Name: Jacob

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: appears in 30s

Origin: Rookery Earth, part of the Shorepoint rescue group

Family: Deceased, known to have had a young son; After Hippies come to the Grounds, he and Crystal get along pretty well, their son is Jed

Other: Currently resides at Lane Mansion; now that the Cubbage boys are there as well, it seems he has an active interest in making sure they are safe and well-instructed, his fatherly instincts have absolutely kicked in

Height: 6'0

Weight: 180, burly build with strong torso and body strength

Hair: Dark brown, quite short, pattern balding on back so he wears baseball cap almost constantly; also keeps a neatly trimmed full beard

Eyes: Grey-blue, under bushy eyebrows

Appearance: fair skinned with numerous scars on arms and back, probably from fires and acid/toxin burns; typically wears armor that has been gathered from whatever resources are nearby, including his more favorite 'press' outfit - he had been a cameraman after all, so it's fitting that he continue wearing it

Genetic Abilities: Keen eyesight and a good ability to estimate angles and distances, but beyond that has no Vortal presence

Icarus Processing: none, may be a candidate for splicing, but would not particularly benefit from the process himself

Image Credits: Unknown Garry's Modder and Game

Skills or Profession: electronics and video equipment, also skilled with jotting down notes and quickly assessing situations. This is from several years of reporting. He's quick witted and seems to be able to all but blend in with the surroundings if he needs to observe without being noticed. While this didn't help much when Shorepoint was actually invaded by Combine troops, he knows he's still good at it and keeps the practice up around the grounds of the Mansion. Overall he would rather be in motion than sitting behind a desk with monitors, but he also still puts those cameras in the field himself, disguising them in trees or broken walls. Also he is singleminded when it comes to keeping an area secure - if he does see something on those monitors, he is in motion immediately to make sure that whatever threat, be it a headcrab or an entire army, is dealt with.
Personality: While he's not gruff or grumbly, he can be a bit testy at times. That said, he's more used to just shuffling around something in the way and getting whatever shot he needs, or putting himself into direct danger to save those behind him. He's done that on numerous occasions, enough that Leon admitted to Lane that he didn't want Jacob out in the field too often - he was prone to injury doing heroically stupid stunts like blocking explosions and toxic spills with himself rather than trying to pull someone to safety. He is stupidly heroic, perhaps dangerously so, but those injuries have in fact slowed him down a bit so that he now realizes he's best right where he is.
Events or History: Jacob had been attending a local university, an undeclared major but with a strong interest in reporting, writing, composition, and photography. He was putting himself through college with a side job doing camera work for the campus television station - usually outdoors and on the go, rather than sitting around inside their small studio. He enjoyed covering local events and crime, along with his partner Janine, with whom he had his son Jeffrey. Unfortunately they were still quite young and had been in one of the main locations attacked by the Combine on their arrival, and were lost almost instantly. While he's essentially functional, there are days when that event haunts him. He helped other refugees and citizens of this new awful world get settled, quietly plotting until he heard tell of a plan to basically steal a train. He was on that train, he helped plant the explosives and set off events that led to a group of shaken but free people finding the Shorepoint Industrial facility where they holed up for a good long while. He was responsible there for setting up the security measures, and with Leon would communicate with other nearby outlets of rebellion.
When the Combine absolutely overran the place, it seemed doomed, but then ... dragons overran them. As he was injured, he and several others were taken to a more secure spot for aid, before being moved to the Rookery. Now resides at Lane Mansion doing security and monitoring, and would like to get back into reporting some day. Since the rescue of Cody and Herc Cubbage, however, he is growing bolder with the idea that once they rid this world of the Combine, he'll have a family again. He has not met Odessa, their father, personally, but from what he's heard the guy's far too full of himself to be of any use. He does realize that they're not even from this universe, but he could swear that he's seen these kids on his travels before they 'arrived'. (He would be correct ... and some day he might even try rescuing them...)
In RY+8 he is still in the Mansion's main grounds and serving as a monitor, occasionally patrolling the entire Grounds area overhead, and does a lot of logistics between the Towers. He and Crystal do form a decent partnership even with their very disparate backgrounds.


Name: Spot (Spotlight)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 11'6" shoulder / 41' l / 85' ws
Colors*: Body and limbs including wing fingers and face dark charcoal grey, blue (*) spots along neck and tail, on face around right eye is softly glowing white or lighter marking, as with belly seems to pulse; underbelly scales and backs of limbs smooth velvety black, with faint lighter spots on neck, belly, and mid-tail, these seem to pulse with light from the inside; wingsails on back are more evenly indigo with faint lighter areas that pulse, undersides are velvety indigo with tiny scattered star-spots - *all spots including wings and blue bits pulse with a slow pattern, when he's excited they speed up; all horns, spines, ridges, claws, and tail, are rich black; eyes are the same indigo as wingsails
Features: Nightwing, four strongly muscled legs with 5 and 4 short curved claws; two leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and strong wrist thumb all with short curved claws; body is front heavy but pretty even overall, with varied scales along limbs, large plated scales from neck to tail tip and on fronts of legs, belly from chin to tail and behind limbs is smoother armor; dorsal spikes are slightly longer on neck, triangular to tail tip; head is boxy with sharp beak, jaw nubs, prominent eye armor, external ears, and two straight conical back pointing horns
Powers: Winged Flight, Spot is utterly silent in the air at night, the only noise he might make is on landing on a surface that may groan or crumble a bit with his sizeable weight. While he is not remarkably speedy he is able to remain in the air for hours on end, and at times seems one with the night sky. He's all but invisible on cloudless nights, and can even seem like fireflies dancing through the air if he's at ground level. He can maneuver in surprisingly narrow areas, such as the forest near the Mansion, barely touching the ground but sometimes using a claw or foot planted carefully to turn. With his size and durability also come the ability to lift or maintain a hover with weight in his arms, and he's aided in putting defensive barriers around parts of the landscape.
Communication, as many Nightwings are telepathic, Spotlight is no exception. His voice is clear and chill, like the night sky, but his mental voice is more like a deep ocean, growing louder or softer in waves. He can Vortally speak with any powered individual with ease, and has a strong mental bond with his human friend. Verbally he can speak English and Draconic with equal vocabulary, and some amount of other languages as he's picking them up from Humans or Vorts. (*) He is gifted with much stronger telepathy than most.
Fire Breath, Spot's breath weapon can be described as 'fire', but it's neither hot nor does it enflame things. Rather, it's in a color that's nearly invisible to the Human eye, so far into blue as to be almost ultraviolet, and it cooks things. He can use this 'flame' to light an area, casting a strange dancing lightness around that's more easily seen in reflections or in its effects on the environment, than to be able to see it on its own. When he needs to use it as a weapon, it's as deadly as any other dragon's flame, but it cooks things from the inside and leaves virtually no other trace of damage on things that would normally be burned down. One side effect is that whatever has been cooked ... smells like it's been cooked - and pulling armor off of Combine killed in this manner has led to some really nasty thoughts from people. No you cannot eat the combine soldiers, but the headcrabs and other things, sure.
*Star-dance, though not really a power or Vortal ability, Spot's coloration does in fact move with his mood somewhat like a Rainwing's. The motion is limited - the spots on his face, neck, body, and tail all sort of grow large and small, weak and bright, in time with whatever softly pulsating mood he has. It isn't in time with his heart or blood, it's certainly got its own rhythm. Those on his wingsails move a little more aggressively, though they never quite swirl around like some might. He can open his wingsails in the dead of night, and 'perform' with them, they will sparkle and glimmer, serving as a distraction if needed, as they are somewhat hypnotic. Also, this covers quite a wide area, because his wings are large. This certainly allows others to sneak up behind their entranced prey...
Parentage: *Though it's clear that he's essentially a pure-blooded Nightwing for build, abilities, and coloration for the most part, it's also possible that somewhere along his line was a hybrid Rainwing. The markings that glow and slightly move, pulsing with his mood, seem to indicate a color changing power but he's not really in control over it.
Origin: Adopted from HufflepuffHannah on Deviantart
Other Info: Along with some of the other Nightwings, he thinks that this coffee-based economy of theirs is pretty neat. He does love the smell of it, and because he knows there are plant shapers around that can fix it, he's rolled around on the plants themselves... He says it gives him tinglies. That's because it's caffienating your scales, Spot.