Name: Hayliel Larrabie (hae lih ell, the chart's important parts stand out; ladder spirit shine)

Gender: Female, she/her, straight

Age/DOB: ~16, aged / born RY6

Origin: Rookery born at the Bayou; currently residing in Black Mesa, but has her old room at the Bayou house

Family: Mother Pastell, father Hamael; twin brother Peliel; extended relatives and all the ELLs

Other: she exhibits a lot of gramma Mel's tendancies regarding genetic detection and preferences, see below

Height: 5'6"

Weight: smol, given that both parents as well as grandparent and ELLs being fully Icarus processed she hardly registers but she's hardly just a twig, and is much stronger than she looks

Hair: dark charcoal brown with coppery highlights, quite curly and typically let loose, to high back, styles well

Eyes: deeply brown, though they do turn a brighter copper shade with certain conditions, heavy lids, under thick and high brows

Appearance: the darker of the twins by a long shot, Hayliel stands with confidence and grace, though she can seem a bit stiff at times; has a flat and broad nose, and thick, naturally dark lips; she adapted several styles of found-clothing to her liking, but definitely grabbed that pair of hiking boots from Mel's closet. Speaks carefully and with big words most of the time but has what she knows is a 'hyena laugh' but don't tell her that to her face

Icarus Processing: no, though she was aged artificially around age 2 with her brother, and both of them exhibit the traits common to fully processed Pantheon. The lighter weight, strong muscularity, and durability are all things that their parents have and are echoed directly in Peliel and Hayliel. She is capable of regenerating limbs and healing internal injuries within a day or so, but she shines in the 'adaptation' department and can simply resist invasive conditions - from knife wounds or crushing damage, poisons and toxins, breathable dangers, or radiation and heat damage, she simply takes a tiny bit of that damage and then it stops affecting her body; she cannot control this ability, but it does 'reset' after a few hours of the danger ceasing; she is about 3x more nimble than most people, though not particularly any stronger or faster; it's possible that she will stop aging when she reaches 'around 24'

Image Credits: Meiker / Elequinoa Regency

Genetic Abilities: Biologically 'malleable' in the same manner as Melissa, she's able to adjust her eggs to suit their potential best-outcome from a mate. She will use this feature in very clever ways, but still prefers to get to know a partner before starting the discussion about 'there will probably be offspring' with them. However she can at least say that she can turn off the parts Mel got saddled with: she is the one choosing the partner, not the other way around. She can sense both Vortally and chemically (she can open her mouth and wave her head around, like a cat smelling something on the wind) (she still licks her partners) the DNA of humans and near-humans, and without reservation she can create 'the same species' out of her ova. However she can also affect other creatures with this, her 'healing trance' while doing the horizontal tango can affect both partners. She can with some amount of practice with others, also do this to a pair of people or even more than that, which has resulted in "group" DNA collection. Imprinting the selected results onto 'blanks' for genetic engineering tasks, Hayliel hand-crafts new offspring without even once having to handle a still-warm cup or extract sample cells. The implantation obviously takes place later. She is truly a genetic crafter, and has focused most of her efforts on this. Otherwise she has a strong Vortal connection to her brother and to a lesser extent can detect her extended genetic relatives, more easily communicating with them at greater distances, but she can telepathically contact any mind within about 500 meters without difficulty. She can see Vortal auras and enjoys pondering, like Melissa does, which powers might work combined with others, all leading again back to the 'do you want to donate you don't even have to do much' discussion...
Skills or Profession: mad science and genetic engineering, she intends to continue to improve the state of the human condition - and Vortigaunt lines - as much as she can. She's got all the skills needed to not only collect samples or implant things, but to actively alter cells for gene therapy, and has extensive hospital knowlege from pharmacology to anesthetics, surgery and recovery tech, preservation and morgue work, pretty much if it ever happened in a sterile lab or hospital environment, she knows how to use it, fix it, and even invent it. Her bedside manner is also well practiced, mainly because Melissa insisted she learn how impactful their rather aggressive and very personal work can be
Personality: intense and clever, she isn't as invasive as some in her family. If she's interested in someone for use in the lab, she will certainly be a bit more aggressive than just someone wanting to converse, but she knows how to take no for an answer, and will move on when she knows someone has any particular issue preventing or preferring against it. She enjoys her time out and about in the Bayou and Black Mesa, at least as much as inside a lab or in a clinical setting, and visits the Ranch's little clinic often to make sure that they have everything they need
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