Name: Jed

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~17, aged, RY 9

Origin: Rookery born to local and Aperturth parents

Family: mother Crystal, father Jacob, has plenty of half-siblings on mom's side

Other: notably, Crystal has him post-Icarus treatment

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 110* Icarus treatment as well as inheritance strongly influences his frame, which seems much more bulky and muscle-bound than his weight indicates; also he is much faster and more nimble than normal

Hair: very dark brown, a bit on the stringy side, and likely will have some pattern balding later in life, but for now it's kept jaw-length; has a nice beard and very heavy brows

Eyes: quite dark brown, but with a violet tint, narrow, with heavy epicanthal fold

Appearance: lightly yellowish tan, no marks or scars, bronzes with sunbathing; he has the look of a more burly type, but don't let that fool you. Also he really enjoys having access to 'costume' parts and located a theater supply shop in town which made him one of the most popular kids in the Grounds what with all the fun stuff they had; he has a gravelly voice, but not hard to listen to at all

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3 he was boosted with more than his mom's inherited treatment, and it very strongly improved his physical condition; he is durable to an extreme and heals up to 4x faster than normal, can run or move over many surfaces about 3x faster than a regular sprint, and he is about 2.5x stronger than a typical man; also this improved his Vortal presence considerably

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls / Doll Divine | Game of Thrones

Genetic Abilities: while he does have a modest to minor overall suite of telepathy (to about 250 meters) and empathy (strong with individuals under 25 meters), his Vortal aura sight is quite strong and particularly well tuned to electronics and crystal-based technology. Thus, radios, LCD screens, any form of transmitter or equipment that has lenses or crystaline form components is his to command. He can spot even the tiniest crystal substance - such as a single ruby in a pocketwatch - from about 50 meters away, larger rocks and formations with ease at up to 500 meters. He can clearly discern any weaknesses and fissures in specific stones and on touch he can 'fix' those imperfections by moving the different substances around (a golf ball sized stone can be shaped pure within about an hour of hard work), but also can 'tune' crystals used in radios or transmitters so that they can be hidden from Combine sensors. With effort and proxmity (less than 20 meters) he can alter broadcast wavelengths if the devices use any form of crystal tech, which basically all of them do around here. He benefits strongly from having a Xenian crystal near him, so he does keep one of mom's 'Medicine' bags around his neck to boost his abilites. He has been working closely with some of the scientists that visit to create Xenian-based radio units, which will allow them a much greater leeway in communication as well as emergency teleportation technology.
Skills or Profession: since his prowess is geared toward crystals, he has received quite a bit of downloaded skill in geology and gemology, metallurgy, and electronics. He can also run a forge, though doesn't really concentrate his efforts in that large-scale work. He knows how to operate cameras, radio equipment, fix computers and televisions, and other such devices that work with stones he can sense. His father has trained him in the use of the equipment he is familiar with, so they're working on a closed-circuit 'show' and help with the Carnies when times are slow, putting together videos and memories of their recent performances up on screens around the Grounds. He's much more the behind the camera type than one to talk into a microphone, though, and can direct and edit pretty artistically.
Personality: He's pretty casual, he likes focusing on work and then on play, but knows how to mix the two and provide some very fun artsy fartsy effects for the Carnies shows. In fact he put up the big screens and projectors they use now, since their light shows generally have to be hidden from outside view. He is a fun-fashion type, so it's not uncommon to see him wandering the Grounds in full SCA regalia or dressed up as a Victorian Gent.

Events or History: as he was born from a pair that mix different dimensions, he himself is a bit of an anomaly, but shows that interdimensional cooperation is the best thing since sliced bread. Jed likes to explore, but keeps it to when things are slow and safe around the State Center area. His dragon came to him shortly after he was aged, which took him from about 3 years to 12 in a short period of time. He can keep up with all the others of his 'generation', even his older siblings.

He has taken up in a relocated set of buildings toward the eastern side of the Grounds, which he calls Knowledge Is Power, combining the windmill power lines, electronic communication center, printing press, and small television / radio station equipment. He and Jacob will definitely be working on getting the news where it needs to be!


Name: Wireless
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 7' s / 30' l / 48' and 20' ws
Colors: belly from face to mid tail, behind legs darkly navy blue; antennae, horns, wing accents, neck trim brilliant yellow; body, limbs, neck, wing arms, tail pale creamy yellow-green with mushroom white and dusty blue insets; armor, back spikes, claws, wing markings mushroom-white; wingsail dusty blue butterfly markings with yellow and white; eyes deep navy blue
Features: Silkwing
Powers: Winged Flight, though small he's powerful enough to lift two humans and some crates for a decent amount of flight time, and can burst into a speedy sprint for short durations, long enough to get out of a fight. Generally he avoids lengthy flight times, preferring to be in the air only as much as needed, unless he's at work. He can glide well, but that's only with practice and some added silk to help lift.
Communication, where Wireless really soars is in his ability to hear and sense vibrations. His antennae can pick up slight sounds from far away, and he has no trouble filtering out louder or nearby sounds to listen in on things up to 2 miles away. He likes living near the wind farm, feeling like the slow beating of the windmills is like a heartbeat. He can also use his silk strands to 'type' out messages, and for that reason he's learned Morse Code. He can speak softly, in English and Draconic, and though he does have a good Vortal bond with his human friend, he cannot speak or hear telepathically. He really doesn't need to, given he can feel the Vorts nearby in the Xenian cluster and tells them that their voices are beautiful. He can hear ultra low as well as ultra high frequencies, and 'feel' subsonic motion such as seismic activity as well as slightly into radio frequencies.
Silk Production, Wireless is far from lacking in the silk production department. He can cast wispy lines that attach to things and allow him to feel vibrations through them, so he'll wait for the wind to be right, and then shoot some lines toward a building that they suspect is occupied. He'll be able to run that line for over 200 meters and still get a clear impression of any movement larger than a rat - so, headcrabs, humans, soldiers, are easily heard. His use of a thick sheet of silk to aid his gliding is, according to other dragons, remarkably clever, and he will coat his wings in it before setting out on a longer or higher-altitude flight to check on things from above. They help him catch more air, almost doubling his wing surface area. They are somewhat heavy, though, so his muscularity has improved after using this, and he does go faster when they're not attached. This type of silk sheet is also in use at the Carnies place, sometimes helping to cover up areas from sight, but also for home movies to be projected onto, as it's a very nice surface.
Parentage: Unknown Silkwings, not present on Rookery
Origin: Adopted from Tropicat212 with LS981 lines on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He's so ready to distribute pamphlets and papers from the air, that printing press thing is really neat. He loves sounds, all sounds, except if it's Combine soldiers, and then he's out of there. He is not combat-ready. He loves to listen to Jacob's tales of news gathering, and hopes that some day all the news will be better!