Name: Lore

Gender: Male, Bisexual

Age/DOB: 33, unknown dob

Origin: Aperturth, Chicago IL

Family: Unknown, deceased elders, though he mentions a brother on somber occasions; is known to have at least 2 children among the hippies and carnies, Lyssa with Grace, and Felix with Freedom

Other: He's playful and confident, and will give a big hug to anyone, even if they seem a bit prickly. Also he's big enough that this will never turn out badly, because he does give really nice hugs

Height: 5'11"

Weight: around 200, probably more, as he puts padding on as well as muscle. He did some amount of competitive wrestling when he was in high school, so his overall body strength is quite high

Hair: reddish black, silky and straight normally but with a very heavy texture that could have been wooly, but has never kinked up; kept reasonably long, but up in a bun, bushy eyebrows, hefty sideburns

Eyes: vibrant dark blue, extremely odd seeming for his other features, round, usually bright and happy

Appearance: his mother was black and he has most of her features such as the broad nose and thick lips, but he definitely gets those blue eyes from his father, who was apparently from India and of mixed heritage himself. His skin is red-brown, with plenty of small scars from sparks, burns, and wood incidents; he prefers leather and heavy gloves, but also likes to put on a bit of a show. He has 'really stupid wide feet' and thus even if he should be wearing more safe footwear, there just aren't shoes built for him comfortably, so he makes them from scraps and tires. He has a pleasant and deep voice that can become extremely loud if needed.

Genetic Abilities: None known, but he is quite a bit stronger than a typical person, and might have been recruited by the Carnival as a strong man if they'd gotten to him before the Weirdness happened.

Icarus Processing: None, doesn't show any negative markers, so Melissa asserts that his children are likely to be fine with it too, and might benefit in a more tangible manner than he could.

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Prince Maker

Skills or Profession: As his name implies, Lore is all about history, understanding a place or person, and putting these things together into pleasing ways. As a story teller he's quite superb, but he also likes to put those stories and information to actual use. He's one of the few Hippies who would 'read the fucking manual', and as such he can direct reconstruction on items, industrial devices, or just put together an Ikea cabinet without issue. He does like things to be organized, he's not a sloppy person, so he will compulsively figure out what the arrangement is in an area, and use it. Silver thinks this is fantastic.

Personality: Kind, a gentle giant, but also sensitive and occasionally withdrawn. He isn't a leader, but he will certainly take control over a group if they seem like they're in trouble, or going to be having difficulty. He's picky, at least about certain things: if someone has messed up his schedule or his items, put something out of place, for instance, he'll grumble the whole time he's putting things right. But he doesn't hold a grudge, and isn't at all picky about who's next to him when he beds down for the night. He can sleep positively anywhere, and has done so - including on his dragon's back, while flying...

Events or History: Not an unlikely addition to the Hippies, but he had been an apprentice at an assembly plant, learning how to build machines, and organize things. His mother actually taught him much of what he knows, though if anyone asks what happened to her and his brother, he will simply clam up and attempt to blow it off. Whatever did happen has left a deep scar in him, one that even Vortally powerful people can't budge. He is trying to soften this edge actively, by working at the north-central local-and-relocated textile mill, creating items and cloth for use by the refugees, up at Dragon Tower 2 is typically nearby for temporary housing though they aren't considered part of the patrol overtly.


Name: Evening Soft
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Large (bulky+big) 12' s / 54' l / 120' ws!
Colors: belly from chin, neck, chest, under tail to tail tip soft buff pink; face, limbs, pale orange; scales from neck to tail pale orange with lavender marks; dorsal armor, nose, limb armor, to tail tip mauve, limbs have lavender marks; wingsails white tinted with very faded lavender, brighter dorsal; dorsal fin from nose to body lilac, from body to tai ltip white; all claws and horns muted black, eyes dark red-brown
Features: Pure Sandwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Evening spends most of his time in the air, particularly during dawn and dusk, when his coloration blends in perfectly with the cloudy skies around him. He has massive shoulders and can lift a huge amount of weight, he's responsible for moving some still-full container cars from the train yard nearby into the storage areas on the Mansion's grounds (... now they have a literal tanker full of corn syrup, you're welcome). He enjoys giving rides, and can host six human-sized people on his back, and they seem to like the smoothness of his wing beats, they are nice for extended periods. He does need a large amount of space to spread his wings for a standing takeoff, can run off a higher area without that space to catch the wind, but doesn't need much room to set down... though he is quite big and you know when he's landed. He is not one to do much in the way of acrobatics, he prefers a good soaring spiral to loops and dangerous stunts.
Communication, like his human friend he is calm and has a pleasant sounding, really deep and rumbling voice, and if he's ever been angry no one's heard it. He prefers to go silent than to insult or object, but he will put his foot down - literally - if need be, to get a word in edge-ways. He has a strong vocabulary, and speaks Draconic, English, and Vortigese to a large extent. While he doesn't have any Vortal power, he can sense his rider when they're close, within 250 meters.
Updrafts and Wind Currents, a modified form of heat manipulation which any given Sandwing might try if they really wanted to (or so he says). He can produce a warm pocket of air around his wings and tail, allowing him to soar effortlessly (like he needs to expend effort, with wings that big?) or even remove that warmth to give a quick downward rush. He doesn't have to be flying to do this, but it does appear nearest his body - and then he can sweep his wings to move it around, producing a mini-tornado or heat wave. This effect is short lived, a little weather current like that lasts maybe 2 minutes. But he can keep producing the warmth at will, it doesn't exhaust him in any way, so all he really needs to do is keep flapping, to move a lot of warm air into a spot to help the refugees get settled in.
Flame Breath and Heat Tolerance, as a Sandwing, his tolerance for the hot desert sun and arid conditions are easily seen. He hardly ever drinks, and can produce a very hot somewhat short-range gout of flame. This will burn easily flammable objects, but will only singe hair or curl whiskers, as the flame is also very quick in and out of existence. He uses it more for a distraction than anything else. Also he cannot do this as often or for sustained periods as he can with his heat production.
Parentage: Unknown Sandwings, not present on the Rookery, unrelated to any visibly.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Don't mistake his name, behaviors, or lovely soft colors for weakness. While not fierce toward any human, Vort, or most other dragons, he will absolutely defend his territory, and feels much more bold when there are numerous others on his side of an argument. He doesn't like gunfire, arrows, or the like, he prefers to shield his friends from those things with the use of his powerful wings and that updraft he can make - as most projectile weapons of any speed will either melt or get tossed aside by it. Beam, energy, or particle weapons cannot be altered in this way, so he's had more than one burn mark needing to be tended to. He is surprised that he cannot just shrug off those hot beams!