmeral has waited for her chance to shine, and this is absolutely it. She's forceful but patient - she'll watch and wait for a moment to strike, and nothing can stop her then. She's massive, probably the biggest dragon here (certainly at the Grounds, and there are maybe 2 or 3 others of equitable size at all in the Rookery), and as such tends to use her size to intimidate people and dragons, as well as her enemies. Crow hasn't stopped her from doing this, either.


Name: Yew
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (long) 7'2" s / 60' l / 60' ws
Colors: rusty orange, with buff colored mottled dusting on back of neck and body, with body solid in that shade; wingsails and horns darker rust red-orange, wingsails extremely transparent; eyes bright orange-yellow
Features: Whiptail, on the small side
Powers: Winged Flight, Yew is very quick in low canopy and near the ground, using his tail as a rudder and even though he's quite long and has a wide wingspan, he has been known to weave around very tight trees and even in the urban center nearby has no trouble in corners. He's not durable, and wears out in the air quickly, but when he's up he's fast and sure. He is often used as a distraction since he's reasonably bright, and since he's orange if someone from the Grounds or Mansion sees him up there they know to get to shelter as he serves as a warning in Lambda colors...
Learning, Yew, while smaller than many Whiptails, is quite smart and learns very quickly. He is neither jumpy nor wary, he won't enter a fray unless Crow tells him to, and will instead give off a low rumbling bellow to inform anyone he's seen something out of the ordinary. He makes a very good watch dragon.
Parentage: Unknown wild Whiptails
Origin: Adopted from DragonsAndVideoGames on Deviantart
Other Info: Though littleish he has a big personality and will certainly posture for dominance even toward much larger Whiptails. He won't bother trying to show off to other dragon breeds.


Name: Redwood
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-large (long) 10's / 100' l / 90' ws
Colors: crimson red, marked on neck and back with slightly speckled deep red, under that a lighter pinkish red fade on shoulders and neck base, and marking all but wing arms are large open rosettes in darker dull crimson, wing finger ends blackened red; wingsails blackened red transparent; horns purple with stronger purple stripe; eyes dark cyan
Features: Whiptail standard, large
Powers: Winged Flight, Redwood is a reliable flier, like her name implies she likes to soar to great heights and is stable and steady. However she's also known to fly in the dark or during storms, easily avoiding any injury with her keen and lithe responses. While she knows that Ish is the 'main' dragon in this group, she will take point on scouting missions and Crow tends to ride her instead of Ishmeral due to ... well, being ridable sized and not troop transport sized. She can attain a very high top speed, though she must follow through with a long cooldown and slowing, she cannot just zip down out of the skies and land on a dime like some. She has had to utilize the dragon healers on occasion because her wings will take some amount of damage if she's in too much of a battle, or if there are things in the air - she'll simply smack them with her massive wings.
Protective; Redwood is territorial about their Tower, and the nearby spot of garden, farms, and trees. She won't hesitate to take to the air and fight, though she will immediately come out of it if Crow demands her down.
Parentage: Unknown wild Whiptails
Origin: Adopted from DragonsAndVideoGames on Deviantart
Other Info: Headstrong, but smart and confident, Redwood can sneak up on things even though she's quite big. Crow loves this aspect of the dragon, she can be quite silent and sneaky when she wants to be!