Name: Grace

Gender: Female, Pansexual

Age/DOB: 29? / unknown DOB

Origin: Aperturth, likely from a big city on the East Coast USA, but has been in the Carnies all her life, no one knows if she has memories of where she'd been as a child

Family: Unknown, likely sold or handed off to the Carnies as an infant; has two known (born) children with them, Lyssa with Lore, and Pack with Quincy

Other: If Melissa has her way, this woman's DNA will be appearing in a number of new projects...and Grace is fine with it 'as long as she doesn't have to carry them', which will not be an issue

Height: 5'7"

Weight: petite around 120, extremely lean and slender, muscular enough to be active, but not much padding

Hair: richly copper brown, generally kept in a tail, braids, as shown, or done up in extensive and pretty buns; natural texture is wooly

Eyes: nearly black brown, a bit on the 'sleepless' side due to powers kicking in

Appearance: dark brown skin, full lips, a bit of a snub nose. She tends to like wearing practical but very pretty garments, suitable for her skill set, even now, though she's certainly been seen in overalls and mud boots while picking through the bushes for the 'good berries'.

Icarus Processing: None, but Melissa encourages her to do so even at her age. She wants this to already be present for any spliced or future children, to enhance what will be there naturally.

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Dancing Asha

Genetic Abilities: Grace is a seer, with a strong Vortal sense - she wasn't just hallucinating when those 'other people' arrived and showed them to their new digs. Or old digs: she's convinced that the ground they are actually sitting on is still the same as that in their home world, because she can 'see the difference' between it and the existing Mansion. Well, that too is a bit weird, because there are 'layers' of different auras around it. All of this is true: with how the Mansion and its grounds were brought back to life here? She's able to detect subtle auras as well as strong ones, and isn't blinded by either. Her sight extends from 'they have some power' to being educated by Melissa and Carmine about what the subtle differences between powers look like. Obviously she can sense both inanimate things and living ones with this power, generally the stronger the aura or power, the farther away she'll see it. She has no trouble sensing where the Mansion is, therefore... While she cannot openly communicate Vortally, her mind is quite welcoming and silky according to telepaths and empaths. Occasionally however, she is given to fits of prophesy - she can see both mundane and spectacular events in trances, and goes through the effort to focus her mind when she's seeing them (... unlike a certain fire-powered Pantheon man...) (with whom Melissa is planning on mixing her genes), so that she can recall details. Not everything that she's seen has come to pass, but it's unclear if that's because farther off visions are only 'maybe', or if they're entirely different dimensions as Rex often sees. When Grace says 'hey look out for this', people have learned to take note and do so.
Skills or Profession: Even as a youth, she was gifted with visions of people, places, and events. As a child she could hold someone's hand and tell them actual prophecies about them, but they rarely believed her - all of them would later recall her intense stare and tight grip on their fingers, though, after the fact. She was groomed as the replacement fortune teller for the group, attending the elder one and escorting people in and out of the tent before Aperturth's weird disasters started. She is careful on her feet, measured in movement, and rarely is less than her namesake, Grace has an elegance that is very practiced. She had been considered for the Acrobatic team but simply told them 'I don't like what I See', and they backed off. Whether that was an actual vision of being injured, or just her not wanting to throw herself around in front of a massive crowd? Who knows. She prefers the one-on-one of a fortune teller's tent. She is well versed in human interaction, and has a large vocabulary, having swiped a good amount of books from various towns libraries to read them while she was not working. Here in the Mansion, she's had time to flesh out her education quite a bit, and is obviously quite intelligent.
Personality: A bit stand-offish until she's had a good 'look' at someone, and will outright avoid people she doesn't enjoy seeing. What that criteria is, even she can't really say for sure: because there are people who are gritty and burly, but also apparent sweet hearts among them. She does enjoy being taken seriously, and even Paxton respects her abilities. Grace does like her privacy, possibly because too many people mean too much distraction Vortally.

Events or History: Part of the group of Carnies and Hippies that hooked up on the ride west from Chicago, landing in Lane Mansion on Aperturth. With the world ending over there, it was not just sad, but to her: annoying, because now she had these skills and no one to use them on. But now that there's an actual reason to have the power to foresee things here on the Rookery, she has truly begun to shine. Now as long as she doesn't have to actually push out any more kids, that'd be greeeaaaat.

Though remaining on hand at the Mansion and with her own small room set up in the attic (... Amon, stop messing with her stuff that's why she put up a divider) Lavender and she spend some time at the nearby relocated lake, though not really 'on patrol' unless needed.


Name: Lavender
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11' s / 53' l / 102' ws
Colors: chin, neck, belly bright white; face, neck armor, limbs including wing arms, sides, and sides of tail pale lavender with white and darker tiny mottling spots; head armor, horns, claws, spikes, dorsal spikes, and back and tail armor darker purple more heavily mottled with lighter and darker purples; wingsails brighter pink-fuschia graded to violet, with heavy spots of white and purples; eyes vibrant pink
Features: Pure Icewing
Powers: Winged Flight, a powerful flier, Lavender is not all that maneuverable in the air, but can maintain a steady course even in high wind or bad conditions. Thus he's relied upon for dangerous duties in those conditions - though Grace is not the one riding him if he requires a rider in that state. She will often come along on the ground, either in a chase car or on one of the grounded dragon types nearby, though generally speaking her commands and visions tell him more than enough to locate endangered people out there. Though his spikes make it dangerous to ride his back, he often carries a harness and can lift six or eight human-sized things with ease, and bring them safely back to the Mansion. Notably if you get him on a good clear day with a straight-line course, he's among the fastest fliers on the Grounds. But put a turn in that course and he's gonna lag behind.
Communication, Lavender can speak a grumbling English, though he's better with Vort and Draconic. He can easily sense his human friend's needs, and their bond is quite strong.
Ice and Storm Adaptation, though he doesn't live in the frigid areas of the world any more, he's well suited to the bitter Winter nights and can survive extreme cold as well as the aforementioned storm conditions. He has no trouble seeing in dim or low lights, or with fog, blustery dust, or blizzards. He can wade through snow drifts that would have killed smaller creatures from the cold, in fact he likes drifts to be around shoulder height! He can spread his wings out and look like a beautiful field of flowers, over the snow. His claws on both limbs and wings are extraordinarily sharp and sturdy, so now he uses them mainly to dig through ruins, or even through solid rock though you don't want to be around when he's doing that: not only because he tosses that rubble behind him on his way through it, but because the sound it makes is truly ear shattering. He can maintain his balance on slick surfaces thanks to those claws, but whatever he was walking on will certainly have claw holes in it once he's been through it.
Ice Breath, all those abilities are good for the weather, his breath is less potent than you'd think. He tends to lay a cloud of extremely cold mist onto things, frosting up glass or plastic, and when it lands, it becomes a sheen of ice. This ice lasts for days, so he can actually create a skating rink if he's given the right location. Because his breath isn't a true 'weapon' he uses his icy mist to create sliding areas where other dragons or the humans or Vorts will have placed traps. He feels he's of much more use in search and rescue operations, than attacking or other activities.
Parentage: Unknown pure Icewings; though he seems to have a similar coloration to a number of Ice-centric dragons in the Rookery, if they are related it's quite distantly.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: he does kind of miss the more icy and snowy conditions he was born into, but there's time for that later. He wants to help this world out, he feels it's a much more noble pursuit than fighting other dragons for scraps of land.