Name: Pastell

Gender: Female, bi

Age/DOB: ~15, aged, 2030?

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: though she is an ELL, she's also got quite a bit of Sandy's DNA, thus she has some diverse and distant relatives on that side

Other: she's quite interested in having a family of her own, since she knows that it's possible; now she just has to find the right partner! (She and Hamael will eventually settle down, and while she technically 'works' at the Rookery, they raise that family in the Bayou, Hayliel and Peliel are their children, in RY6)

Height: 5'3" but she wears big shoes as shown, she really is pretty short even compared to some other ELLs

Weight: around 90, she's much curvier than that implies, thanks to the Icarus treatments reducing her weight

Hair: very dark brown, with slightly coppery highlights, looks like embers under charcoal; loosely curly, kept short but when it's wet it is actually quite long

Eyes: violet, like her 'mother' has, they started a dark blue, so they're vaguely blue-tinted, almond shaped, large, with strong epicanthal fold, under high brows

Appearance: dark brown skin with virtually no scarring thanks to Icarus and her healing; a broad nose and full lips, very expressive face as well as voice; likes wearing the 'Aperture Blue' and white outfits they found and redesigned, and since she's quite short she does boost her height using big trendy (well, trendy in the 60s) platform boots

Icarus Processing: yes, while she was being created, Melissa gave the full treatments; this reduced her weight strongly, and improved her overall health, she's very resistant to things like diseases and radiation, toxicity, and energy based damage (heat, combine lasers, etc). She can heal completely from limb loss, within about a day, provided she has enough food on hand to 'eat her way healthy', and Pastell can almost literally eat anything and be fine: she's among the very few creatures who can consume bullsquid with no ill effects; she's modestly stronger than typical (about 2x), though not a runner she can sprint quickly and jump a little higher than normal, and does show marked dexterity boost (her hands are around 3x more fiddly and nimble than others), and her sense of balance has never let her down - she chose those boots but only after trying on the 6" spike heels... She was aged to about 11 or 12 before being released, there were quite a few other kids around that age at the time, so she fit in, and has grown up with them all

Image Credits: meiker 70s Fashion

Genetic Abilities: with her ELL side she's got some amount of physical prowess that comes with the territory, however it's Sandy's donation that has made a tremendous difference. She is a strong empath, with the ability to sense emotions and pick out individuals among many at up to 100 meters away, though if a crowd is really heavily agitated she will become a bit overwhelmed. She can slightly nudge people's emotions, not radically, and must be within 5 meters to do this, preferably touching. She lacks technological power, instead she is a healer of wounds and hearts: her favored tactic is to walk among groups of refugees or recently-returned scouts and fighters, and soothe both their minds and bodies. She can 'group heal' up to 6 people at a time, though only minor injuries such as bruises and cuts, nothing deep. But if she's going one-on-one with someone and is well-rested, Pastell is able to regrow other people's limbs from completely missing, or reattach ones that have been severed, also curing even long-term diseases. However she cannot 'fix' genetically inherited disorders, only injuries and things picked up during life. She becomes exhausted after any major work, but overall if she's just fixing small things and lifting the mood of a group, she is actively reinvigorated by doing it. She does have minor close-range telepathy (up to 25 meters easily, but can push to 50 if needed to one person only), and she can faintly see Vortal auras though only in people who are near by, working best with those who have Vortal abilities themselves.
Skills or Profession: Pastell has been given extensive medical training, not the least of which is downloaded almost directly from her 'mom' Sandy's experiences. She likes reading up on old medical processes and technology, and though she doesn't create medical devices herself, she understands their use with ease - anything from a hand-held scanner to a full arthroscopic device. That's the extent of her tech use, however, that and records-keeping. She is known to carry around a small recording device and uses it similarly to how a forensic scientist might. (Some other downloaded skills are from Mars...) Pastell is a healer through and through, and she's often the first person that greets incoming scouts or fighting groups when they return. She gives people the once-over, both Vortally and physically, making sure that they aren't carrying parasites or dosed with radiation, before coming back in - whether that is to the EC on Repurposed earth, or the Rookery itself. She does also give 'exit exams' to those on their way somewhere else for permanent assignment, and sends them with their paperwork to make sure that whoever will be taking care of them later has enough to go on. Pastell is expert with traumatized groups, treating each person in turn but also addressing them Vortally as a whole, which can be a weird thing to watch if you've got the Vortal senses to perceive it. A mixture of tendrils coming from her reaching out to the people around her, and a glow around everyone, it's easy to tell when she finds a problem, and the quality and colors of the auras change based on the state of those people. She likes having a 'strong sky blue' around everyone before she's done. She can also work with surgical tools, and knows how to distribute medication to those who require it.
Personality: Not as quiet as an ELL, but also not quite as intense as Sandy, Pastell is friendly, strong-willed, but gentle in most ways. She's no pushover though, she will make it known that she's going to be helping and once she's set on that nothing can stop her. She won't pressure someone who isn't willing to be treated in other ways, but Pastell will outright heal injuries without asking. She is reliable, confident, and quite pleasant to be around when things are going smoothly. She isn't 'chatty', but definitely likes conversation about how other people's lives are or were going.

Events or History: though she was created at the end of the Combine reign Pastell is clearly well suited to life anywhere. She knows that the world - either of them - is still a dangerous place. She spent her youth among others, learning how to use her powers and making connections among groups, so when she was introduced to the idea of dragons she jumped at the chance to help. She certainly has proven herself capable in a ruined world, and enjoys her new life among the dragons. It was a Winter day when she discovered several small eggs, shimmering as if they were little snowballs... not that she'd ever seen a snow ball? Or snow?

Name: Azure
Gender: male
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet, around 14" long
Colors: 'Sky Ice' mixing rich blue and cyan
Powers: flight, minor empathic connection, stealth on ice
Other Info: almost always found wrapped around Pastell's right arm, and sniffs at everything she gets close to just to make sure it's safe
Name: Shimmer
Gender: female
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet, around 16" long
Colors: 'blue ice' violet-blue and cyan with bright white markings
Powers: flight, minor empathic connection, dazzling icy coloration can distract
Other Info: often on Pastell's left shoulder, and is a bit chatty
Name: Sky
Gender: male
Size/Shoulder/Length: pet, around 15" long
Colors: 'pale winter' cyan and white mottled, silver wing tails
Powers: flight, minor empathic connection, causes small amounts of sparkly snowflakes when flying
Other Info: usually flies around Sanctuary's horns and antennae, and often scouts areas before the others arrive

It was a bit later when Sanctuary was old enough to fly, but they'd become close friends basically on sight. Her little flitters are far more helpful than not, and sometimes can help pack wounds or make sure people remain calm while they're flying, by distracting them.


Name: Sanctuary
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small (big wings) 7'4" s / 34' l / 60' and 30' ws
Colors: vibrant blues from sky, cyan, denim, and navy, marked as shown with paler white-blue streaks, claws and ridges dark navy, eyes bright cyan
Features: Silkwing, with very large wings
Powers: Winged Flight, Sanctuary is very strong in winds and unpredictable weather, very light in the air under basically all circumstances. She confidently flies directly into storms, wind, snow, sand... you name it. She doesn't do this when her bond is with her, unless the situation warrants it. She's been known to actually fly into tornadoes, and has been told not to ever approach Portal Storms in this manner. She can carry a surprising amount of weight, up to four human-sized objects, and tends to keep them close to her body by using her webbing, and she seems to know just how any wobbly weight will affect her flight. She doesn't have good endurance, however, and tends to fly only for short periods, up to twenty minutes at a time, before she rests a bit.
Communication, Sanctuary speaks clear English and some amount of Vort, but very little Draconic. She was hatched only a few weeks before arriving to the Rookery via one of the local portals, before her wings grew out, and she actually has a strong vortal connection to Pastell. She uses this connection to speak telepathically, though she lacks other forms of Vortal power. Also her senses are very keen, she can 'smell' the air with her antennae, sensing both chemicals on the wind, and vibrations that are too delicate to hear or even feel as a human. She can sniff the wind up to 3 miles away for specific scents that she recognizes, such as Combine vehicle grease, blood, and antlions. She can communicate marginally well with 'singing' by rubbing her antennae, but only those with high-and-quiet senses can hear it.
Silk Production, an expert with finely tuned and specific-duty silk, Sanctuary can make or break a rescue. She knows when to use sticky thread to bind wounds temporarily, or heavier netting for carrying the wounded. Her silk is temporary, lasting about two hours for any type, though she can also create 'super quick' ones which vanish after less than 20 minutes, or dissolve with alcohol, but the strength of all of them is consistent otherwise - if it's meant to break away, it will, if it's meant to remain steady it does so. She can produce a very strong coccoon for carrying wounded, which numbs and renders the person unconscious, and this can help in life or death situations. Given that they often retrieve those folks from scouting or fights, Pastell can have Sanctuary do some amount of triage, and decide who can wait and who needs help first.
Parentage: unknown, unrelated to any on the Rookery at present
Origin: adopted from TerrorTheArtist with lines by xdragonrebornx on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: An exceptionally good helper for this healer, she has always had it in her head to be among the group greeting fighters and scouts. Refugees and travelers alike appreciate her presense, because her smooth flight helps keep them safe even while her rider soothes their injuries.


Pets: three butterfly-like flitters from Starfyre, 2020 Winter Gather pet page! No known parentage, and are as shown for features