Name: Lyssa

Gender: Female, straightish

Age/DOB: 8 @ arrival, 18

Origin: Aperturth, near Mansion

Family: Mother Grace, father Lore, half brothers Pack, Felix

Other: will be quite choosy about her children, given her powers and purpose

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120* Icarus has lightened her quite a bit, for her strength, long and lean but not flat or boyish

Hair: reddish rust, thick and wooly but easily tamed into styles, quite long if it is straightened, and very voluminous

Eyes: incredibly dark indigo blue verging on violet, large and expressive

Appearance: darkly brown skin with no scars, however a few moles here and there; cute nose, very full lips usually smirking, high arched eyebrows; slinky in motion, extremely graceful and sure, has a husky sexy voice

Genetic Abilities: along with the physical prowess she got after Icarus treatments, her speed can be boosted Vortally for very short bursts, which she uses to climb or get into very improbable locations. It's not a teleportation, but if someone handed her a Portal Gun she'd know just what to do with it. However, her normal Vortal abilities are much more like Grace's: she has very strong precognitive power that allows her to remain safe from dangers that are nearby (within 25 meters, so headcrabs or other animals, but not distant snipers). Over time she's learned that her speed is tied to this danger-sense, and just lets it happen - if it goes off, other people should follow suit too, and start looking for whatever triggered it. Though she looks overtly delicate, she's anything but, and gets into and out of dangerous locations without a scratch. She has a more standard psychic suite, able to sense Vortal auras the strongest, distinguishing powers in an aura and freshly-used powers nearby, but also strongly empathic at 20 meters, and able to telepathically ping any Vortal mind within 100 meters. She tends not to use her telepathy to actually talk, but can in a pinch, it does for whatever reason wear her out a little.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Arabian Nights

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 10, this process allowed her slight frame to accommodate her father's great strength, as well as improve her speed - both of those are upwards of 3x better than a normal person's! It also greatly improved her Vortal abilities.
Skills or Profession: she was always considered the 'lucky' kid, because nothing really ever hit her even when things shook up or a Portal Storm occurred. The acrobats love her and she has a lot of training in their arts as well as juggling, knife tossing, and danger-room style leaps and escapes. She dances beautifully, and knows how to use her body to convey moods, and truly loves having access to gorgeous clothing - Wilson has made several performance outfits for her using cloth made by her own dad. Though it seems like she shouldn't be out in the field with such garments she has virtually never gotten them dirty, and uses them instead to entice prey or enemies into attacking or fleeing a specific way. In tandem with her danger sense as well as Greyskies camouflage, they make an exceptionally good hunting and scouting team. She likes having practical uses for the powers she's got - others can leave a trail of 'shaped this branch' or 'sent out a mental ping here', and she can unerringly follow it, and knows inherently which path might have been dangerous.
Personality: she's never been as 'sweet and demure' as anyone might expect with her appearance, though she's not the tomboy or tough-girl, she's very much the aggressive hunter and likes toying with her prey. Catlike in that way, in fact, as she'll sit and watch an area for an hour before deciding which guard to fool, or what burrow to spring on for lunch. Equally though, she's catlike in her fastidious clean look, physical prowess, and ability to lure anyone into trying to pet her belly... it is a trap.

Events or History: born on the Mansion grounds and considered quite the popular child. As she was already hardy and quick on her feet, as well as quick witted, it was natural that she took more to the action side rather than her mother's more patient and focused scrying.

Currently resides in the Carnie area, but does regular patrols centered on Dragon Tower 6 in the eastern area gardens.


Name: Greyskies
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 8'6" s / 60' l / 90' ws
*Colors: underside from chin to tail tip and behind legs medium steel grey trimmed with slightly darker grey, face and dorsal strip, leg and wing armor also darker grey; face, neck, body, limbs, wing arms, tail reddish purple with inset scales in dark grey; wingsails metallic purple with bright accents shining with light on it in vibrant pink and very dark purple; neck frill very vibrant pink; horns, claws, dorsal ridge white; eyes dark blue *all colors subject to change
Features: typical Rainwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Greyskies loves to fly in early morning or late afternoon overcast, in the fog, during storms, or in low-light conditions, and she's really good at it. She's too big to 'avoid getting hit with rain' but she leaves hardly a trace behind in a light mist or fog, and only the barest eddy behind her in rain. As graceful as her rider, she can use her tail to swing or grip a sturdy object and balance, and does a lot of aerial tricks. She can lift a surprising amount of weight, but does so at the cost of some of that grace, and would prefer to only lift two or maybe three humans worth at any time rather than a large container or bulky weights. She can lift virtually anything for a short time, provided her claws can get a grip on it, and she has been relied upon to carry large but lightweight items across the farmland from one homestead to another, such as alfalfa bales for cattle or harvested fruits.
Strong Prehensile Tail, because Rainwings have those massive claws and prehensile tails for getting around in the deepest forests of their homeworld, this serves her very well in the woodlands and ruins around the Mansion and Grounds. She can grip with that tail so tightly that even a Strider will be held fast, and she can keep one or more of its legs occupied and not get hit by its weaponry by virtue of her speedy moves and flexibility. She can't lift off with such a weight, but can certainly take it for a drag...
Communication* With Greyskies being able to move her colors around she can reliably convey meaning even at a long distance or through bad conditions. She speaks in a chipper tone, and tends to use English and what sounds like Hindi mixed with Creole, where she picked that up is anyone's guess. She understands but cannot really speak verbal Vortigese, and as she lacks Vortal inputs she can't get the true meanings anyway. She does speak Draconic but not well, she's just out of practice but no one really notices nor cares.
*Color Shifting, as a pure Rainwing, Greyskies can consciously shift the colors of all of her scales through a wide variety of patterns, at pretty swift speeds too if she has a plan for what to look like. Her belly and armor parts often remain in the black-blue-steel-grey-white range, though the blues can verge on brilliant cyan and sky blue. The wingsails are vibrantly metallic, including the neck frill, and she can use those as signal blinkers in bright sunlight or with a light source shining on them. They're so metallic in fact that the scales that might fall from them have decent scientific use. They usually go through purples and pinks, from a pale carnation pink down to a vibrant violet. The body scales however don't remain purple for long if she doesn't want to be yet another purple flower... her scales have the full spectrum including browns and blacks, and she likes dancing different colors like, as some of the hippies have put it, a really great acid trip. The circular spots on her sides can glow visibly white, as white as her claws and reflective, but often are seen in steel and blue, posing as 'raindrops' here and there.
Venomous Bite, as Rainwings go, her venom is pretty weak, but present enough that if she has to defend her human or those around them, the bite will be painful and sting for hours, and be very distracting. It can't really kill a human-sized creature or larger, but is deadly to smaller ones even if it's a drippy miss. The drops of this venom will evaporate and be inert within a few minutes, but if they're on exposed skin or anything that a creature uses to absorb moisture, it will immediately grow welts and incapacitates with pain shortly. She does donate this spit to the scientists on a regular basis.
Parentage: Unknown pure Rainwings, though she's got similar coloration to a few here and there it's not clear whether they're related to her, maybe by aunties and uncles.
Origin: Adopted from GuildKnight with lines by FearlessMist on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: a great team, visually and Vortally. Though she isn't 'impressed' to Lyssa, they do share a Vortal bond of some kind, and she can rely on Lyssa knowing where she is, if not the other way around. Together they can perform some amazing stunts, and Greyskies is not the type who freaks out when her rider leaps off her shoulders in a battle! She knows exactly what she's doing!