Name: Lars

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: 7@ Arrival, currently 17

Origin: Aperturth, born at Mansion

Family: Mother Lena, father Oak, half brothers Hickory and Switch, half sister Prudence

Other: The quiet type that all the girls secretly want to snuggle up to, he's as good with refugees as Pantheon and it's likely he will have kids with more normal types rather than those found among the Icarus bunch

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 190, burly build and exceptional musculature in his arms and torso, he can withstand a great amount of work and effort, and though still human-level he's definitely among the top-tier normal for strength and endurance.

Hair: Dusty blond, thick and wavy, usually kept short and stylish, he has a narrow scruffy beard

Eyes: dark brown, small and round, clearly intelligent, and under expressive narrow eyebrows

Appearance: fair skin with small scars from working on machinery, bug bites, and the like. He's found a good amount of protective gear for working in the machine shops around the Grounds, so he's rarely seen without heavy work boots, protective gloves and goggles, and though he's pared down in the image he does like the color scheme but with long sleeves and a work vest or overalls. He's no dummy, fire hurts.

Genetic Abilities: though no Vortal abilities are actively present in Lars' DNA, he is very clearly attuned to mechanical devices, engineering, and the like. With his use of the Pythagoras treatments, these have become savant-level expertise. He can estimate and work through formulae in his head with ease, even if he hasn't had any skill downloads, and works on machinery as if it was shaped Vortally.

Icarus Processing: None, and displays negative markers from both parents, so would be very bad to have this done, and any of his children must be tested to avoid problems. However, he can be treated with the Pythagoras serums, and he's benefitted greatly from this, for his memory, fine sensory tuning, and overall intelligence.

Image Credits: Doll Divine GoT

Skills or Profession: Mechanical engineering and practical work on the devices found around the Grounds and on the Mansion itself, Lars has trained with a number of the older folks in the area and has a very hands-on approach to problems. He knows what wrench to use, when to bring in the fine screwdrivers, and how hard to hit something with a mallet to pry it loose. He likes working with both large machines like waterwheels and turbines, and tiny things like clocks and watches, both of which are definitely found on site. People often bring him and Gadget their broken toys, clocks, and radios - and walk away happy that they're in working order. Because the world they grew up in is certainly dangerous, he does have some amount of experience with weaponry, mostly hand held or heavy like sledge hammers and shovels. He does have a bunch of rope and line, and enjoys rope tricks, much to the delight of certain ladies... and gents, who take their imagination way too far...
Personality: He's clever and kind, though a bit of a loner. Gadget is certainly his closest friend and confidant, though not his lover, and he does want a steady relationship, not a bunch of different partners. Quiet, observant, and careful. He's very diligent in his work, and will absolutely check both his and anyone else's - if someone screws up, it won't be his fault. He takes pride in his work, and has fixed up the little classic water wheel house that's north of the Carnie encampment, and this is where he tends to remain as it's pretty central to the entire area.
Events or History: a kid but not a child when they were moved to the Rookery, he was well aware of the bunches of broken tools, machinery, and equipment scattered around the area even before Cougar was introduced to him. She has proven to be a wonderful addtion to his life, as she doesn't demand much and doesn't talk like some dragons... He likes the quiet of nature as much as the hissing and clamor of a workshop.


Name: Cougar
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (long) 9' s / 90' l / 84' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip creamy buff; all other body caramel tan; wingsails very transparent pinkish tan; horns two tone khaki and brown; eyes bright green
Features: Whiptail standard, on the larger side
Powers: Winged Flight, Cougar likes to spring attack and doesn't sustain long term flying very well. But she's remarkably tough and quite agile in the air, so for short periods up to 10 minutes or so at a time, she's an absolute demon to fight. She tends to jump straight upwards to get in the air, but can leap forward or off hills in order to gain air under her wings. She is quite speedy but overall would prefer to travel on the ground, rather than flying. Her grounded speed is steady and quick paced, but she can also slow to a near-complete halt without moving and remain that way for quite a while.
Tricks and Training, like most Whiptails she is amenable to being given instruction, and only does so from her human friend Lars. She remains aloof when other people try to get her to do anything, but she does recognize people that he has tasked, so she knows not to ignore them when they have the same goals ahead. She has an excellent long term memory, recalling places and commands like a pro. It's not clear whether she can understand the meanings behind some of the terms Lars and others use, for their repair work, but she can fetch the correct tool box or item without fail.
Tail, as Whiptails go hers is magnificent, and she likes to use it for more dexterous work than just slamming into things. Not quite prehensile, but she can sense with it to a degree that is impressive, and knows how to avoid hurting herself just by looking at an item in the way. Hit a soft sheet-rock wall, sure, but not a stone one!
Parentage: Unknown purebred Whiptails
Origin: Adopted from and Species by DragonsAndVideoGames on Deviantart
Other Info: She's very much like her name implies, loving to roost on rocky warm areas overlooking things at the Grounds, and since the area is barely a mile across she can easily spring into action from anywhere when the call goes out. Once whatever group or team work is done, however, she almost immediately retreats to her vigil on her warm rocks.